STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Just take ZMA.. Since I started taking it. I sleep more than 4 hours a night. I wake up refreshed. Ready to lift again.
good info. didnt think about this at all. will def keep this in mind.

man I used to think the same... it took me forever to hit 2 plates for reps on bench... but then I jumped on the multis and my bench been skyrocketing ever since.

Have you noticed any side effects from the multis? Ance, redness or irritability or any of that? How much would you say you spend on multis a month?
Pretty much low cal greek thick af froyo
what are you guys taking intra-workout? and have you seen any benefit to it?
Have you noticed any side effects from the multis? Ance, redness or irritability or any of that? How much would you say you spend on multis a month?

na just some hormonal rage brah

what are you guys taking intra-workout? and have you seen any benefit to it?

I take bcaa AKA flavored water.

but if you really want your heart pumpin after u take your pre workout.. sip on this during your workout...:

dont die
How do y'all feel about working in with a stranger? I'm not the type to talk to anyone at the gym (headphones always in) but I was waiting for a bench and older cat noticed me and asked if I wanted to work in. I was hesi at first because I don't mind waiting and this dude was pushing way more than I would be so I didn't want to mess up his flow. But in the end I had one of the better bench sessions I've had since I started working out again.
How do y'all feel about working in with a stranger? I'm not the type to talk to anyone at the gym (headphones always in) but I was waiting for a bench and older cat noticed me and asked if I wanted to work in. I was hesi at first because I don't mind waiting and this dude was pushing way more than I would be so I didn't want to mess up his flow. But in the end I had one of the better bench sessions I've had since I started working out again.

Feel no ways at all. Doesn't matter who's lifting more, that's not a problem at all to take off plates and put em back.

Only time I won't is for squats if there's a serious height difference. This one dude like 6'4-6'5 told me I can work in with him once after I asked if he had a lot of sets left. Told him nah that's not gonna work :lol:
Depends on the person for me. A stranger. Only if they seem cool ppl. And if it ain’t working out like they have no gym etiquette or something, then I’ll move on.

Funny you mention about squatting because me and this girl I talk to sometimes at the gym were waiting for a squat rack to open up. We ended up doing a squat sesh together. She’s shorter than me so every time I would just un rack and she would adjust to pins for me and her. Went smoother than I thought
i have no problem working in with strangers. but if its a compound movement, i let em know I take long rest (4-5min) in between sets.
When you're 20 but look 35....

Dude is a monster though, only lives about 2hrs from me. I believe he is the youngest person to ever total 2k.
Anyone ever had plantar fiscitis? My doc just told me to stretch my foot. Can I still to leg workouts like squats??

I also read some article saying working out over an hour may not be good for testosterone. Does that include cardio? I usually like to lift for around 40-45 minutes and then do cardio for 40 minutes. Or is that article bs?

yo wtf.. is this dude vitaly on the juice? last time I saw him he was strugglin to put up 185 on the bench... and that was a couple months ago
Anyone ever had plantar fiscitis? My doc just told me to stretch my foot. Can I still to leg workouts like squats??

I also read some article saying working out over an hour may not be good for testosterone. Does that include cardio? I usually like to lift for around 40-45 minutes and then do cardio for 40 minutes. Or is that article bs?

I have plantar and no squat until you get the swelling down. So anti inflammatory med help. Stretch a lot before and after

Unfortunately at my last dr visit i tested positive for bad mother f

And there isnt a cure
Belt placement is weird as hell. I know you typically want it a lil higher when doing deadlift but damn... How does he not break his ribs with that placement?

yeah, it does look weird. my guess is he’s just using semi loose as a guide of where he needs to expand to brace for the lift. if that’s not the case i have no clue :lol:

Finally hit that 1rm of 455.. failed that **** 4 times before jumping on the program smh. Excited for next week... Hopefully I can get 465 for week 10 and end it off strong.

I'm getting that 500 beltless soon

That being some there's always this kid following me whenever he sees me dl. I'll be on the DL platform and he's doing some acrobatic ****. Everytime he sees me he'll come next to me and starts doing whatever exercises next to me. **** is annoying yo.
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