STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Damn I’m washed. After an hour of cardio two days in a row I’m cramping up today. I got of the stairmaster after my workout to wipe off my sweat of the machine and I started cramping up. I almost died trying to wipe down the machine lol. I was super embarrassed because this fine female was on the machine next to me lol. She was looking at me like I was crazy lol because I was holding my hamstrings lol.
That’s wild. Not gonna lie I did a double take when I heard about the preworkout, mans is milking the hell out his 15 minutes
i mean how else does he make money clothing doesn't really pay the bills.
i haven't seen him get sponsored by anyone else.

flat barbell bench:
(saved heavier sets for incline today)

incline barbell bench:

flys and etc

I was pretty happy with the incline presses but my lifting partner keeps putting his hands on the last couple reps.
Always comes down to....hate the game not the player :lol:

I would never pay for another mans signature.

i mean, if people are dumb enough to pay it. you can’t blame him for lining his pockets a bit
cut day 2

i mean, if people are dumb enough to pay it. you can’t blame him for lining his pockets a bit

Curious how people would feel towards a celebrity in Hollywood. I heard that Stan Lee charges 400 for a pic and a chat at the last expo he was at.
smh do I need an apple watch? been wanting one but i never wear watches and idk how beneficial it would be for me in terms of lifting.
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