STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Didn't get to the gym til 7 pm last night. Was tired and caffeine wasn't kicking in. Couldn't even think about doing the pull up challenge.
Going to start today
1000 pull ups.
Decided to do 2000 push ups as well. Since I know I can do triple the push ups. Plus my chest is my worst body part
So we have 30 days right..

Mboiz. Is it OK if I pm you about a no dead lift alternative.

Yeah I’d say 30 days is cool. Mine is done 11/20. I didn’t do any today since my back is fried. I’m 70 in so far in 2 days. I’ll get back after it tomorrow.
Mboiz. Is it OK if I pm you about a no dead lift alternative.

You can PM me anytime bro. I'll list some things here.

Now I will preface this with saying there is no single lift like the deadlift that targets as many muscle groups, you can get your entire body sore from them.

Exercises for upper/mid back:
BB rows - probably the king for back along with pull ups, I like to go heavy and light for reps
DB rows
Seal rows
Seated rows
face pulls
DB rear delt flys

Lower back is going to be a little tougher to isolate but it does get worked from a few of the ones listed above.
Hyperextensions - weighted or not these are probably the best for getting that tree
Very light RDL

Pretty much all machines are going to work here
Hip thrusts
DB or KB pull throughs
Very light RDL

I'm sure most people know about all these lifts but I promise you'll have a good wide back if you do these and you won't have to worry about hurting yourself for the most part. Now if you're trying to get really strong, powerlift or be a heavyweight BBer then yeah you gotta deadlift.
After all this deadlift talk I might as well mention my first day on my new program.


One of the most taxing and highest volume sessions Ive done in awhile, I was gassed.

BB rows

DB swings


DB rows

Seated curl

Shrugs and facepull superset
Whats ghr?

Also what grip do you use for bb row? I been alternating. Overhand one back day underhand the next
Whats ghr?

Also what grip do you use for bb row? I been alternating. Overhand one back day underhand the next

Glute ham raise, not many gyms have them, you can do a variant with a dumbbell but Ive never done them personally.

I try to use the same double overhand gip every time. I personally use the same grip width as what I do on bench because when you're benching you use those same back muscles to help keep you tight. If you think about it when you're letting the bar down you are doing the same motion just laying down.
Glute ham raise, not many gyms have them, you can do a variant with a dumbbell but Ive never done them personally.

I try to use the same double overhand gip every time. I personally use the same grip width as what I do on bench because when you're benching you use those same back muscles to help keep you tight. If you think about it when you're letting the bar down you are doing the same motion just laying down.

Bouta google some variations.

Word, you right its opposite of bench. Gonna stick with double overhand. I been gripping it a lil narrower than i do for bench tho, gonna do similar grips for both.

What's Zerchers?

What's Zerchers?

Similar to a front squat but the bar is resting on the crux of your elbows. Much less compression on the spine compared to a back squat. Good alternative if someone can't back squat due to injuries such as lower back, shoulder, etc. Strongmen do it a lot since it has good carryover to loading atlas stones.
Squat 365
Deadlift 425
Bench 245

Those are my numbers. Not the previous ones. Time to get serious in this thread. Gotta motivate each other. I'm 165lbs. My bench is trash right now. Injury set me back.
*Clown takes off the make up*

"Hey everyone, I'm not a clown anymore, you can take me serious, now"

Anyways, crushed shoulders today. Right dellt has been improving. Took it lighter to let my shoulder rehab back 100%.

One thing I noticed is I haven't did seated db press in months. After doing all of this OHP, I threw up 80s for 10, and could've gotten maybe 15. I definitely should be hitting 100x by now. I'm gonna try it when my shoulder is good again.

OHP is definitely helpful. I mean it's damn near the same motion, so it's makes sense. But I remember being stuck at 90x8 for seated DB press.

Started doing 60 min LISS work on my off days. Definitely helps to keep my water weight in check, since I usually drink a lot and go crazy on weekends. I just watch The Wire and play Clash Royale and CoC lol.

I see Boss back on his PL BS so **** it, I'm going hard again too as soon as my shoulder heals. Been wavering around 60-65% on this new program. Jumping up back real heavy in 1-2 weeks.
*Clown takes off the make up*

"Hey everyone, I'm not a clown anymore, you can take me serious, now"

Anyways, crushed shoulders today. Right dellt has been improving. Took it lighter to let my shoulder rehab back 100%.

One thing I noticed is I haven't did seated db press in months. After doing all of this OHP, I threw up 80s for 10, and could've gotten maybe 15. I definitely should be hitting 100x by now. I'm gonna try it when my shoulder is good again.

OHP is definitely helpful. I mean it's damn near the same motion, so it's makes sense. But I remember being stuck at 90x8 for seated DB press.

Started doing 60 min LISS work on my off days. Definitely helps to keep my water weight in check, since I usually drink a lot and go crazy on weekends. I just watch The Wire and play Clash Royale and CoC lol.

I see Boss back on his PL BS so **** it, I'm going hard again too as soon as my shoulder heals. Been wavering around 60-65% on this new program. Jumping up back real heavy in 1-2 weeks.

Dead @ clown takes his make up off

I still dont believe the fool. Like the boy that cried wolf

Anyways, is it just me or do you guys find seated barbell press harder than standing barbell press? I find seated db press easier than standing db press tho

Post chest :smile:
Dead @ clown takes his make up off

I still dont believe the fool. Like the boy that cried wolf

Anyways, is it just me or do you guys find seated barbell press harder than standing barbell press? I find seated db press easier than standing db press tho

I feel like you utilize some leg drive/more intra-abdominal pressure in standing OHP.

Maybe it's just mental.
I feel like you utilize some leg drive/more intra-abdominal pressure in standing OHP.

Maybe it's just mental.

I always have a tough time unracking the weight when doing seated BB. It does feel harder doing seated vs standing at the same weight.

Im thinking of switching seated dbs to Standing dbs for a lil while.
If I do DB press this is how I do them.

This might be a stupid question but this talk of shoulder press made me think about something relating to db bench.

Do you guys touch the dbs at the top of the rep? I used to touch the dbs at the top but i dont anymore. Ive seen people do both and honestly i dunno which is proper anymore lol

I dont touch for shoulders either
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