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What’s the best vegan protein powder out now?

Grass fed protein?


There’s so many on instagram now. Guide me.
I've tried transitioning to organic protein from ON whey protein, and I loved the Garden of Life protein. I just hated how expensive it is but, I loved that it didn't make me feel bloated.
I guess rather than tonic, "overactive" would have been a better descriptor. I'm downwardly rotated as in I've put too much emphasis on my downward rotators (scapular retractors and depressors). Essentially my routine wasn't balanced. There was too much emphasis on "down and back": rowing and other pulling variations, deadlifts, bench press and other chest routines where the shoulders are packed.

It's created an ability for me to comfortably upwardly rotate and protract my shoulder blades which they need to do to, especially if I ever want to train overhead. So yes, it's very limited and led to an over extended/lordotic posture.

This will give you more of an anatomical background:

Well usually it’s a protracted/hunchback posture that limits overhead mobility so it’s interesting that “down and back” is limiting you.

If those muscles are truly tight you could try stretching them. I’ve usually went the static stretching route but I also love and have been urged to use PNF or active assisted stretching and then follow that with static stretching.

You could also use the ab wheel and roll it up the wall (terrible explanation I know) but doing that while actively protecting is a good way to hit the serratus while working on that upward rotation. Monkey shrugs are great too - because of the abduction component you get a bit of upward rotation while also engaging the traps more than a standard shrug because part of the upper traps job is upward rotation.

A PT I really respect at my job (he’s 64 and reads CONSTANTLY ...super smart guy) recommended trying yoga.
Well usually it’s a protracted/hunchback posture that limits overhead mobility so it’s interesting that “down and back” is limiting you.

If those muscles are truly tight you could try stretching them. I’ve usually went the static stretching route but I also love and have been urged to use PNF or active assisted stretching and then follow that with static stretching.

You could also use the ab wheel and roll it up the wall (terrible explanation I know) but doing that while actively protecting is a good way to hit the serratus while working on that upward rotation. Monkey shrugs are great too - because of the abduction component you get a bit of upward rotation while also engaging the traps more than a standard shrug because part of the upper traps job is upward rotation.

A PT I really respect at my job (he’s 64 and reads CONSTANTLY ...super smart guy) recommended trying yoga.

Thanks for the tips. I'll give monkey shrugs and rollouts a go.

Down and back is limiting me because the lats overpower the traps. A program with a heavy dose of "down and back" makes the lats overactive. In order to get overhead you need strong upward rotators, which are antagonists to the lats. The lats are responsible for extension and adduction whereas the upward rotators abduct and flex.

Most PTs will say that you shouldn't even train overhead unless you can pass the true shoulder flexion test (which I can't). Otherwise you're just damaging your shoulder and spine simultaneously. I think they say only 1 in 20 can do this properly.

Notice how he says for people that are downwardly rotated and can't reach the wall to actually shrug up to help facilitate more upward rotation. Most folks think their upper traps are taut and overactive, when it reality most people have overly lengthened upper traps and they only feel tight because they are on constant stretch. Usually it's the levator scapulae that's tight which is a downward rotator and gets mixed up with the upper trap.
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What’s the best vegan protein powder out now?

Grass fed protein?


There’s so many on instagram now. Guide me.

I've heard hemp protein is a good vegan option. I assume any brand will do.

My friend that competes lives by Eat the Bear Protein.

My personal favorite overall is Nitro-Techs Whey Protein. But I often use their protein as a BCAA and glutamine source.
Thanks for the tips. I'll give monkey shrugs and rollouts a go.

Down and back is limiting me because the lats overpower the traps. A program with a heavy dose of "down and back" makes the lats overactive. In order to get overhead you need strong upward rotators, which are antagonists to the lats. The lats are responsible for extension and adduction whereas the upward rotators abduct and flex.

Most PTs will say that you shouldn't even train overhead unless you can pass the true shoulder flexion test (which I can't). Otherwise you're just damaging your shoulder and spine simultaneously. I think they say only 1 in 20 can do this properly.

Notice how he says for people that are downwardly rotated and can't reach the wall to actually shrug up to help facilitate more upward rotation. Most folks think their upper traps are taut and overactive, when it reality most people have overly lengthened upper traps and they only feel tight because they are on constant stretch. Usually it's the levator scapulae that's tight which is a downward rotator and gets mixed up with the upper trap.

Then it seems like your best bet is laying of chin ups/deadlifts/carry’s/etc and focusing on strengthening upper traps/serratus if it is truly a strength imbalance.
Yes it nothing sacred anymore?! I dont even remember my password, so I don't knkw if I have it for other things
Yes it nothing sacred anymore?! I dont even remember my password, so I don't knkw if I have it for other things
My fitness pal got hacked..

Crazy. Havent used mine since forever tho :lol: #whatscalories

Tried this drink my cowroker was telling me about... different but tastes pretty good imo.

Yes it nothing sacred anymore?! I dont even remember my password, so I don't knkw if I have it for other things

Im in cybersecurity and fyi, noone is safe when it comes to internet. There's always a way to hack something so...yes nothing is sacred lolol
Im in cybersecurity and fyi, noone is safe when it comes to internet. There's always a way to hack something so...yes nothing is sacred lolol

Thats part of why I don't want to even want bother trying to figure out my password to change it on other things.
What are some of your guys' tricks to hit your daily protein goal? I want to starting hitting somewhere between 180-200g, but it usually ends up like this:

Breakfast = ~30g
Lunch = ~50g
Dinner = ~40g
Shake (whey + milk) = ~32g

Total = ~150g

So still 30-50g short. Adding another shake means spending more on whey, but that's probably the cheapest and most efficient option tbh.

I read this, dropped to 150g a day and my strength and muscle gain is still steady.... I lost about 6 lbs when I had the flu 3 weeks ago and just got back to my original state before it.

It feels good not to have to eat all of that damn protein. I'm sure some would benefit from more protein. Me, I just try **** at least and see if it works or doesn't.
I don't remember where i read it but i thought it was "common bro science" that optimum protein intake was 1g per lb of lean body mass. I always assumed since i was 185lbs that i probably should be eating 150ish g of protein a day
God damn. DL yesterday. Was gonna try to go for 515 again. My belt gave me. Problem tho :lol::smh:. Notch it was on was too loose. 1 notch down and that **** was too tight.

Pulled 405x2 and the belt was just throwing me off. Kept going up and couldn’t even break the floor above 475. I was pissed because I felt good energy wise.
Ended up just taking the belt off and pulling 315 5x5. My back is on fire now but it feels great
Felt zero motivation to go earlier. Forced myself to go, went two hours later than I intended. Did back and biceps. Worked up to 405 3x3 and bunch of accessories.
Hit that soundview today. 375 back squat. Sunk it kind of too deep, started coming up slow and saw my spotter getting ready and then I rick Ross grunted and shot up like I had 275 on the bar.

I wasn’t even trying to have him touch me. :lol: thought about going for 20 more pounds but didn’t want to get greedy.
hey guys remember how my knee popped in thanksgiving. well i still get soreness and mobility isnt best but ive been slowly going back to BB squats. i do sets of 5 reps with just plates on the side. still scared but working my way back up.
hey guys remember how my knee popped in thanksgiving. well i still get soreness and mobility isnt best but ive been slowly going back to BB squats. i do sets of 5 reps with just plates on the side. still scared but working my way back up.

Keep at it bro. Take it slow and listen to your body. What actually happened when your knee popped?
Keep at it bro. Take it slow and listen to your body. What actually happened when your knee popped?
I finished the rep and then hobbled away lmao.

went to docs and x rays were negative

should really get an mri.
hey guys remember how my knee popped in thanksgiving. well i still get soreness and mobility isnt best but ive been slowly going back to BB squats. i do sets of 5 reps with just plates on the side. still scared but working my way back up.

damn, just take it easy and slowly work up. can you do a body weight squat with full ROM?
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