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Any ground beef recipes you guys like?

I wanna incorporate soy sauce or a substitute for flavor. Just found out I can drain the fat. Maybe add cashews back in.

I’m learning to cook songs all kinda fun to think through.
Any ground beef recipes you guys like?

I wanna incorporate soy sauce or a substitute for flavor. Just found out I can drain the fat. Maybe add cashews back in.

I’m learning to cook songs all kinda fun to think through.

Don’t salt it if you use soy sauce or at least taste it before you do.

Idk all my food is basically the same and super lazy.

Go to store

Pick protein and veggies

Sauté them until they are done

Throw over a ton of jasmine rice and put one of a million sauces in my fridge on it with some cilantro or something.

It isn’t fancy but it gets the job done.

I just made antelope :lol: brussel sprouts and squash.
man I messed up. I thought week 5 was 405 1x2 since that was the pattern but I checked again and it was 405 3x3 lol.

instead of going to week 7 I decided to start back to week 5...

405 3x3
325 3x3

Pendlay 3x8

BB shrugs 3x8

weighted (+27.5 lb) pullups 3x5
Strongest guy in my gym left for somewhere else and took his DL bar with him :frown:. Trying to go heavy with a regular gym bar sucked last week :rofl:. I didn’t mind the guy. He tought me some stuff but he easily pissed other ppl off. One of those “I’m 100% natty but will only compete untested.” And sometimes he was cocky with it. Dude had an insane physique too

Anyway me and the homies splitting the cost for a DL bar :pimp:
I just bought my own setup for working out at home....

Then the next day proceeded to smash the hell out of my big toe.....
Whippy bar with way less aggressive knurling than a squat bar.

Dl bar> oly bar > squat bar

In terms of a bar for dl unless you want to do stiff bar then the squat bar is best.
I laugh at ppl who bring their own barbell :rofl:

Imagine getting it in your car and walking in with it :rofl:
Whippy bar with way less aggressive knurling than a squat bar.

Dl bar> oly bar > squat bar

In terms of a bar for dl unless you want to do stiff bar then the squat bar is best.

Damn, never seen one. At least I don't think. Only ever used a regular one for all lifts, also a hex bar. Im assuming it's easier with a DL bar?

my old gym has that exact bar in blue. DL bar are supposed to be easier but for me I found it harder. Prob cause Im not used to it + dont know how to use it properly lol
On my 5th cycle of 5/3/1, first week, and I missed my 5+ rep (only got 3). Is there a protocol for this? Should I scale down the weight? Keep going as is?
On my 5th cycle of 5/3/1, first week, and I missed my 5+ rep (only got 3). Is there a protocol for this? Should I scale down the weight? Keep going as is?

Idk how 531 works but when I failed my Ed coan the first time I scaled down my desired max which led to scaling down the weights for everything else.

The other time I failed I tried it again the next week and got it. So if you feel like you weren't feeling your best, give it Another go
Idk how 531 works but when I failed my Ed coan the first time I scaled down my desired max which led to scaling down the weights for everything else.

The other time I failed I tried it again the next week and got it. So if you feel like you weren't feeling your best, give it Another go

531 starts with you using 90% and taking that number and basing your percentages from that. For example: true 1RM = 200lbs. Multiple by .90 = 180lbs. You’d use the 180 to figure out what weight you’re working with week to week. I like it so far and I feel like it’s challenged me appropriately.

I guess I’ll try it again next week. If I could nail at least 5 reps with this weight (rep PR) I’ll take it.
531 starts with you using 90% and taking that number and basing your percentages from that. For example: true 1RM = 200lbs. Multiple by .90 = 180lbs. You’d use the 180 to figure out what weight you’re working with week to week. I like it so far and I feel like it’s challenged me appropriately.

I guess I’ll try it again next week. If I could nail at least 5 reps with this weight (rep PR) I’ll take it.

Usually have to fail an entire cycle before adjusting the TM. Move on to 3's and then 1's week, you coulda just had an off day.
Damn, never seen one. At least I don't think. Only ever used a regular one for all lifts, also a hex bar. Im assuming it's easier with a DL bar?

Yeah it’s a faster pull and easier to get momentum for sure. Also easier on your hands.

Nothing wrong with using a stiff squat bar though. If you ever use a dl bar you’re gonna be able to pull more.

On a dl bar the knurling is almost smooth. It’s not so abrasive like a squat bar. I’ll rip my hands open ever time I go heavy on a squat bar. Not the case with a dl bar.
Back day

Dl 3x8 all deficits and all 315-365 except one four plate set as shown.

4x15 hanging leg raises

5 sets banded pull-ups SS w/ pull overs with same band AMRAP

5x12 low cable row
4x12 Smith machine row 1s pause at top
5x12 B.B. row

Focusing less on weight these days and more on accessory and volume and trying to get mildly shredded. I don’t feel like I got hit by a truck everyday when I wake up anymore. Going heavy everyday got old.

Man I haven't worked out in a couple weeks. Gonna get back into tomorrow with chest and tris. Knees and legs are shot though, long *** flights are mad uncomfortable.

I've lost weight though since I been fasting. Down to 215. Think I'ma rock with IF after Ramadan.
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