STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Hello I just found this portion of NT does anyone here use SARMS
I was gonna try yk11 till my blood work showed my liver values were elevated so I ditched that idea. From what I researched, they work. I found Reddit to have alot of info on it.
How long does it take you guys to get back to your bench press level from before? I took months off because of an injury and am nowhere near where I was. I'm trying to add 10 lbs every week to get my strength back but I don't think it's going to be a linear recovery. I was at 155 and now I'm doing 100

10lbs every week is a lot. I think aiming for 5lb every 1 - 2 weeks is a little more reasonable.

Historically I always tended to regain strength and grow new mass really quickly after long layoffs and that rate of 5lbs per week is what I considered 'really quickly.'

My natural progression right now is 1lb every 1 - 2 weeks, still running the same program, never really added volume in 5 years.
How do y’all feel about these squats? This is from the strength coach for the Texas Longhorns hoop team.

I tend to disagree with KHUFU KHUFU on most things so take my uneducated opinion for what it is. *Kanye shrug*

I'mma say unless you're training to play college hoops, what is the point of doing high-*** half pin-squats like this? I don't hoop so maybe that's a basketball thing. It doesn't seem like a good strength or conditioning thing.

I was of the impression squatting to depth using accommodating resistance (bands and chains) but much less weight could also be used to build the same explosiveness? :rolleyes

All of the cats I see lifting heavy weight or with good aesthetics usually use much greater ROM (i.e. pin squatting to at least parallel. Coincidentally, all of the people I see that are weak af and/or with chitty physiques squat to about that depth (if they squat at all).

Anecdotal evidence is just that but lifting is only part science IMO, it's also part art. Therefore I try to experiment and only take advice from people that are stronger than me. I never take advice from people that are weaker than me (just like I never take financial advice from someone poorer than me). And since I have no desire (or the ability) to play basketball at that level, after looking at their legs, nah, I'm cool on that. :lol:

/end rant
There is no doubt that the college ranks and the NBA, NFL, MLB, and other professional sports leagues have bigger and better athletes than there ever has been before.

While working with the disabled, the injured, and seniors. while also working with pro franchises, the one thing I have come to realize is that anyone who can get out of bed in the morning under their own power?

Is an athlete.

Working with people who are recovering from strokes, illness, or even something as simple as an ankle sprain, you never really know how SCIENTIFIC training actually is, in regard to recovery and progress. To see the patient recovering from a stroke, relearning to use limbs, being able to resume motor function, is a moving experience. To see the athlete recover from a break, sprain or tear, speaks to how the study of training through science has helped to make a faster, bigger and stronger athlete, and a better functioning human being.

That said....
Said I was gonna take a week off but I can’t rest if my competition is working.
also the gains been coming full speed and when I have that momentum I need to take advantage of it. We can’t slow down and let that opportunity past us.

squats: 300 3x6
paused bench: 215 3x6
deadlift: 405 10x1

USAPL Maryland State Champ 2020 in April... :nerd:
Said I was gonna take a week off but I can’t rest if my competition is working.
also the gains been coming full speed and when I have that momentum I need to take advantage of it. We can’t slow down and let that opportunity past us.

squats: 300 3x6
paused bench: 215 3x6
deadlift: 405 10x1

USAPL Maryland State Champ 2020 in April... :nerd:
You at least deserve some expensive active recovery
I was gonna try yk11 till my blood work showed my liver values were elevated so I ditched that idea. From what I researched, they work. I found Reddit to have alot of info on it.
I’m currently doing a stack with YK-11. But for me they do work.
My God...what happened to Ronnie Coleman? Looks like they cut off his legs or he's lost all feelings in his legs and they are atrophied. Sad.
He’s had multiple back surgeries and he never let his back fully heal so he kept getting hurt. He’s doing better than he has been in previous times
Don't need no degree or "experience with training athletes" to know that if I get stronger with a full ROM then Im automatically going to gain strength with the same movement in a partial ROM. For example, I guarantee anyone in here will bench more to a 2-3 board then they can to their chest. To say an athlete will not benefit from a full squat compared to a partial one is a bold claim and definitely not absolute. Pin squats may be safer but they definitely aren't going to make you a better athlete over a full squat.

Also while James Harrison is a beast, he is a horrible example for anything exercise form related.
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