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You were probably just doing it wrong TBH. Have you tried sumos, block pulls or trap deadlifts?
Naw I did it right. Just had a slip. I hit the first rep. 2nd took it out of me.

Tried the rest of the stuff. I just don't like it. Never have and it's not for me. My back is probably my strongest and best looking body part. That's all without deadlines for majority of my life.
"Generation Iron 2" isn't bad. My girlfriend kept calling Rich Piana creepy and weird..........may he rest in piece.

Still waiting for that "Westside vs The World"
Question (I need shady and Callibeebee to weigh in too)

I've been having shoulder problems for about a month. Nothing preventing me from lifting and it even doesn't hurt when I DO shoulders, but it's there. I don't feel it, doing 135x8 weighted dips, but it's there. Yesterday I started Incline Press Machine, 275x15. I only hit 5 before I felt the pain ripple through my shoulder and had to bail out.

I figured it'd be better by now, but no. I think it may be a cuff issue.

What should I change about my training? Obviously, go lighter, but with everything in general? Or only workouts that directly correlate to shoulder work?

I do 5 days: Chest, Back, Legs, Shoulders, Arms. Not in that order.

Also, I started watching Iron Gen 2 last night, or Gen Iron, or whatever. It made me want to get big, then I remembered my shoulder and my knee is f'd up. Life sucks.
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Sounds like maybe an overuse injury? I would maybe try heavy and less reps.

Shoulder joint is one of the worst designed joints ever.

I'm sure you know this, when you dip, set you shoulders in place...aka grip the handles and screw your arms into your body. This motion will keep your hands where they are, but it will stabilize your shoulder into the joint.

Also maybe get an MRI

Hope this helps.
happened to me a couple months ago, I tried to battle through it. I just basically stopped lifting for a week. I knew it was my rotator cuffs from going heavy or just terrible form. It was a sharp pain at the top of my shoulder it eventually went away.
Question (I need shady and Callibeebee to weigh in too)

I've been having shoulder problems for about a month. Nothing preventing me from lifting and it even doesn't hurt when I DO shoulders, but it's there. I don't feel it, doing 135x8 weighted dips, but it's there. Yesterday I started Incline Press Machine, 275x15. I only hit 5 before I felt the pain ripple through my shoulder and had to bail out.

I figured it'd be better by now, but no. I think it may be a cuff issue.

What should I change about my training? Obviously, go lighter, but with everything in general? Or only workouts that directly correlate to shoulder work?

I do 5 days: Chest, Back, Legs, Shoulders, Arms. Not in that order.

Also, I started watching Iron Gen 2 last night, or Gen Iron, or whatever. It made me want to get big, then I remembered my shoulder and my knee is f'd up. Life sucks.

I just had an ortho appointment this morning and learned I have a loose shoulder capsules (shoulder instability). It causes all the surrounding muscles to compensate and in the process become overworked, tense and sore. I'm going to try PT for another 6 weeks or so and then consider surgery but I'll do everything in my power to avoid the knife.

One thing I can advise is: do not lift beyond your natural ROM.

  • Touching the barbell to your chest is most likely a bad idea
  • anything behind the neck (press or pull) is no good
  • rowing with an excessive ROM is usually harmful
Any time your humerus goes beyond the plane of your torso, you're putting undue stress on your glenohumeral and AC joint. Unless you're a competitor, touching your chest is probably a bad idea, depending on your anatomy. People with narrower chests and longer arms it's especially harmful. People with barrel chests and/or shorter arms can often get away with it.
happened to me a couple months ago, I tried to battle through it. I just basically stopped lifting for a week. I knew it was my rotator cuffs from going heavy or just terrible form. It was a sharp pain at the top of my shoulder it eventually went away.

Only took a week?
I’m dealing with a tweaked left shoulder, I think overuse, I can’t do any pressing without pain, it’s been 2+ weeks and still about the same. I never feel it unless pressing
Yeah, not really a good move for your shoulder. Same with rear lat pulldowns. I don't know why anyone every did either of them like that. Do the standard version. Way safer.
Athlean x has some really good videos on shoulder pain rehab and exercises.

I never understood the bros in the gym saying that behind the neck exercises work the muscle differently , some have even said its more efficient lol. just last week 2 bros were doing behind the neck shoulder presses. they loaded the bar up with 185 and started to struggle to even get one rep while the spotter was doing most of the work, i swear my ac joint and shoulders were in pain from just watching
I do a **** ton of face pulls and rear felt flys to help with shoulder issues.

A good shoulder warm up I do is a massive superset with 10-15lbs of side/front/rear raises and OHP, do each one for 10 reps and do it for 5 sets, over 100 reps total and really gets them warm.
^ same. I do a lot of face pulls. really helps with my shoulder health esp when they were hurting a lot.

my shoulders still hurt, but it got a lot better. i just started avoiding the lifts that bothered it like flat bench + side lat raises.
Face pulls the goat... Shoutout this thread for introducing it to me (think it was m boiz m boiz )

I used to do upright rows and that really had my shoulder hurting
Yeah I've heard good things about facepulls. I can't do them because I usually end up overextending my lumbar spine to compensate for my lack of scapulothoracic mobility.
Only took a week?
I’m dealing with a tweaked left shoulder, I think overuse, I can’t do any pressing without pain, it’s been 2+ weeks and still about the same. I never feel it unless pressing

Yea i just started avoiding the main lifts that affected it like someone else mentioned and took a bunch of tart cherry inflammatory supplements
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