STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Ate bad last night. Prime rib with like 3 chicken thighs and baked potato, a little bit of fries.

Killed workout this morning. Feels good.
would seem you at least got your protein in!

think i strained my calf or hamstring, on a heel elevated front squat last night…not even using a crazy amount of effort either; i watched the back rep and couldn’t even see it when it happened. maybe somewhat fortunately i can only feel a slight pain when fully at the end range of bent knee. also on the plus side i was finally able to deadlift 405 with a conventional grip for a couple of single reps for the 1st time with a slight deficit…definitely not consistent with it but it’s progress.
Skipped out gym day today. It's Good Friday.

Negged. :angry:

I was snowed in for 2 days so I did Legs first and then went later and did Upper.

Compared to His Passion, that was nothing.
resuming gym day this Easter. celebrating the resurrection at the same time. yesterday was a drag, wasn't feeling it on Black Friday, but it's ok. it was time for my muscles to rest and grow. going to punish the little one for skipping 3 days. so I'm increasing his load today x3. yeah, I'm a bad father. :rofl:
so far, so good. 2 months in for my new year's resolution of getting back in shape. body is slowly morphing now from what it was back in 2012 but just larger inspite of a lean bulk than my small frame. I'm just wondering what I would look like if I continuously do this for the rest of the year and by December. gotta reach my homie since he's been working out as well and how he is doing. my little one finished half of his intended set and has to do the remainder in the afternoon. oh and Happy Easter.
skipped gym work today as I'm feeling a bit under the weather. some muscle fatigue. also, doing my cycle for maybe a week or 2. gotta book an appointment with my physio as I'm having some painful muscle spasms.
so bad news. I need to be off for atleast about a week. no gym work (lifting) and no work as well til cleared. got a disc herniation (work injury) in my neck that is causing some inflammation, numbness and pain. need to be extra careful or I might end up getting under the knife. will be doing some physiotherapy for now. hopeful that I could get back after this week or sooner but need to play it safe. so I'll be forced to be doing what the wife's routine is for now which is this.
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