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You over powerlifting?

I know I’m over chasing numbers... I still wanna hit pr’s and all that but I just let them come when they come.
Current Wilks is 379.24, was around 410 on my Bulgarian wave.

Why did you stop Bulgarian? Too taxing on the body?

Not really all that taxing on the body compared to programs I've run like nSuns or the Arnold Split. I was using it to peak for a gym meet (during what ended up being a cut). Prolly have been easier on the body eating over here vs while deployed. Def took a toll on the CNS more than anything. Lower back and quads stayed tight, but that's most likely due to me not stretching/foam rolling right. Was pretty meh for upper body hypertophy so that was another reason not to continue.

If you want more info, check out my posts ITT from Aug-Oct of last year.

Homeboy put the challenge out there, was just thinking about doing it again for the strength gains.
for those that IF.
do you hit the gym fasted or make sure you put your hours eating with your gym hours.
I'm interested in starting it, but i hit the gym at 5 a.m.
ive lifted fasted before and absolutely hated it.. but at the same time would need to make my eat hours 5a.m. -1 and stopping food at 1 p.m. seems crazy
I'm considering doing IF too but I'm the opposite of you, I prefer to train fasted.

Haven't figured out what my ideal window would be yet
i'd have to try it out again. that was years ago and I was use to the bodybuilder diet so i was eating like every 2 hours. so to go to the gym faster i was dying
I go to the gym fasted. I workout at 5:30am right when I wake up and haven't had any issues with hunger.
Speaking of working out in the morning, I been going ~5am for the past few months and feel great but been super tired the last week or two. Want to take a week off but worried about messing up my routine. :smh:
Speaking of working out in the morning, I been going ~5am for the past few months and feel great but been super tired the last week or two. Want to take a week off but worried about messing up my routine. :smh:
I've been doing 5 a.m. workouts for 10 months now (since I got back in America) I feel great in the morning. have my 4 eggs 3/4 cup oatmeal then hit the weights. but yea by about 6p.m. im crazy useless.

I do IF

been doing it for couple years now

prefer fasting training by far

usually fast 10 PM- 4PM next day

I really wanna try this. but I just feel it will throw me off atleast the first couple of weeks. im sure i'd still get after it in the gym. it's just the eating time frames i have a problem with..
I assume most of you atleast start the food after you workout. and Like i mentioned earlier for me that would be like 7 a.m. so a 6 hour window I stop eating at 1p.m so 1PM-7A.m. fast seems crazy extreme.
I'm losing weight and getting good shape doing what im doing now.. but there is some extra fat i want to get rid of.
I've been doing 5 a.m. workouts for 10 months now (since I got back in America) I feel great in the morning. have my 4 eggs 3/4 cup oatmeal then hit the weights. but yea by about 6p.m. im crazy useless.

I really wanna try this. but I just feel it will throw me off atleast the first couple of weeks. im sure i'd still get after it in the gym. it's just the eating time frames i have a problem with..
I assume most of you atleast start the food after you workout. and Like i mentioned earlier for me that would be like 7 a.m. so a 6 hour window I stop eating at 1p.m so 1PM-7A.m. fast seems crazy extreme.
I'm losing weight and getting good shape doing what im doing now.. but there is some extra fat i want to get rid of.

the number of hours aint strict

16 is the benchmark
Back/Shoulders Hypertrophy Day - W4, D4: 4:15am workout -

1. Military Press: 1x5x130; 1x3x150; 1x1x165; 1x3x160; 1x3x140; 1x3x125 SS/
2. Pendlay Row 6x3 (speed work)
3. Wide-Grip Pulldowns: 3x12 SS/
4. DB Shoulder Press 3x12
5. Weighted Chin-ups, 3x5
6. V-Bar Lat Pulldowns: 2x20
7. Seated Cable Row: 3x12
8. Hammer Strength Row: 2x15
9. DB Side Lateral Raise 4x10, 12, 15, 20
10. Upright Cable Row 2x15 SS/
11. Straight-Arm Lat Pulldowns 2x12
12. Barbell Shrugs 2x15
13. Cable Rear Delt Flyes 3x12
14. Face Pulls 3x12

Summary: 44 working sets
Time: 1hr, 58mins.
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