STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

fasho, every person has their own approach, goals, & path…their particular bent is from the standpoint that muscle is protective…as such for most fitness regiments keeping/preserving what one has, at the minimum, and ideally building more of it should be the goal especially as one ages. seems that some of your goals are conflict tho, such is life obviously so we all make trade offs

just pointing out that some of the reasoning you are stating is not the science…there are benefits to fasting, just not the ones you are claiming.

😂 i mean i can see how you could interpret this as ‘washed’ but nah, no way i calling any of that washed them man were running faster than many man a quarter of their age!

Ive claimed weight loss , decreased insulin resistance (kinda go hand in hand), and age protective effects (neuro cognitive). Those are backed by some level of evidence in scientific literature
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I know y’all boys like all that fabric over y’all knees in the gym but I thought I’d share with y’all my latest ranger panty pickups 😂.

Come over to the dark side, I’ll welcome y’all with open arms. No gatekeeping 😊
gym sharks 5 in shorts are my favorite. cheap too.\

Uh-uh. My short-shorts arrived and I can see large portions of my thighs.

Please advise y'all.
unless your legs look like this:


then it shouldnt matter

Naw, they definitely don’t. These larges might even be too tight. :wow:

It’s just a whole lotta meat being exposed down here.

Edit: Yeah, these basically male c**chie cutters.

If I wasn’t wearing spandex underneath they’d have prolly arrested me for exposure by now.
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Yeah, these basically char-coochie cutters.
I wear 5"" shorts at the gym but with tights under it. That solves the problem if youre self conscious about leg or meat exposure.

Self-conscious? Nah, cats tell me erryday I look like an action figure or the next Avenger or some ****.

It’s more about feeling “indecent”.

I got the moose knuckle big-time (⏸️).
Had to go with an unorthodox approach today…By the time I got up and did my daily routine it was kind of late and I had junk removal folks coming in an hour. Decided to skip Nike Training Club cardio and lift in between getting stuff ready together #NoExcuses

It was way different just lifting as opposed to lifting in between various forms of cardio. Had way more strength since I wasn’t fatigued. It’s oddly been awhile since I did that :lol: Because of the oddnesa of timing and workout type I just skipped breakfast resulting in this fast

At a restaurant as I type. I am going to absolutely house this food :lol:
Had to go with an unorthodox approach today…By the time I got up and did my daily routine it was kind of late and I had junk removal folks coming in an hour. Decided to skip Nike Training Club cardio and lift in between getting stuff ready together #NoExcuses

It was way different just lifting as opposed to lifting in between various forms of cardio. Had way more strength since I wasn’t fatigued. It’s oddly been awhile since I did that :lol: Because of the oddnesa of timing and workout type I just skipped breakfast resulting in this fast

At a restaurant as I type. I am going to absolutely house this food :lol:

What app is this? I literally just set a stopwatch on my phone to remind me not to eat. :lol:
What app is this? I literally just set a stopwatch on my phone to remind me not to eat. :lol:

It’s called Zero. You can log meals, exercise, weight, etc. But for the fast, you just click start and set your goal time then if you have notifications on it will remind you like an hour before (can’t recall if there are earlier notifications) but you can always go in to see how much time you’ve logged.

All the credit on that one goes to my man QU!K QU!K who brought it to my attention in the Intermittent Fasting Thread!

Even if you don’t log your meals or activity, it’s useful for the IF Life we are living
Had to go with an unorthodox approach today…By the time I got up and did my daily routine it was kind of late and I had junk removal folks coming in an hour. Decided to skip Nike Training Club cardio and lift in between getting stuff ready together #NoExcuses

It was way different just lifting as opposed to lifting in between various forms of cardio. Had way more strength since I wasn’t fatigued. It’s oddly been awhile since I did that :lol: Because of the oddnesa of timing and workout type I just skipped breakfast resulting in this fast

At a restaurant as I type. I am going to absolutely house this food :lol:

Oh, imagine that.

You had more skrenf because you hadn't wasted precious chakra on nasty "cardio".

Little physique update. Finally finished cutting mid June. Took about 2 weeks to find my new maintenance then started the bulk in July. Up 15 lbs most of it is probably water and glycogen but I def feel fuller and my strength is finally coming back a little.

Looking thick, solid, tight, full, long.

I wish I had a beard.
Going for 20


So wait do you do 20 hours every day or rotate between 20-no fast-20-etc or like 20-16-20-etc?

I only ask because since my 25.5 hour fast ended at 3:45PM and I planned to fast going tomorrow meaning I only got to eat that 1 meal today :lol: |l I was just curious if you eat one meal or have 4-8 hour block where you can eat? I do the latter with an 8-hour eating block from ~7:15 to to 3:15.
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