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ionno... i tried 285 like 2 weeks ago and failed it :lol:

i was tired from work and on a crappy bench though.. :nerd:
Has anyone dealt with cramps after lifting? Especially in their fingers?
I noticed after i lift i get cramps all over my body so ill try to stretch it out when i get home.

But my fingers are a different story. Had this one cramp the other day in L pointing finger and i had to use my other hand to straighten it out.( I hope that makes sense) had me crazy shook bros.

Read up on magnesium so i started that. Anything else yall recommend?
Has anyone dealt with cramps after lifting? Especially in their fingers?
I noticed after i lift i get cramps all over my body so ill try to stretch it out when i get home.

But my fingers are a different story. Had this one cramp the other day in L pointing finger and i had to use my other hand to straighten it out.( I hope that makes sense) had me crazy shook bros.

Read up on magnesium so i started that. Anything else yall recommend?

You're prolly dehydrated. Drink water with some pink Himalayan sea salt on workout days.
damn, finger cramps? that’s wild :wow:

definitely make sure you’re hydrated
Has anyone dealt with cramps after lifting? Especially in their fingers?
I noticed after i lift i get cramps all over my body so ill try to stretch it out when i get home.

But my fingers are a different story. Had this one cramp the other day in L pointing finger and i had to use my other hand to straighten it out.( I hope that makes sense) had me crazy shook bros.

Read up on magnesium so i started that. Anything else yall recommend?



It feel like no blood flow to my hand or some type of hand arthritis.. I cant move my fingers..

It was lately suggested that it could be low magnesium so I need to buy a supplement today..

Hydration I drink a gallon of water a day..
You're prolly dehydrated. Drink water with some pink Himalayan sea salt on workout days.

My man i drink up to 2 gallons a day. Trust me its def not that. I even chug when im lifting...i know my body and it really relies in water (idk why i get thirsty quick) so water is always near me.
Edit: i drink water with lemon, gona switch up to the salt to see if any difference. I even sip on tea with ginger, honey, and apple vinger..nope still cramp up.

I do drink alot of caffiene, im curious if it has to do with that but then again i drink water right after i drink my starbucks cold brew with 3 shots lol
My man i drink up to 2 gallons a day. Trust me its def not that. I even chug when im lifting...i know my body and it really relies in water (idk why i get thirsty quick) so water is always near me.
Edit: i drink water with lemon, gona switch up to the salt to see if any difference. I even sip on tea with ginger, honey, and apple vinger..nope still cramp up.

I do drink alot of caffiene, im curious if it has to do with that but then again i drink water right after i drink my starbucks cold brew with 3 shots lol
That’s a lot of water plus coffee

When I drink coffee and water in the AM I’m pissing like crazy , I almost don’t drink as much water til later in the day if I’m drinking coffee.... I always wonder how normal it is to pee so damn much
Has anyone dealt with cramps after lifting? Especially in their fingers?
I noticed after i lift i get cramps all over my body so ill try to stretch it out when i get home.

But my fingers are a different story. Had this one cramp the other day in L pointing finger and i had to use my other hand to straighten it out.( I hope that makes sense) had me crazy shook bros.

Read up on magnesium so i started that. Anything else yall recommend?
My legs would cramp up all the time after leg days and after soccer(caf, hams quads,...pretty much the my entire leg). Got my electrolytes(sodium, potassium, and magnesium) up and no more muscle cramps.

I don't know if this is the case for anyone else, but carbonated drinks make me cramp up too especially right before training.
My man i drink up to 2 gallons a day. Trust me its def not that. I even chug when im lifting...i know my body and it really relies in water (idk why i get thirsty quick) so water is always near me.
Edit: i drink water with lemon, gona switch up to the salt to see if any difference. I even sip on tea with ginger, honey, and apple vinger..nope still cramp up.

I do drink alot of caffiene, im curious if it has to do with that but then again i drink water right after i drink my starbucks cold brew with 3 shots lol

Drinking lots of water =\= Hydration

If you find that you're peeing as much as you're drinking, you're not well hydrated. The NaCl in the salt helps promote water retention. Not sure lemon juice has a lot of sodium to help.
Drinking lots of water =\= Hydration

If you find that you're peeing as much as you're drinking, you're not well hydrated. The NaCl in the salt helps promote water retention. Not sure lemon juice has a lot of sodium to help.

I see i see...
What if im taking creatine mono? Should i drop it?(im bulking btw, tryna gain size)
creatine causes you to retain water. doubt thats the culprit considering your somehow taking in 2 gallons a day

sounds insane. If you're truly dehydrated after consuming that much water you might need to see a doctor.
Gona try out a few things such as that salt idea and the magnesium im taking.

If nothing changes then guess ill hit up the doctors.

Ahhhh hyponatremia...I remember studying this in medical terminology. Makes sense.

Maybe less water is the answer then.
Well aren’t you just dropping your sodium levels extremely low by drinking two gallons a day? You might have to drink a Gatorade/pedialyte or eat more salt to balance all that water. You could drown yourself. :lol:

EDIT: getback getback beat me to it.
Drinking lots of water =\= Hydration

If you find that you're peeing as much as you're drinking, you're not well hydrated. The NaCl in the salt helps promote water retention. Not sure lemon juice has a lot of sodium to help.

good info. didnt think about this at all. will def keep this in mind.

Beast mode, I’ve come to realize I just suck at bench. :lol: soon my ohp is gonna pass my damn bench.

man I used to think the same... it took me forever to hit 2 plates for reps on bench... but then I jumped on the multis and my bench been skyrocketing ever since.
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