STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Im literally the most old school kind of guy when it comes to nutrition and supplementation. Ive honestly never even heard of those things :lol:

I eat all my protein from meats and always have a meal less than an hour post training. I take zero supplements besides fish oil and multivitamin daily. I dont believe anything makes a big enough difference to spend money on besides AAS/PEDs.

We need that self photo so we can see what you’re working with G.
I want to see someones daily diet that says they are struggling to put on size/weight. Dont BS either put everything down and serving size. Also your activity level, height, weight and age. I'll see what the problem is.

Yes M'Lord.

- 1/2 dozen donuts from Dunkin (1 choc frosted, 1 strawberry frosted w/ sprinkles, 4 glazed I think)
- 8 oz vermicelli with da meat sauce
- 21 oz Chicken/noodle/broccoli/carrot stir fry
Ah, we got a tough guy.

Don't let me catch you slipping in your non-body armor body armor lol.

I want to see someones daily diet that says they are struggling to put on size/weight. Dont BS either put everything down and serving size. Also your activity level, height, weight and age. I'll see what the problem is.
Might be a problem of expectations vs. reality?

I'm an ectomorph (6'1", 165 lbs) and I acknowledge that I'm fighting an uphill battle when it comes to putting on muscle mass based on genetics alone. Always been tall and lanky and I know my limitations.
Ah, we got a tough guy.

Don't let me catch you slipping in your non-body armor body armor lol.
can I be honest? why did u respond so defensively to a very neutral response?

I come in peace
nSuns 5/3/1 - Week 3, Day 1 (Bench/Military Press, Light Day): 0415 workout
1. Bench Press: w/u; SS/ Chins (5x5)
1x8x170; 1x6x200; 3x4x225; 1x5x210; 1x6x200; 1x7x185; 1x8+ [8]x170
2. Military Press: SS/ Chins (5x5)
1x6x80; 1x5x95; 3,5,7,4,6,8 @110
3. Pendlay Row 5x5
4. Incline DB Press 3x8 SS/
5. Wide-Grip Pulldowns 3x10
6. V-Bar Lat Pulldowns 3x12
7. Hammer Strength Row 4x10
8. EZ-Bar Curls 4x10 SS/
9. Tricep Pushdowns 4x10
10. High-Low Cable Flyes 3x10
11. Face Pulls 3x10

Summary: 49 working sets
Time: 2hrs, 07 mins.

Cardio: 1 mile jog
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Yes M'Lord.

- 1/2 dozen donuts from Dunkin (1 choc frosted, 1 strawberry frosted w/ sprinkles, 4 glazed I think)
- 8 oz vermicelli with da meat sauce
- 21 oz Chicken/noodle/broccoli/carrot stir fry

Are you being serious? How much do you weigh again? Aren't you active duty? I notice the mile jog post workout so I'm thinking you burn more calories than normal just in your daily regime.
Says the dude who reported and got me banned in da food thread.

It worked?


Says the dude who got 2-3 of my accounts banned for reporting them.

You already know what’s up. You know who I am, just by me saying that. Congrats on your new account as well. I see you big boy.
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