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6ft4 215lbs no Trump.

I dont know whats so weird about not keeping temptation in the house when youre trying to fast. The times I succumb are when my wife brings home random sh**.

Shredded===6 pack, well anatomically defined lines in your musculature, low body fat.


I get it now, you're a "Mighty Glacier."

Your metabolism is prolly slower than you'd like and your goal is to lean out but that's going against its nature.

I ain't know you was married, so your wife is cool with you having no food up in the crib while you do this? Y'all got little kids? They up in their hawngry too?

I'm just tryna wrap my head around voluntarily giving up eating food if you ain't strapped like that.

I get it now, you're a "Mighty Glacier."

Your metabolism is prolly slower than you'd like and your goal is to lean out but that's going against its nature.

I ain't know you was married, so your wife is cool with you having no food up in the crib while you do this? Y'all got little kids? They up in their hawngry too?

I'm just tryna wrap my head around voluntarily giving up eating food if you ain't strapped like that.

My metabolism is probably higher than your average mid 30s male. But no I cant eat pizza and have a 6 pack like in my 20s. It is what it is.

My wife can probably skip the nasty sh** herself. Hope she isnt lurking.

There is nothing weird or even new about what Im doing. People intermittent fast. Its a whole rediscovered culture and how many cultures used to eat before excess. Its just difficult to do in privileged America I guess.
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I get it now, you're a "Mighty Glacier."

Your metabolism is prolly slower than you'd like and your goal is to lean out but that's going against its nature.

I ain't know you was married, so your wife is cool with you having no food up in the crib while you do this? Y'all got little kids? They up in their hawngry too?

I'm just tryna wrap my head around voluntarily giving up eating food if you ain't strapped like that.

I am doing something similar to deusavertat deusavertat but I don’t cook and JUST started going back to the grocery store so it’s easier for me to not keep stuff in the house :lol:

My metabolism is probably higher than your average mid 30s male. But no I cant eat pizza and have a 6 pack like in my 20s. It is what it is.

My wife can probably skip the nasty sh** herself. Hope she isnt lurking.

There is nothing weird or even knew about what Im doing. People intermittent fast. Its a whole rediscovered culture and how many cultures used to eat before excess. Its just difficult to do in privileged America I guess.

I have reached the point in intermittent fasting where it doesn’t matter what’s available to me and when it’s time to cutoff, it’s time to cutoff. For example - I am in the office today and ate lunch early today (before 1PM EDT). Around 3:30PM I thought about a snack but realized it would mess with a 16-hour fast so I didn’t eat and I am fine.

It would have been small but totally unnecessary. The fasting mindset and ability just takes getting used to.
I am doing something similar to deusavertat deusavertat but I don’t cook and JUST started going back to the grocery store so it’s easier for me to not keep stuff in the house :lol:

I have reached the point in intermittent fasting where it doesn’t matter what’s available to me and when it’s time to cutoff, it’s time to cutoff. For example - I am in the office today and ate lunch early today (before 1PM EDT). Around 3:30PM I thought about a snack but realized it would mess with a 16-hour fast so I didn’t eat and I am fine.

It would have been small but totally unnecessary. The fasting mindset and ability just takes getting used to.

I cook during the days I fast. Fasting gives me a chance to really put work into making well thought out meals. Everything I keep in my fridge for those stretches is unprepped uncooked food i cant just grab and eat. I also tend to do this around hard stretches of work because im too distracted to be hungry. Im trying to get my wife to do the same, she said she actually fasted today and it was rough and I told her she did it perfectly by timing it around work.
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Y’all boys fasting is crazy, esp fasted workouts. The second I step in the gym I’m already thinking about my post workout meal

just dont feel right if i eat anywhere close to my training/workout...even tho i know it is most times better for takes me a minute to get hungry afterwards too, making food orders during the workout is next level tho 😂
just dont feel right if i eat anywhere close to my training/workout...even tho i know it is most times better for takes me a minute to get hungry afterwards too, making food orders during the workout is next level tho 😂

Thats normal. I dont feel hungry right after. In fact I feel nauseous sometimes. Then my body starts craving calories.
Fasted workouts aren't crazy at all. I do that all the time during Ramadan.

I guess it depends on what your workout consists of.

One of the homies was in and out in well under an hour, of course you don't need food for that. (SN: Lazy bastard.

I was in the rack/platform for two hours just doing squats and sumo pulls; I would have surely died of death, which would have killed me, had I not eaten breakfast/lunch.

(I was still
even with at least 1700 calories in the bucket.)

on the subject if fasting as a diet…serendipitously was listening to this this episode they dropped yesterday 😂

😅 kinda wrecked myself with too many jumps over the weekend working on my single leg (lack of) bounce, was back rimming everything which only made things worse because i ended up getting caught in the perpetual ‘just one more try’ phenomenon 😮‍💨

surprisingly tho deadlifts were feeling good yesterday even with the sore knees, was moving well enough that i hit a couple doubles w/ 510 quite easily…failed 555 but did get it off the floor so i can see that happening 😤
bought some steaks today and marinating it for tonight. I'm doing it barbecue rather than my typical butter coat wrapped in foil grill.

on the subject if fasting as a diet…serendipitously was listening to this this episode they dropped yesterday 😂

😅 kinda wrecked myself with too many jumps over the weekend working on my single leg (lack of) bounce, was back rimming everything which only made things worse because i ended up getting caught in the perpetual ‘just one more try’ phenomenon 😮‍💨

surprisingly tho deadlifts were feeling good yesterday even with the sore knees, was moving well enough that i hit a couple doubles w/ 510 quite easily…failed 555 but did get it off the floor so i can see that happening 😤

Why is it not good for a diet?

Regardless, I think deusavertat deusavertat and I use fasting a lifestyle more than a diet tbh. All diets should technically be lifestyles, right?
Intermittent fasting has it's limits, I don't think I respond to it anymore. I do 3 meals a day, my "fast" is in between the meals ie no snacking or drinking calories.
Why is it not good for a diet?

Regardless, I think deusavertat deusavertat and I use fasting a lifestyle more than a diet tbh. All diets should technically be lifestyles, right?

their argument is basically that it suboptimal approach and may not really address the 'problem' folks are usually trying to solve for with fasting, which is usually losing weight...
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