STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Treadmill 20min
Elliptical 15min


Barbell row,pulldowns, single arm rows, seated rows, db curl, hammer curls up all 4x10. Supersetted a buncha ****. Get in n out

Pull ups 5x5

Running feels easy again, and I actually enjoy it now. Gonna start running outside when the weather warms up. Too wishy washy right now, not tryna get sick again.

Also doing biceps now on a consistent basis :lol:
Week 2, Day 6: 10:30ish workout

nSuns 5/3/1 - Day 6 (Squat/Sumo Deadlift - Light Day):
1. Back Squat: w/u
1x1@ 275, 315, 350, 375, 410, 430; 8x3 @ 230
2. Sumo Deadlift: w/u
1x1@ 315, 405, 455, 495; 6x3 @ 230

Summary: 24 working sets
Time: 1hrs, 37 mins.
Notes: Decided to see what my sumo 1RM would be. Pulled 495 no chalk or straps fairly easily. Still getting used to puling sumo, I never do unless I'm running nSuns. Conv is still my ish doe...for now.:blush:
If you wanted to cut 10 lbs of fat and had the option of either treadmill or stairclimber? Which are you choosing and why?
If you wanted to cut 10 lbs of fat and had the option of either treadmill or stairclimber? Which are you choosing and why?

i’d go for a run outside (weather permitting) cause both of those bore me to death :lol:

speaking of which. went for a recovery run today. quick 2 miler with my weight vest. finally got some decent weather

Any recommendations for weight vests ?

One that sticks to you and isn’t going to bounce.

i think they’re all gonna bounce a bit. anything tight enough now to bounce will probably restrict breathing.

i’ve used a few and the 5.11 is my favorite. there is some bounce but not enough to throw you off. the weight is also nicely distributed with the plates. i have the old flat plates, but they make a curved for for your chest now, probably reduces bounce
Banana and Peppermint tea
5 min bike warm up

Pre exhaust Leg extensions 4x25 100/150/200/250
Front squat elevated heels 3x12 135/185/225
Walking lunge 3x30 60lb dumbbells
Lying leg curls 4x15 65/75/95
Weighted Hyper extension 4x12 35lb
Physio Ball hamstring curl 4x15

Smith Machine front shoulder press 3x12 135/155/185
Cable side lateral raise 3/15
Barbell Upright row 3x10 135

Done 1 hour
Breakfast: three boiled eggs, Pineapple Pear Banana fruit salad, two slices of 7 grain toast w/ almond butter 16 oz of Coconut water
Sex for a wake up snack....:smokin
I want to see someones daily diet that says they are struggling to put on size/weight. Dont BS either put everything down and serving size. Also your activity level, height, weight and age. I'll see what the problem is.
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I want to see someones daily diet that says they are struggling to put on size/weight. Dont BS either put everything down and serving size. Also your activity level, height, weight and age. I'll see what the problem is.
Yeah, that would be interesting.
What is your opinion on nutrient absorption? Ever try anything for maximum absorption, papaya enzymes, live active cultures?
Yeah, that would be interesting.
What is your opinion on nutrient absorption? Ever try anything for maximum absorption, papaya enzymes, live active cultures?

Im literally the most old school kind of guy when it comes to nutrition and supplementation. Ive honestly never even heard of those things :lol:

I eat all my protein from meats and always have a meal less than an hour post training. I take zero supplements besides fish oil and multivitamin daily. I dont believe anything makes a big enough difference to spend money on besides AAS/PEDs.
i’d go for a run outside (weather permitting) cause both of those bore me to death :lol:

speaking of which. went for a recovery run today. quick 2 miler with my weight vest. finally got some decent weather

smh u making me spend money huh
Im literally the most old school kind of guy when it comes to nutrition and supplementation. Ive honestly never even heard of those things :lol:

I eat all my protein from meats and always have a meal less than an hour post training. I take zero supplements besides fish oil and multivitamin daily. I dont believe anything makes a big enough difference to spend money on besides AAS/PEDs.
Cool. Papaya helps to break down proteins faster, as that is the active ingredient in meat tenderizer. Using it as a supplement helps to speed the breakdown of protein, so that slowed bio availability wont be an issue. It is frequently used with people who suffer from wasting disease, metabolic disorders, where absorption may be an issue. It is pretty good stuff!
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