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how do you guy differentiate a sore/bruised knee. to something more serious? ive never had a major knee injury but im feeling a bit of pain that almost feels like a small tear when i move certain angles
how do you guy differentiate a sore/bruised knee. to something more serious? ive never had a major knee injury but im feeling a bit of pain that almost feels like a small tear when i move certain angles
Have you tried icing yet?
how do you guy differentiate a sore/bruised knee. to something more serious? ive never had a major knee injury but im feeling a bit of pain that almost feels like a small tear when i move certain angles

Was there a significant point where you knew you injured it, and if so, what was the incident?
Was having some slight shoulder soreness so I went to a Chiropractor. Dude tells me he will set me straight. I'm in a sling now and unable to sleep properly b/c anytime I move it sleep the pain awakens me. Shoulder is killing me all day. Now I'm waiting for an appointment for an orthopedic doctor next week smh. Just as I found a gym that seems semi-coved safe in my area smh. Hopefully nothing serious, anxious to get back in the gym from this long covid layoff.
Bet the bar came with a bend

If those are 45s: So we sposed to believe dude is stonker than Ronnie Coleman, squatting 1100+?

If those are 25s: Why you taking all the plates just to stunt for the Gram?

im on week 7 of this plan and love it. shame PF doesnt have everything i need and I have to Macgyver some exercises

just getting up i felt a sharp pain. i dont really feel it now tho. it was weird

FWIW, my left knee was perma-sore during Squat Erryday, and then my right knee was hurt for the last two weeks. Squatted just twice a week and only ran once the last few weeks; should be good to go for the start of nSuns tomorrow.
this dude and his girl got corona at my gym. He said he felt like dying and his girl was chilling like it was nothing.

Several folks at work, including one of my underlings had it. Their case was relatively mild, said it was worse than the flu.
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