STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I can't hate on anyone who is chasing the look, and that is cool. But health and function is equally as important, if not more important, would you agree? Being big, yet unhealthy should not be the goal.

Sounds like you kinda are hating. No use in projecting. Not everyone wants to be big or strong just like everyone isn't necessarily worried about their health (see guys that smoke but lift, juicers, etc.).
You do realize that there are people who are predisposed to certain metabolic disorders, who still train and are active athletically, correct? If you are predisposed to certain maladies, eating as you've suggested will place you at risk. I can't hate on anyone who is chasing the look, and that is cool. But health and function is equally as important, if not more important, would you agree? Being big, yet unhealthy should not be the goal.

Did you read what I actually said? Where did I say anything about being unhealthy? Not being functional? You put all that in there for some reason and twisted up everything I said to make your point. But its common knowledge bodybuilding is not healthy, furthermore people in here were mentioning how they cant seem to put on size so I gave them some options on what MAY work for them, nowhere did I say that these are the only ways or the "healthiest" ways. What am I supposed to do, ask people for their health records before providing advice? :lol: Its not that serious but don't complain when you aren't willing to put in work to reach your goals. You can also be big, healthy and functional FYI.
Yeah us slender folks have stupid fast metabolisms. In college I ate a straight pizza, burger, taco, chicken tender diet and still didn't add any real weight :lol:

^This. Ate like ****, didn't run or lift, only watched TV and movies frosh year and still lost 15 lbs.:sick:

Used to do plates full of just bacon or fries at like every meal.
Now im curious why you asked :lol:


Might wanna start cutting papi.
Sounds like you kinda are hating. No use in projecting. Not everyone wants to be big or strong just like everyone isn't necessarily worried about their health (see guys that smoke but lift, juicers, etc.).
How am I hating? Projecting what exactly?
Did you read what I actually said? Where did I say anything about being unhealthy? Not being functional? You put all that in there for some reason and twisted up everything I said to make your point. But its common knowledge bodybuilding is not healthy, furthermore people in here were mentioning how they cant seem to put on size so I gave them some options on what MAY work for them, nowhere did I say that these are the only ways or the "healthiest" ways. What am I supposed to do, ask people for their health records before providing advice? :lol: Its not that serious but don't complain when you aren't willing to put in work to reach your goals. You can also be big, healthy and functional FYI.
First of all, as stated to the other poster, I did not see the question, I saw the response. Second of all, @ the bold, yeah.
Sounds like you kinda are hating. No use in projecting. Not everyone wants to be big or strong just like everyone isn't necessarily worried about their health (see guys that smoke but lift, juicers, etc.).
What was I projecting?! You didn't respond for some strange reason.
All good different strokes.
Yes, different strokes. This is why intelligence is needed while disseminating information, knowing your crowd and how they may receive such information. Actually while being big, strong and functional, it was easier to get this way than many do project. You have got to wade through the bull, study science and how it relates to your own body. Good genes do help as well, because not everyone can be 6"4 either.

Be well.
For the high bf% I have, my metabolism is pretty good. I just eat too ******* much.
On a cut.

Started 3 weeks ago.

Starting weight was 215.

Down to 207. One thing that’s annoying about cutting is that once I eat “clean” consistently I’m not able to eat massive amounts of food on my cheat day the way I want to in my head.

I swear my stomach size and it’s capacity to hold food vanishes as soon as I eat clean.
Nah my dude, it ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Finna have McDonald's twice today. I'll step on the scale tomorrow and bet paper I prolly lost weight.

i cant eem tell if this is sarcasm :lol: this is a life i dream about

i have a friend who is the same way...McFrappe, McChickens, mcDoubles, fries, pies and hes shredded im like.....bruh
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