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Your test levels drop as you age. I wouldn’t really call test “gear”.

Taking it to get back to the levels you had in your 20s is different than hgh and tren and clen and all that.
My fault I misread then I thought you meant you were going to get on the "good" stuff. You talking that stuff Frank Thomas is pushing right now.
lol my one homie always talks about getting TRT. I'm like bruh u not even old yet, relax.

:lol: idk why you would take it when your body is still producing plenty. I mean I get why but if he’s just casually lifting why go down that road. Plus it isn’t a cure all, my boy has a **** work ethic in the gym. He started running test a year ago. I’m still stronger than him and I’m 5 years older. :lol:

He looks better than me though.
Your test levels drop as you age. I wouldn’t really call test “gear”.

Taking it to get back to the levels you had in your 20s is different than hgh and tren and clen and all that.
just had my blood tested for this. Ill find out next week
:lol: idk why you would take it when your body is still producing plenty. I mean I get why but if he’s just casually lifting why go down that road. Plus it isn’t a cure all, my boy has a **** work ethic in the gym. He started running test a year ago. I’m still stronger than him and I’m 5 years older. :lol:

He looks better than me though.
lol idk man I think he just saying it just to say it. He also wanted to fly to Germany and get the Kobe treatment.
When your Testosterone levels drop due to age, all it truly means is that your ability to recover from exertion drops off a bit. It happens sexually as well. It does not mean that you won't be able to build muscle, or maintain a lean physique, it means that you must pay closer attention to detail while training and recovery. You've got to know your limits, because over training can happen quickly for those with lower testosterone levels. As you get older, your GH levels may take a hit as well, especially if you are living hard due to drugs and alcohol, bad diet, lack of sexual activity, poor sleep habits. The latter is incredibly important because GH is released into the body during the REM phase of sleep, the deep dream state. Without such, the body will struggle to recoup. Also, being properly hydrated before sleep is key, keeping the body cool enough in order to sleep deeply, so that GH can be released into the system.

To be quite honest, you do not need to do the drugs in order to maintain a strong muscular body as you age. If you are comparing your look to those who are using, yeah, you'll lose. However, don't let your ego force you to make decisions that may compromise your health and well being. I see dudes in their 50's and 60's all the time in the gym who are on replacement therapies, and it is obvious. They will have the distended ab look, abnormal trap development, well developed vastus medialis, yet still having skinny legs. What is even more obvious is when they are no longer ON those therapies and their metabolic system crashes, those areas shrivel up like raisins.
If the meniscus purpose is to act as a shock absorber in your knee, why after my torn meniscus is my lateral movement so bad, and ability to jump off that leg almost nonexistent? Tore it last October for what it’s worth, doctors said rehab, no surgery. I’ve been hooping again for several months but lateral movement is trash and I can’t jump for crap
I would think I could do those movements , but landing /stopping would be the issue? But that’s not the case
Almost knocked some fool out at the gym today

Was squatting and was walking around the gym looking for a second 45lb plate.

As I grab one and start walking back, these 2 punks (1 girl 1 guy. Skinny af) take my plate off and put it on their bar. Keep in mind they knew I was squatting there cause they saw me warming up.

I approach them and dude denies he took it and he starts acting smart and says he’ll grab me a 45 plate. I said do it then and then he refuses.

Some dude intervenes and gives me a 45lb plate. The punks start whispering that I’m accusing them of something they didn’t do smh. I just proceed to squat 365 for reps while this punk and his girl struggling with 195. When I was resting I just stared them down while they were squatting too :lol:
If the meniscus purpose is to act as a shock absorber in your knee, why after my torn meniscus is my lateral movement so bad, and ability to jump off that leg almost nonexistent? Tore it last October for what it’s worth, doctors said rehab, no surgery. I’ve been hooping again for several months but lateral movement is trash and I can’t jump for crap
I would think I could do those movements , but landing /stopping would be the issue? But that’s not the case

because the joint is catching on that loose
piece of cartilage.
i’m lazy and lack motivation. Is getting a personal trainer worth of? what’s a good way to find one. I got a kind of bum right knee ACL and want someone that would ease me into it slowly
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