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people to the point of getting overly obese and make excuses about mental health and other stuff to validate their obesity. while it can reach the point of treating exercise as an inconvenience rather than it being a necessity is somehow a bad thinking especially with all the distractions we have now in our society but still not a great excuse. I have encountered people in general, not just the overly obese that always makes excuses of not doing it because they have "no time" and can't even get themselves to spend even "1 minute" of their time everyday to do a HIIT routine. it is not because nobody has no time but rather think that they have no time to get tired "unneccesarily?" . the problem starts with "conditioning" one's own mind into doing the task rather than do physical activity. if the mindset is weak, nothing will be done.

given the ‘standard american diet’ & the availability of super palatable calorie dense foods, it shouldn’t be surprising that the majority of americans are overweight, and since excercise/working out is completely unnatural it also not surprising most people don’t stick to a routine to be active enough to keep the pounds off long term.

no animal in existence, save for the modern human, has ever had to excercise…they achieve fitness through their very existence, be it play in their adolescence, foraging/hunting/obtaining food…to go out of the way to expend valuable calories/energy doing something that they don’t have to is something animals rarely do. which i would think is why most people don’t keep consistent with their fitness generally
given the ‘standard american diet’ & the availability of super palatable calorie dense foods, it shouldn’t be surprising that the majority of americans are overweight, and since excercise/working out is completely unnatural it also not surprising most people don’t stick to a routine to be active enough to keep the pounds off long term.

no animal in existence, save for the modern human, has ever had to excercise…they achieve fitness through their very existence, be it play in their adolescence, foraging/hunting/obtaining food…to go out of the way to expend valuable calories/energy doing something that they don’t have to is something animals rarely do. which i would think is why most people don’t keep consistent with their fitness generally
well it's not just the food quantity and food quality but also the attitude in itself. I'm not sure how much society now put emphasis on exercise/health as it was back in the 80s but I know there was a lot of emphasis physical education and health in the media. be it dancing, aerobics, workout videos, etc... it was all the hype back then. not even sure how much problem the society had on morbidly obese people in that period but what I do notice is that this generation of supersize is somehow new and prevalent. from what I see, it's over-indulgence. it's not like Pepsi didn't exist back then. those people may say that exercising and working out is unnatural, but being sedentary and overeating is a lot more unnatural than exercising. even a damn sloth does the effort no matter how slow it is.
I really notice a difference in the summer when I’m working vs posted at the crib all winter and barely doing anything because it’s too cold.

I’m chubby now but as soon as I go back to work I’ll be lean in a month. It’s an active job and I can’t just eat all day because I see the food in the fridge.

And in my off time I’m always outside doing something.
There's an app that let's people earn money from walking or running.

The catch is that it's an NFT shoe you have to buy to get in on it. 10 Sol is the floor, I think. Not sure if anyone wants to go down that rabbit hole or not, but it can be damn good motivation if you're making around $50 a day from exercising.
well it's not just the food quantity and food quality but also the attitude in itself. I'm not sure how much society now put emphasis on exercise/health as it was back in the 80s but I know there was a lot of emphasis physical education and health in the media. be it dancing, aerobics, workout videos, etc... it was all the hype back then. not even sure how much problem the society had on morbidly obese people in that period but what I do notice is that this generation of supersize is somehow new and prevalent. from what I see, it's over-indulgence. it's not like Pepsi didn't exist back then. those people may say that exercising and working out is unnatural, but being sedentary and overeating is a lot more unnatural than exercising. even a damn sloth does the effort no matter how slow it is.

sure there will always be fitness fads, because they address the fact that people want to be in better shape, ideally…i think you could argue ‘fitness’ as segment is bigger and folks are more aware than ever but it will always an uphill thing, especially if one’s lifestyle doesn’t really require it and there is no pressing externality that really motivate/necessitate it. which it seems it will increasingly be the case as most hard labor jobs will get more automated and require less physical activity…so i could ‘fitness’ becoming an aesthetic thing rather than a marker of health

the fact is we evolved to overeat & be sedentary, it is the whole reason animals even store fat…it’s just that today calories are both easily accessible and require little effort to obtain (granted that you have the money). when you look at the hunter gather peoples that still are around today living similarly to our ancestors they find that these folks don’t really use more energy than people in industrialized countries are mostly sit around (tho in a more active way), in fact people in industrialized countries probably use even more energy because they tend to be larger (and perhaps unhealthily so).
That’s why I don’t get down with the carb bashing. Don’t blame the carbs, you got to get off the couch.

People get swole af off 75% carbs who don’t have the money to eat a ton of protein.
sure there will always be fitness fads, because they address the fact that people want to be in better shape, ideally…i think you could argue ‘fitness’ as segment is bigger and folks are more aware than ever but it will always an uphill thing, especially if one’s lifestyle doesn’t really require it and there is no pressing externality that really motivate/necessitate it. which it seems it will increasingly be the case as most hard labor jobs will get more automated and require less physical activity…so i could ‘fitness’ becoming an aesthetic thing rather than a marker of health

the fact is we evolved to overeat & be sedentary
, it is the whole reason animals even store fat…it’s just that today calories are both easily accessible and require little effort to obtain (granted that you have the money). when you look at the hunter gather peoples that still are around today living similarly to our ancestors they find that these folks don’t really use more energy than people in industrialized countries are mostly sit around (tho in a more active way), in fact people in industrialized countries probably use even more energy because they tend to be larger (and perhaps unhealthily so).
first highlight, that kind of thinking is exactly the reason why there are more morbidly obese people and people having lots of health issues. as I previously posted was the case of Ronnie Brower. if people think that fitness is only for aesthetic reasons, just ask the number of failed 600 lb life people that are in good health.

second highlight, that is not evolution, that is more like devolution. being overweight and obese due to overeating and storing unused fat and sugar is more harmful than beneficial. it is not entirely true that calories now are more accessible and require a little effort to obtain. and also not entirely true that being industrialized that the need for energy is less or make it unnecessary for people not to be fit. I work in the healthcare field and although we have apparatuses that we could use to do our job more efficient, it doesn't make our job any less physically demanding. the funny part of it all is the pandemic has encouraged more people to stay active. as far as food choices goes, there was a documentary about this on Netflix I think on how the FDA has pretty much conditioned the american society to what it is now and pretty much profited by implementing or encourage the mass production and distribution of unhealthy food. as I mentioned, it has more to do about the conditioning and mindset that made people into this. just look at how many commercials there are about fastfood as opposed to promoting fresh veggies and fruits. I mean, how difficult is it to prepare fruits and vegetables?
That’s why I don’t get down with the carb bashing. Don’t blame the carbs, you got to get off the couch.

People get swole af off 75% carbs who don’t have the money to eat a ton of protein.

the thing with carbohydrates is just that they have become synonymous with processed food…and while it’s the necessarily difficult (altho protein is generally more filling/satiating than most other things) to eat a lot of, i don’t think most people are aware of how important of a macro it is

first highlight, that kind of thinking is exactly the reason why there are more morbidly obese people and people having lots of health issues. as I previously posted was the case of Ronnie Brower. if people think that fitness is only for aesthetic reasons, just ask the number of failed 600 lb life people that are in good health.

second highlight, that is not evolution, that is more like devolution. being overweight and obese due to overeating and storing unused fat and sugar is more harmful than beneficial. it is not entirely true that calories now are more accessible and require a little effort to obtain. and also not entirely true that being industrialized that the need for energy is less or make it unnecessary for people not to be fit. I work in the healthcare field and although we have apparatuses that we could use to do our job more efficient, it doesn't make our job any less physically demanding. the funny part of it all is the pandemic has encouraged more people to stay active. as far as food choices goes, there was a documentary about this on Netflix I think on how the FDA has pretty much conditioned the american society to what it is now and pretty much profited by implementing or encourage the mass production and distribution of unhealthy food. as I mentioned, it has more to do about the conditioning and mindset that made people into this. just look at how many commercials there are about fastfood as opposed to promoting fresh veggies and fruits. I mean, how difficult is it to prepare fruits and vegetables?

i don’t think it is the case that the rise (morbid) obesity is tied to aesthetics, but the fact is modern life requires less of what would traditional be thought of as ‘fitness’ or ‘being in shape’ which aren’t necessary the same as being ‘healthy’ from a medical standpoint.

i won’t comment on the whole fresh food vs fast food thing except to say that while business profiteering & culture definitely has a role in diet, the trend in human civilization has generally been towards convenience & ease with some trade off in quality (arguably). so even if it was the case that fresh foods were on the whole priced comparably & were equally available & accessible to all people as fast food i think there’d still be appeal to fast food because it is so much convenient given modern life
Youre not considering that not everyone has access to fresh fruit and veggies. Ever heard of "food deserts"?
but it's accessible to order a pizza? point is, they could access that beforehand. the excuse of not acquiring it is not really valid at all unless they are starving people in third world nations.
Youre not considering that not everyone has access to fresh fruit and veggies. Ever heard of "food deserts"?
My wife went to NYC and said she didn’t see almost any grocery stores.

Just in my area by my house we have 3 different grocery stores within a 10 minute drive and a new Costco coming in too.
My wife went to NYC and said she didn’t see almost any grocery stores.

Just in my area by my house we have 3 different grocery stores within a 10 minute drive and a new Costco coming in too.
We live in an area which there is plenty of grocery stores. despite the abundance of stores near our area, we still drive or commute further away to buy most of our groceries due to some items that are unavailable on those local stores and also because we get more stuff and cheaper. there are also local fastfood and restaurants in the area but we still opt to do our groceries. the convenience aspect and unavailability doesn't really play a major role unless there isn't really a way to acquire these items. it's a choice. I remember my father had to wake up early in the morning and walk miles to school just to get an education. if someone really want and need it that badly, one needs to make an effort.
We live in an area which there is plenty of grocery stores. despite the abundance of stores near our area, we still drive or commute further away to buy most of our groceries due to some items that are unavailable on those local stores and also because we get more stuff and cheaper. there are also local fastfood and restaurants in the area but we still opt to do our groceries. the convenience aspect and unavailability doesn't really play a major role unless there isn't really a way to acquire these items. it's a choice. I remember my father had to wake up early in the morning and walk miles to school just to get an education. if someone really want and need it that badly, one needs to make an effort.
YOUR reality is not reality for everyone else. Things that you take for granted like driving further to buy groceries is a luxury that not everyone has. Not everyone has a vehicle either. Not everyone has the means/funds nor the time to do this. You sound very ignorant.
YOUR reality is not reality for everyone else. Things that you take for granted like driving further to buy groceries is a luxury that not everyone has. Not everyone has a vehicle either. Not everyone has the means/funds nor the time to do this. You sound very ignorant.


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We live in an area which there is plenty of grocery stores. despite the abundance of stores near our area, we still drive or commute further away to buy most of our groceries due to some items that are unavailable on those local stores and also because we get more stuff and cheaper. there are also local fastfood and restaurants in the area but we still opt to do our groceries. the convenience aspect and unavailability doesn't really play a major role unless there isn't really a way to acquire these items. it's a choice. I remember my father had to wake up early in the morning and walk miles to school just to get an education. if someone really want and need it that badly, one needs to make an effort.

i’ll just say that the modern lifestyle can be very poorly suited to being/getting/staying in shape…food deserts & food insecurity are real things, as is malnutrition from poor & a lack of varied diet. however, there is also the lack of activity (which could be due to various things) and the fact the excercise is such an unnatural chore, then even if people are working out they may often take the wrong approach of doing so much cardio and trying to cut calories unsustainably which leads to cycling of gaining & losing weight doing stuff that they don’t like anyway for a goal that isn’t all that relevant to how they live superficially (of course being overweight impacts many other things in terms of health & quality of life).
i’ll just say that the modern lifestyle can be very poorly suited to being/getting/staying in shape…food deserts & food insecurity are real things, as is malnutrition from poor & a lack of varied diet. however, there is also the lack of activity (which could be due to various things) and the fact the excercise is such an unnatural chore, then even if people are working out they may often take the wrong approach of doing so much cardio and trying to cut calories unsustainably which leads to cycling of gaining & losing weight doing stuff that they don’t like anyway for a goal that isn’t all that relevant to how they live superficially (of course being overweight impacts many other things in terms of health & quality of life).
I would agree on the lack of activity coupled with a weak mindset. when I attended some classes a few years ago, I had some classmates that were complaining about their health and that they have no time to go to the gym or do some physical activity. I asked these people if they can spare even just 1 minute every day to do a high intensity activity and they haven't done anything and again said the no time excuse. now those same people spend more than 5 minutes every class to smoke during class break. the thing is, exercise only becomes an unnatural chore if you are not doing it to replace a bad habit.

considering my busy lifestyle, I have to fix my schedule to incorporate some of the necessities including exercise, groceries, work, family time, social life and taking my son to his extra curricular activities. there are some sacrifices of course, but that's part of life unless you want to get stuck up to that kind of life whether for better or worse. of course, nothing is perfect and people could relapse but that is part of the challenge as it is with life.
Truth be told, some people are happy and content being larger. I was one of them. Hell I was just talking to my wife a bit ago about how I feel when I see pics of myself from a year ago. I don’t think “man dark times”.. cause I wasn’t unhappy.

I decided to really try fitness for fun / trying to keep at it and here we are. 65lbs gone, almost 10 months later. Still going.

But my point is, sometimes people just don’t care to lose weight or try to live any healthier than they see themselves already doing. I don’t know if I’d necessarily say that makes them a lazy person, just different interests / priorities.
When I see old pics of myself I look rough, I mean I was living pretty foul.

I didn’t realize it until I straightened myself out though.

Lifting changed my life because I saw the progress you can make if you stick with something.
I would agree on the lack of activity coupled with a weak mindset. when I attended some classes a few years ago, I had some classmates that were complaining about their health and that they have no time to go to the gym or do some physical activity. I asked these people if they can spare even just 1 minute every day to do a high intensity activity and they haven't done anything and again said the no time excuse. now those same people spend more than 5 minutes every class to smoke during class break. the thing is, exercise only becomes an unnatural chore if you are not doing it to replace a bad habit.

considering my busy lifestyle, I have to fix my schedule to incorporate some of the necessities including exercise, groceries, work, family time, social life and taking my son to his extra curricular activities. there are some sacrifices of course, but that's part of life unless you want to get stuck up to that kind of life whether for better or worse. of course, nothing is perfect and people could relapse but that is part of the challenge as it is with life.

i wouldn't argue that exercise/movement quality/training is on the whole beneficial...just doesn't change the fact that these things are alien and incongruent with most people's lifestyles not just historically but maybe especially given modern circumstances, being overweight/obese in actuality is more natural & occurs in the animal world than doing any type exercising for health or aesthetic(s). if a person isn't particularly invested in their physical fitness, which has been the case for most people for most of human existence, i don't know that it can be called weak rather those people don't find the benefit worthwhile over the negatives despite maybe wanting to be fitter, theoretically

Truth be told, some people are happy and content being larger. I was one of them. Hell I was just talking to my wife a bit ago about how I feel when I see pics of myself from a year ago. I don’t think “man dark times”.. cause I wasn’t unhappy.

I decided to really try fitness for fun / trying to keep at it and here we are. 65lbs gone, almost 10 months later. Still going.

But my point is, sometimes people just don’t care to lose weight or try to live any healthier than they see themselves already doing. I don’t know if I’d necessarily say that makes them a lazy person, just different interests / priorities.

priorities, exactly! even in as well off as country as america is, i think the statistic is the majority of americans live paycheck to paycheck and don't have enough in the back to absorb an unexpected $500 i don't know that people really even think about it in those terms of being content with being a lil fluffy, i would think until someone's lifestyle is really impacted whether from a capability (can't do things they use to do), health (disease or medical condition), or quality (don't feel as good) perspective...they aren't all that concerned about their weight to make the lifestyle change(s) required, supposing they even have the flexibility to pursue it. sure, for some people it really comes down to wanting to achieve or maintain certain aesthetics or they have the kind of willpower & focus to stick with it (or they like the attention they receive from the opposite gender 😂)
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Did no carbs (keto) a while back. It works so long as you're not overeating while doing it, but I really felt pretty crappy. Not for me.

I also did the whole fasting thing. It also works, but I felt like garbage doing cardio on restricted calories.

I just worry about macros nowadays. It seems to work just as well so long you're in a calorie deficit or at maintenance level depending on what your goals are. Since you can eat whatever you just have to be careful with the fun food.
But my point is, sometimes people just don’t care to lose weight or try to live any healthier than they see themselves already doing. I don’t know if I’d necessarily say that makes them a lazy person, just different interests / priorities.
priorities change over time. although the fact is, people don't necessarily change easily even if they faced with such painful and scary predicament. sometimes, it comes too late. a homie of mine was a damn chimney when we were younger during college. his philosophy was, He'd rather die young and enjoy what he was getting out of smokes. just talked to him a few months ago and it was like talking to a different individual with a different mindset. I remember Leonard Nimoy who suffered COPD because of his longtime habit and his regret of not changing his lifestyle.
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