STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

If you’re trying to get big and strong and are naturally skinny you gotta eat. No way around it.

If you can’t eat at least 5k calories a day it isn’t for you.

You don’t have to be eating ice cream and hella sugar but you have to figure out a way to get calories in, no mass gainers don’t count. They are trash.
i cant eem tell if this is sarcasm :lol: this is a life i dream about

i have a friend who is the same way...McFrappe, McChickens, mcDoubles, fries, pies and hes shredded im like.....bruh

Dead ***.

When I was on my squat erryday kick I was eating at least 3 squares a day, snacking, and doing 1.5-2 Serious Mass shakes a day and still ended up losing.

Good thing I said f the cardio or I really woulda withered away.:sick:
I didn’t say eat only that. :lol:

Yeah papi you throw in nuts and honey and it’s more calories. Better than eating some powder mass shake crap.

I know bro, just pointing out that it wasn't much different from other 'ideas' like drinking half to a whole gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, etc. Forgot y'all said to add honey and stuff.
This morning's workout. Quads were absolutely destroyed. Sweaty AF at the end, even before some SS cardio.

Dead ***.

When I was on my squat erryday kick I was eating at least 3 squares a day, snacking, and doing 1.5-2 Serious Mass shakes a day and still ended up losing.

Good thing I said f the cardio or I really woulda withered away.:sick:
I was buying a bag of serious mass every 5 days :/
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This morning's workout. Quads were absolutely destroyed. Sweaty AF at the end, even before some SS cardio.

That's filthy.:sick:

Brb doing more reps in a day than most people do for legs in a month.:lol:

I was buying a bag of serious mass every 5 days :/

I can’t do milk. :lol:

I don’t get sick I just don’t like it.

Need something ultra portable and very dense. Yogurt prolly works, milk is even better. Any other ideas?

All you lactose brahs "need to buy baby wipes, it's gonna get dirty." - Jim Wendler
I’m gonna go back to lifting full body in about a half hour. :lol:

I miss squatting twice a week and lifting more compounds.

Gonna do day 1. But replace bench w db press and go heavier becasue that program was wrote a year ago for me.
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