STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Ah, gotcha. I usually inhale, hold it during the concentric and start to exhale during the eccentric once I'm past the sticking point.

suavamente suavamente I def need to start doing direct ab work. Not sure how to hit glutes directly without looking like a bish doe...

I def need to hit abs more,i hate it.

No such thing as lookin like a bish when working on glutes. Lol don't be like that fam
Any exercise suggestions? When y'all say glute work, I'm thinking the stuff I see these females do...:blush:

Barbell Hip Thrusts / Glute Bridges
Glute Ham Raises
Cable Pull Throughs
Bulgarian Split Squats (front leg out further glute dominant, more towards bench quad)

don't mind the goofy *** pic, ^ good resource on posterior chain training
Contreras with the extra zesty side shot :lol:

Man knows his stuff though. Everything is backed by EMG.
don't mind the goofy *** pic, ^ good resource on posterior chain training

Okay bro, I'm tripping. I wasn't thinking the big PC or compound lifts when y'all was talmbout glutes, just straight isos.:smh:
I see a lot broads do mostly isos then wonder why they still sitting on flapjacks a year later.:lol:

So I actually do train em then, I just lump it up as SQ or DL assistance work.

I'm still not doing hip thrusts or kickbacks doe.:nerd:
Okay bro, I'm tripping. I wasn't thinking the big PC or compound lifts when y'all was talmbout glutes, just straight isos.:smh:
I see a lot broads do mostly isos then wonder why they still sitting on flapjacks a year later.:lol:

So I actually do train em then, I just lump it up as SQ or DL assistance work.

I'm still not doing hip thrusts or kickbacks doe.:nerd:

Hip thrusts have the most glute EMG findings out of any exercise.


As far as glutes go make sure you stretch your hip flexors so glutes can properly activate and fire
Man I swear this lean bulking is harder than cutting.

I’m cutting on 280 grams of carbs and only hot about 200 last night. I didn’t GAF and just went to sleep :lol::smh: I had just pounded like 80 gs of carbs worth of roasted potatoes.

I was cool on anymore whole food carbs :lol:

I need to get more in.
Hip thrusts have the most glute EMG findings out of any exercise.

Meh. Unless the gym is empty I'll just take the L and keep it moving.

My gym is as much a training palace as it is a social experiment.:lol::smh: Can't have the crew, the opps, or the broads catch me slippin.:nerd:
What suavamente suavamente posted are all great stuff. Lunges also work your glutes so add that to your routine.

Your mentality should be to work on glutes so itll transfer to lift big on DL, Squats, and other stuff, rather than looking like a bish

Pleas read my retraction. We good.

When I heard "working glutes" I was mostly thinking hip thrusts and kickbacks with the leg attachment, i.e. isolation lifts, not the other exercises that also target the glutes. I already hit lunges, weighted GHRs, squat and DL variations, SL press, etc. in pretty much all of my routines anyways.
Meh. Unless the gym is empty I'll just take the L and keep it moving.

My gym is as much a training palace as it is a social experiment.:lol::smh: Can't have the crew, the opps, or the broads catch me slippin.:nerd:
So Pro Tip: Don’t turn the incline all the way up and walk on a treadmill.
Any good powerlifting programs y’all recommend????

I finally got my hours changed. I’ll be able to train every morning.

Fell off hard but my previous max were 255 bench, 425 DL and 365 squat.

Right now it’s like 225 bench 365 DL and maybe 325 squat (prediction)

Wanna get back to where I was. But was never on a program before. I would just hit almost max once a week and 5-8 reps on other days (PPL)

I plan to bench 3 times a week with CGB being one. I’ll go 6 days a week.

Squat 2x bench 3x dL 1x
Any good powerlifting programs y’all recommend????

I finally got my hours changed. I’ll be able to train every morning.

Fell off hard but my previous max were 255 bench, 425 DL and 365 squat.

Right now it’s like 225 bench 365 DL and maybe 325 squat (prediction)

Wanna get back to where I was. But was never on a program before. I would just hit almost max once a week and 5-8 reps on other days (PPL)

I plan to bench 3 times a week with CGB being one. I’ll go 6 days a week.

Squat 2x bench 3x dL 1x

Your numbers would be acceptable to start nSuns 5/3/1. He has a 4, 5, and 2x 6 day variants (1 squat focused, 1 deadlift focused). Not a pure PL program, more for powerbuilding, but if you don't crap out you will get stronger and can easily put on size with it. You must eat though; that is not negotiable. Last time I ran it, my diet was not on point calories-wise so the fatigue accumulated faster than normal.

Basic set up is an upper-lower. If you run a 6 day variant it's 3 upper body sessions and 3 lower body sessions per week; 5 day is 3 upper/2 lower.

There are two main lifts each day, the T1 and close assistance lift (T2), like Bench + Close-Grip, or DL + Front Sq. 1st lift (T1) is essentially all three weeks of 5/3/1 rolled into one day. The 2nd (T2) lift is set up Sheiko style. So it's like 9 sets of T1 and 8 sets of T2. Then comes your accessory work (prolly bodybuilding style).

In my experience, the sheer amount of volume of the main and assistance lifts, coupled with the volume from accessory work drives your numbers up and carries over better than a lot of other programs where the volume isn't coming from the big 4 or it's variants. Workouts can be long, depending on how much accessory work you include, so keep that in mind.

tl;dr: Entire cycle of 5/3/1 +assistance + accessories + food per week = accelerated strength/size gains.
Your numbers would be acceptable to start nSuns 5/3/1. He has a 4, 5, and 2x 6 day variants (1 squat focused, 1 deadlift focused). Not a pure PL program, more for powerbuilding, but if you don't crap out you will get stronger and can easily put on size with it. You must eat though; that is not negotiable. Last time I ran it, my diet was not on point calories-wise so the fatigue accumulated faster than normal.

Basic set up is an upper-lower. If you run a 6 day variant it's 3 upper body sessions and 3 lower body sessions per week; 5 day is 3 upper/2 lower.

There are two main lifts each day, the T1 and close assistance lift (T2), like Bench + Close-Grip, or DL + Front Sq. 1st lift (T1) is essentially all three weeks of 5/3/1 rolled into one day. The 2nd (T2) lift is set up Sheiko style. So it's like 9 sets of T1 and 8 sets of T2. Then comes your accessory work (prolly bodybuilding style).

In my experience, the sheer amount of volume of the main and assistance lifts, coupled with the volume from accessory work drives your numbers up and carries over better than a lot of other programs where the volume isn't coming from the big 4 or it's variants. Workouts can be long, depending on how much accessory work you include, so keep that in mind.

tl;dr: Entire cycle of 5/3/1 +assistance + accessories + food per week = accelerated strength/size gains.

Repped. Exactly what I wanted to hear. Powerbuilding is exactly what I do. I plan on adding 10-20 lbs over the next 11 months, so eating won’t be an issue, my workouts tend to last 2 hrs so it also works.

I’m gonna do some research now on the program.

Thanks a lot.
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