STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

My rest days are Friday and Saturday. So I'll aim to do 50 those days and maybe only do like 20 on Thursday and Friday since. Thursday is my back day and Friday is my bicep day
I think I’m just gonna do 35 a day until I’m done. If I’m feeling weak or something one day I can do less and the other days will cover it.
Yeah I know that’s part of it but I’m trying to maintain 175-180. I just cut down from 190 and am happy with where I’m at now. I’m 5’8” so 180 is cool with me I feel like garbage at 190. It’s just not how I’m supposed to be built. I’m eating 4k calories a day if I’m maintaining 190 and I’m over it.

My maxes now are

B 235
S 355
Dl 485

I feel like I got plenty of room to grow in those lifts even at 180 especially in my bench and squat. I know girls squatting more than me at 130 pounds. :lol:

Lol I feel like I should be squatting 400 for reps.... I just figure my deadlift will always be my weakest lift...

Bench has improved greatly I hit 183 and felt sluggish... I’m try to get to 190 after this show....
Me too bro me too. :lol: these powerlifting girls are no joke.

I just started 5 3 1

I figure since I haven’t lifted in a few weeks and it starts off easy minus whale.
Did some front squats and zerchers since i dunno.when. Kept it light

Front squat


Leg press 4x12
Calf raises 4x30
Face pulls 4x12
Forearm curls

42 pull ups... No specific rep scheme just as many as i could at a time mixed in thru out the workout

Tried to learn sumo today after 3 years of conventional. Like actually learn it with good form not just playing around. It’s waaaay weaker than my conventional right now but it felt pretty good. Gonna keep working on it.

Hit a bunch of practice at 135 and 225 then did.

405x fail then pulled it conventional for 5 :lol:
Man I know. It shows in the lifts too. I’ll never have a bench like you. I’m just not built to flourish in the upper body lifts.

I’m sure you remember my frail picture I posted at 115 pounds. :lol: it’s just how I’m made. I did this “cut” at 2700 calories and 300g carbs and didn’t worry about fat at all.

You’re the short stocky dude with wide shoulders. I’m the dude you can’t even tell if he lifts until I take off my shirt or you see me from the back. :lol:

Haha you can get a beastly bench, just gotta work at it and get big. Crush upper body like you do those deads and it will come. 5'8" to 6 foot is the perfect size frame to build.
True, I’ve been getting it dialed in lately. Haven’t pushed past 235 but I can rep 225 for some sets now and it’s not too bad. It’s definately gotten better.
Tried to learn sumo today after 3 years of conventional. Like actually learn it with good form not just playing around. It’s waaaay weaker than my conventional right now but it felt pretty good. Gonna keep working on it.

Hit a bunch of practice at 135 and 225 then did.

405x fail then pulled it conventional for 5 :lol:

**** sumo :lol:

Not many reasons to try and master it if you're not competing in my opinion, you can do a lot of other things to strength your hips/glutes/hams. Actually goes for just deadlifts in general really, if you're just looking for a good physique you really don't need them.
True, I’ve been getting it dialed in lately. Haven’t pushed past 235 but I can rep 225 for some sets now and it’s not too bad. It’s definately gotten better.

I remember when I started bulking for the first time that my bench literally almost went up overnight, it was wild.
so I've hit a plateau on bench guys....I don't want to say how much cause it's embarrassing. any advice to up my weight? my goal is 225.

Google Stronglifts 5x5

As long as you're eating properly, you should be able to 1RM 225 with a simple 5x5 merit-based progression system.
Spartan race completed. Finished in a little over 2 hrs compared to the near 3.5 hrs it took last time. Could have finished a bit faster but took time to help the others in the group. Def wanna get my time under 2 hrs next time.

Was able to complete a bunch of obstacles I failed last time so I'm happy with myself
Spartan race completed. Finished in a little over 2 hrs compared to the near 3.5 hrs it took last time. Could have finished a bit faster but took time to help the others in the group. Def wanna get my time under 2 hrs next time.

Was able to complete a bunch of obstacles I failed last time so I'm happy with myself

And the kbbq?
**** sumo :lol:

Not many reasons to try and master it if you're not competing in my opinion, you can do a lot of other things to strength your hips/glutes/hams. Actually goes for just deadlifts in general really, if you're just looking for a good physique you really don't need them.

Man I never even gave it a second thought until my back started acting up.

I messed it up ego lifting like 8 months into lifting and ever since then I can feel it at 450+ it’s not bad but it’s like it’s just there saying **** this lift up and you aren’t trying your shoes for a week.

That’s what got me wanting to try sumo. I’m trying to push past 5 plates and not piss my back off.
Man I never even gave it a second thought until my back started acting up.

I messed it up ego lifting like 8 months into lifting and ever since then I can feel it at 450+ it’s not bad but it’s like it’s just there saying **** this lift up and you aren’t trying your shoes for a week.

That’s what got me wanting to try sumo. I’m trying to push past 5 plates and not piss my back off.

Yeah you can over come a lot, knees/ankles/shoulders/pecs but the back is the one thing I don't like to mess with. I about ****** my **** up a few weeks ago ego lifting on OHP. Ive decided the carryover isn't worth the risk and I only do it seated now or stick to comfortable rep ranges.
Yeah you can over come a lot, knees/ankles/shoulders/pecs but the back is the one thing I don't like to mess with. I about ****ed my **** up a few weeks ago ego lifting on OHP. Ive decided the carryover isn't worth the risk and I only do it seated now or stick to comfortable rep ranges.

Man it’s the only injury I’ve ever had from lifting and I still pay for it time to time.
Didn't get to the gym til 7 pm last night. Was tired and caffeine wasn't kicking in. Couldn't even think about doing the pull up challenge.
Going to start today
1000 pull ups.
Decided to do 2000 push ups as well. Since I know I can do triple the push ups. Plus my chest is my worst body part
So we have 30 days right..

Mboiz. Is it OK if I pm you about a no dead lift alternative.
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