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Killed chest today.


I'm with my boy CJ on cheat days, I'm gonna have them and **** what anyone says about them. 

I make mine on mondays after I weigh in. It's also one of my most active days, cardio in the morning, weights in the afternoon and playing ball at night, so It's not like I just ate bad and sat on the couch all day 
Strict paleo is no rice, sweet potatoes, or dairy correct (among all of the other restrictions)?

I keep it paleo/primal to the extent that I avoid gluten, processed foods, etc, but I have brown rice/sweet potatoes/dairy multiple times a day. I'm a huge proponent of cutting gluten out though. I've noticed considerable reductions in bloating, upset stomache, etc

No grains, no dairy for sure. I've heard sweet potatoes are fine, but no regular potatoes. I don't eat either anymore so i don;t worry about it much.
I do the same as you. I don't have much dairy except for cheese on some eggs or on some brocolli. I noticed my stomach isn't as upset anymore and i don't feel bloated.

I guess I could just google this but how close is paleo to keto. If you guys are avoiding carbs do you eat fattier meats or do you still keep your protein pretty lean?
Arms and chest Mondays. 21s are brutal.. but worth it :pimp:

Looking forward to rest day tomorrow and a good night of sleep.
I like Crossfit. Went a few times, but don't have CrossFit money.

District CrossFit puts up their Workout of the day on the site

February 12, Tuesday


Strict Press
Max Press (70%, 31x1)
For Time:
40 Wall Balls
40 Pullups
30 Wall Balls
30 Pullups
20 Wall Balls
20 Pullups
10 Wall Balls
10 Pullups

Strict Press
3 Rounds NFT:
30-40 Unbroken Double Unders
6-8 Unbroken TTB
5 Unbroken Power Cleans (50%)
12min AMRAP:
60 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (120/90)
10 Muscle Ups

Compare to: 11.3
I like Crossfit. Went a few times, but don't have CrossFit money.

District CrossFit puts up their Workout of the day on the site

February 12, Tuesday


Strict Press
Max Press (70%, 31x1)
For Time:
40 Wall Balls
40 Pullups
30 Wall Balls
30 Pullups
20 Wall Balls
20 Pullups
10 Wall Balls
10 Pullups

Strict Press
3 Rounds NFT:
30-40 Unbroken Double Unders
6-8 Unbroken TTB
5 Unbroken Power Cleans (50%)
12min AMRAP:
60 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (120/90)
10 Muscle Ups

Compare to: 11.3
cooked my arms today. hr of bi's & tri's, alternating exercises and then a half hr of forearms. my guns are unloaded now yo. lol
I guess I could just google this but how close is paleo to keto. If you guys are avoiding carbs do you eat fattier meats or do you still keep your protein pretty lean?

good job.. at least finishing the work out.. but the work out your girl selected on the fly... the workout seems a little bit too much.. not sure if that was such a great idea. besides if you dont know how to do handstand pushups or double unders it is very hard to do it especially if you already have such a difficult work out. the harder your work out or the longer the workout, the more difficult it is to have a good and perfect form.

and the paleo diet... it's cool for those that can follow it.. it's more difficult than you think. you cant have any processed foods either.. but im not so sure if it is as good as people say it is. because the 2 people that have won the crossfit games, rich froning and annie thorisdottir, they both dont even follow the paleo as strict as others. they eat peanut butter and drink milk. both have said they feel less energetic when they leave certain foods out, because of the paleo diet.. so it is up to you to decide whether you do the paleo or not.
I think you have to evaluate paleo dieting principles differently depending on the goals of the individual following the diet. I'd say that, if followed properly, a "strict paleo" diet will be very effective in terms of weight loss for the average individual - that's where a lot of its popularity comes from. By banning processed foods, gluten, vegetable oils, and grains, the diet removes a bunch of caloric dense foods that people tend to overconsume. For an athlete or someone competing crossfit, it's less effective. The diet drastically limits carb sources, thus it can adversely affect one's energy levels (not sure I fully understand or buy the keto argument that you'll get all the energy you need from fats at least when considering intense athletic activities).

Also, it's important to realize that the core concepts behind paleo dieting aren't unique to it. Most diets these days include the same principles - namely to limit caloric dense foods generally carbs, and focus on eating foods that allow you to achieve satiety. Look at the Atkins diet, South Beach diet, bodybuilders prepping/cutting for a show. These approaches all are based on the same principles. Sure, you can take the IIFYM approach to dieting and if you can actually work it such that you're satisfied, hitting your macros, and eating whatever grimey foods you like, then more power to you. However, for most people, this just isn't an option.

Yea that's the only reason I wear them, can't be having super rough ashtray hands :lol:
I'd much rather have calloused hands than soft hands. I strongly disagree and look down on anyone who uses gloves to lift.
so pretty im big and strong but can never seem to get shredded, my metabolism is terrible.

throw me some diet tips that can speed it up ?
illest how come u reported me for that? U gt me banned. Not cool. U too sensitive. Ur vids are wild corny. Just accept it. My opinions. Reporting team fit smh.
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A whole cheat day is probably a slippery slope. Cheat meals where you kinda adjust the rest of the day around it is much better for progress. At the same time, some people need to gradually adjust to the lifestyle change. When you tell someone any cheat meal is terrible or a cheat day is a going to kill your routine - it could be really discouraging. People are wired differently.

I agree its a Slippery slope. One day turn into a few days, few days turn into weeks and so on.
Back and Bi's today. Took off yesterday and just did cardio. My routine is all out of wack now.

TeamSingle at the gym this thursday after work....gonna be super depresssing. I remember last year My GF had to work so i was there anyway. There was me and like 6 dudes in their 50s. Real depressing :lol:
^ is there a reason ur doing back and bi's the same day (i do shoulders and bi's), arent back exercises working out ur bi's as well? Doesn't that overwork the bi's?
Back and Bi's today. Took off yesterday and just did cardio. My routine is all out of wack now.

TeamSingle at the gym this thursday after work....gonna be super depresssing. I remember last year My GF had to work so i was there anyway. There was me and like 6 dudes in their 50s. Real depressing :lol:
:lol: **** it. I'd rather have a chick who wants to spend VD at the gym with me.

And you're not alone. I'm single for the second time in the last decade.
^ is there a reason ur doing back and bi's the same day (i do shoulders and bi's), arent back exercises working out ur bi's as well? Doesn't that overwork the bi's?

My new approach (as per my old man who was a body builder) Bis and back and Chest and Tris. I used to do Bi + Tri and Back and Shoulders, and only chest on chest days. But when you think about it. Your Bi's get worked on back exercises and your tri's get worked on chest exercises. So I wasn't really getting much rest days on each muscle group because i would be working them two times a week. So when my Bi's are pumped on bi's and back day. They basically get a rest for chest and tri's day and shoulders and traps day.

This is new for me though but i wanted to switch it up to see if I notice any difference. But let me tell you the first chest and tris day i was trying to do dips before i left....i did 3 sets...of 4 lol i was dying.

And at least this year if there are females at the gym on V-day i am going to go ahead and assume they are single. Praying for a good turn out
Do you fine people know how accurate those Omron devices are for BF%?

I used one at the gym on Sunday, entered my stats as the instructions say... 16.2%
WTF? don't be tryna get at me sideways like that bruh. i ain't ever use the report button in my life. i got a warning for doing a partial curse somewhere in here too. **** outa here with that.


Umm don't bs now. You a lame for reporting. Such a sensitive dude. Ohhhhh the irony. You say Chris jones was sensitive. Oh the irony. Ur vids are trash son. Take it. I'm done with you now. Go cry to meth.
Have any of you ever had just a straight Biceps day?

I usually accompany it with tris or back or shoulders like many of you do, but today I felt like all I could really do was bis.

It's because Saturday I did shoulders and tris, hit them so hard I was still sore with that this morning.

Sunday I hire squats, deads, pull-ups my back was also still sore, as well as my legs.

I had to get a workout in this morning because yesterday was a rest day. The only thin that wasn't sore was my bis, so I hit them hard. But still even after killing them, my workout feels incomplete :rolleyes

I added a little forearms and did some calves to make myself feel better...a little :lol:

So should I just have taken one more rest day and done bis and something else tomorrow? Or is it okay that I put in that work on bis on their own.

Biceps are burning but I'm disappointed I couldn't so more. Ahh.
I guess I could just google this but how close is paleo to keto. If you guys are avoiding carbs do you eat fattier meats or do you still keep your protein pretty lean?
I don't know much about keto so i don't want to say something that isn't true. 

I usually eat lean meats still. Once in a while i'll get a fattier steak just cause i'm in the mood for it. 
Monday is my new leg day, and will be hitting up chest today. I only have one squat rack in my gym and always end up waiting 20 minutes for it, not a single soul was near it yesterday. Feels good man.
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