STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Just for the sake of conversation, I have to disagree with your bulk/cut ideology. Just because you’re big and shredded doesn’t mean you made it there because of your bulks/cuts. I’m not going to argue about your methodology bc as you said, it’s your body and you know what works for you...but that doesn’t mean everyone here is totally clueless either. You're obviously big and strong, I just think you’d see even better results if you ditched the bulk/cut every few weeks and stuck with one for a while.

I’d be willing to bet that if you reached out to a coach they would nix the bulk/cut cycle with the quickness.
Its damn near impossible to even sit with the adjustable benches at the very first notch much less use an weight and put it over your head :lol: .

This. Most people lack adequate thoracic mobility for overhead work and compensate by overextending the lumbar spine and jutting their head forward, while simultaneously impinging the rotator cuff. That's why 95% of the BB'ing population has either lower back or shoulder problems :lol:

Good read:

There are some simple tests in there that folks should do before throwing weights over their head.
This. Most people lack adequate thoracic mobility for overhead work and compensate by overextending the lumbar spine and jutting their head forward, while simultaneously impinging the rotator cuff. That's why 95% of the BB'ing population has either lower back or shoulder problems :lol:

Good read:

There are some simple tests in there that folks should do before throwing weights over their head.

Dr. Getback
Dude relax. I said it seems to make no sense but it works for you. What part of that you didnt understand. You say you gain 2lbs of muscle and then cut 2lbs of fat, thats absurd. Youre not gaining any muscle. Youre just staying lean. You will get the same result by just staying at maintenance and not messing with your metabolism and hormones. But like i said before, its working for you so its cool.
Now you're telling me about my body and what changes took place.

So post pics and show me what actual gains look like. I'm still waiting.

I was maintaining but gaining 1lb of fat and losing 2lbs of fat after. Makes sense.
Just for the sake of conversation, I have to disagree with your bulk/cut ideology. Just because you’re big and shredded doesn’t mean you made it there because of your bulks/cuts. I’m not going to argue about your methodology bc as you said, it’s your body and you know what works for you...but that doesn’t mean everyone here is totally clueless either. You're obviously big and strong, I just think you’d see even better results if you ditched the bulk/cut every few weeks and stuck with one for a while.

I’d be willing to bet that if you reached out to a coach they would nix the bulk/cut cycle with the quickness.
I know that article already.

I have it bookmarked.

If it wasn't bulking and cutting that got me to where I'm at, then what was it?

So I was maintaining but added more lean muscle....Makes sense.
This. Most people lack adequate thoracic mobility for overhead work and compensate by overextending the lumbar spine and jutting their head forward, while simultaneously impinging the rotator cuff. That's why 95% of the BB'ing population has either lower back or shoulder problems :lol:

Good read:

There are some simple tests in there that folks should do before throwing weights over their head.

I tried the first two.
The one against the wall i can keep my forearms, head and upper back against the wall but my lower back arches a bit... Kknda like when benching. Thats bad?

Second one did it no issue
Now you're telling me about my body and what changes took place.

So post pics and show me what actual gains look like. I'm still waiting.

I was maintaining but gaining 1lb of fat and losing 2lbs of fat after. Makes sense.
Wtf you talking about "actual gains". Never said anything about your gains or physique. Its quite impressive. But it doesnt mean you know what youre talking about mr.gains
I know what I'm talking about because it's MY body. What are you talking about? Im talking about what I did for MY physique.

So if I'm doing it wrong and yall know the right way to do it, let's see how you currently look. You should be twice my size and twice as lean, at least, since I'm doing it wrong and youre doing it right.

Yall love tO post opinions and memes but won't post pics or vids. So if you're not posting that, move on to the next topic. How tf you gonna tell me about what works for MY body lmaoooo wtf

Sometimes I bulked short and cut short. Sometimes I bulked long and cut short. Now I'm bulking long and cutting short. Now I didn't get where I am from bulking and cutting lmaoooo. Idk any other way to get big, strong and lean but apparently yall know a way.

Man listen...lmaoo
I know what I'm talking about because it's MY body. What are you talking about? Im talking about what I do for MY physique.

So if I'm doing it wrong and yall know the right way to do it, let's see how you currently look. You should be twice my size and twice as lean, at least, since I'm doing it wrong and youre doing it right.

Yall love tO post opinions and memes but won't post pics or vids. So if you're not posting that, move on to the next topic. How tf you gonna tell me about what works for MY body lmaoooo wtf

Calm down bro.
Dude relax. I said it seems to make no sense but it works for you. What part of that you didnt understand. You say you gain 2lbs of muscle and then cut 2lbs of fat, thats absurd. Youre not gaining any muscle. Youre just staying lean. You will get the same result by just staying at maintenance and not messing with your metabolism and hormones. But like i said before, its working for you so its cool.

Thanks for the advice. Good advice right here guys. Listen to this man.
I tried the first two.
The one against the wall i can keep my forearms, head and upper back against the wall but my lower back arches a bit... Kknda like when benching. Thats bad?

Second one did it no issue

If it's a natural arch, you're probably good. If the arch increases as your arms go overhead, it's a sign that you compensate at the lumbar spine. That leads to shoulder and lower back stuff if you do a lot of true overhead pressing. It's pretty easy to sort out though with thoracic mobility drills.
Says the guy that refused to take his meds and instead, came on here writing fairytales until everyone eventually ignored him.

Heard ju, ma.

It's cool. We positive on this side. I'm smiling and having fun everyday. I'm never mad. You're always pissed off in here. You need to calm down. It's just the internet.

Spread some positivity every day.

Good luck broseph.

Ps: you ugly as hell.
Lmaooo facts. I'm beat. That's why I workout so much. Distracts them from the face and gives me enough time to pounce. When they realize I'm ugly, it's too late.
If it's a natural arch, you're probably good. If the arch increases as your arms go overhead, it's a sign that you compensate at the lumbar spine. That leads to shoulder and lower back stuff if you do a lot of true overhead pressing. It's pretty easy to sort out though with thoracic mobility drills.

Gotcha. Ya its not increasing as my arms go up, just a natural arch.

Good looks on the info!
I know what I'm talking about because it's MY body. What are you talking about? Im talking about what I did for MY physique.

So if I'm doing it wrong and yall know the right way to do it, let's see how you currently look. You should be twice my size and twice as lean, at least, since I'm doing it wrong and youre doing it right.

Yall love tO post opinions and memes but won't post pics or vids. So if you're not posting that, move on to the next topic. How tf you gonna tell me about what works for MY body lmaoooo wtf

Sometimes I bulked short and cut short. Sometimes I bulked long and cut short. Now I'm bulking long and cutting short. Now I didn't get where I am from bulking and cutting lmaoooo. Idk any other way to get big, strong and lean but apparently yall know a way.

Man listen...lmaoo
Youre coming off as a clown. Im done with you bro.
Gotcha. Ya its not increasing as my arms go up, just a natural arch.

Good looks on the info!

A good way to maintain a balance is to pull : push at a ratio of at least 2:1. Meaning you should be pulling (rowing, chinning, etc) at least 2x as much a pushing (pressing, benching).

We're already internal beings by nature. Most of us anyways. We do everything in front of us. Sit at the computer, drive, stare at our phones/laptops. We're internally rotated all day. Then we go to the gym and hammer bench presses, overhead presses, pushups. That exacerbates the hell out of the internal rotation we're already stuck in all day. It creates a massive imbalance if your not counteracting it with more posterior work (squatting, deadlifting, rowing) to maintain a balance. And if you don't balance that, it leads to all sorts of compensation patterns that will f**k up your shoulders and back royally.

And even beyond that, you should be training opposing movements to keep balance. Overhead press/pull down, pullup; flat bench/horizontal row.

I wish I knew this like 5-10 years ago.
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