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Tried using the trap bar for the first time today. Didnt really like it that much


Bar weighs 80lbs

Barbell row 4x12
Seated rows 4x12
Reverse lat pulldown 4x12
Rear delt cable fly 4x12
Db curl 4x12
Db hammer 4x12
Seated db rear delt fly 4x12 then dropset it with standing db rear delt fly

Did 30 pull ups. Was struggling at the end lol

I haven’t lifted in like 3 weeks besides pull-ups. Was on vacation then got on the plane back and immediately felt like ***. I think I got a sinus infection. Debating if I should go today. I wasn’t planning on going heavy anyways and the sickness is all in my face and head. It’s not like it’s the flu.
Been slacking on anything fitness related for the past month and a half. I've been too tired from work but I started exercising again on Thursday. I just noticed that my 5lb. tub of protein expired last month. Am I taking a risk by still using it? I have 2 tubs that don't have much left, there's probably 20 full scoops left in each.
I’m sure you won’t get sick. It probably just won’t taste that good. Just dump it in with a smoothie or something.
What programs are y’all running? I’m thinking 5 3 1. I’m not worried about getting bigger just stronger.

I’ve been making gains still but I never have a plan and just go in lifting whatever I feel like with reps all over the place.
To get stronger, you gotta eat more.
When u eat more, you will get bigger.

What i do is on my heavy days ill go for singles or doubles. Light days just go for reps with a nice set of weight
Yeah I know that’s part of it but I’m trying to maintain 175-180. I just cut down from 190 and am happy with where I’m at now. I’m 5’8” so 180 is cool with me I feel like garbage at 190. It’s just not how I’m supposed to be built. I’m eating 4k calories a day if I’m maintaining 190 and I’m over it.

My maxes now are

B 235
S 355
Dl 485

I feel like I got plenty of room to grow in those lifts even at 180 especially in my bench and squat. I know girls squatting more than me at 130 pounds. :lol:
Ive been doing 3x3 for bench. Recently started doing triples for squats, my knee feels a lot better after sets of 3 than sets of 5. I just do more total reps now.

Deadlift i kinda just been doing whatever lately, stopped with ed coan (more of a time issue and not having ten weeks to complete it). Just been doing a couple top sets of five reps.

The accessory work is my biggest change in the last month or so. Went from 3x8 or 3x10 to 4x12. Had to drop the weight a lil but i definitely feel it. Also switched ohp from 5x5 to 10x3
Yeah man, once you get up there in weight less is definately more. My dl sessions are pretty short these days. You don’t need to pull 90% too many times to get results.

I also just like to go hard and get out of the gym within an hour. I don’t do too much for accessory either. Usually just body weight stuff like dips, pull-ups and hamstring curls.
Im hype bout this pull up/chin up challenge. Thats probably the weakest exercise for me and often times i half *** it or dont do it smh.

Im gonna try stay on it and do as many as i can per gym session since i dont gotta bar at home. Even if i end up doing one at a time at the end :lol:
Im hype bout this pull up/chin up challenge. Thats probably the weakest exercise for me and often times i half *** it or dont do it smh.

Im gonna try stay on it and do as many as i can per gym session since i dont gotta bar at home. Even if i end up doing one at a time at the end :lol:

I wasn’t challenging anyone besides myself but the more the merrier. :lol:

Bro get one at the crib, then every time you walk through that door just bust a few out. That’s how I got good at them.

Got the tally going next to it. :lol: mine was like 30 bucks and you can do wide grip unlike a lot of them.


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I used to have one but lost it in a move yrs ago. Then some broad gave me one and it was in the trunk of my car when that whip got scrapped :lol:
:lol: man I’ve scrapped hella cars and forgot **** in the trunk. I’m the king of buying whips for 2 grand and driving them until the wheels fall off and scraping them. I’m not trying to stunt I’m trying to save.
so I've hit a plateau on bench guys....I don't want to say how much cause it's embarrassing. any advice to up my weight? my goal is 225.
ahat ahat for the ohp 3x10, wat weight?
5-60% of max

135. I didnt really pick a % i just threw on 1 plate and it was good for me. Last couple reps on second set starts to get challenging and third set is a battle.

Might try go for a new max next month
Yeah I know that’s part of it but I’m trying to maintain 175-180. I just cut down from 190 and am happy with where I’m at now. I’m 5’8” so 180 is cool with me I feel like garbage at 190. It’s just not how I’m supposed to be built. I’m eating 4k calories a day if I’m maintaining 190 and I’m over it.

Man its just crazy how we are all built differently, Im the same height but theres no way I could walk around at 180. I feel like ill have a tough time just getting to 200. I remember like 4 years ago I cut all the way to 175 before I started lifting heavy and I was only eating like 1800 calories a day and you're doing it on 4k :frown::lol:
so I've hit a plateau on bench guys....I don't want to say how much cause it's embarrassing. any advice to up my weight? my goal is 225.

Most likely Youre doing something wrong. Maybe try 5x5 starting with 160? 185? Then slowly work your way up each week with the weights.
Man its just crazy how we are all built differently, Im the same height but theres no way I could walk around at 180. I feel like ill have a tough time just getting to 200. I remember like 4 years ago I cut all the way to 175 before I started lifting heavy and I was only eating like 1800 calories a day and you're doing it on 4k :frown:::lol:

Man I know. It shows in the lifts too. I’ll never have a bench like you. I’m just not built to flourish in the upper body lifts.

I’m sure you remember my frail picture I posted at 115 pounds. :lol: it’s just how I’m made. I did this “cut” at 2700 calories and 300g carbs and didn’t worry about fat at all.

You’re the short stocky dude with wide shoulders. I’m the dude you can’t even tell if he lifts until I take off my shirt or you see me from the back. :lol:
In4 pull up challenge. I suck at them but this gonna be a good way to improve and keep me consistent
In4 challenge. Ima add push ups in there also so 33 a day strict. Geezus I can do about 8 strict. I've gained 10lbs since I started bulking. A lot of water weight
Just bust out 5 at a time. Once you go until fatigue it’s a wrap.

And yeah strict, no kipping garbage. You look like an ******* and you’re only cheating yourself.
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