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White :lol: . I got at least a year to truly get a hang of any of this. Im just working off strength and cardio. Ive settled a little and stopped trying to do too much. Everyone says if I keep with it Im going to be unstoppable.

Yeah I was the big strong white belt when I first started also.

The first 4 months I though I was HIMson Gracie. Then I started getting mopped in the advanced classes :lol:

Hopefully you have some guys in the gym who can give you work regardless of how strong you are.
Idk what "functional strength" is. I personally don't train for it but have no issues going about my day and moving/carrying heavy things. If I was a couch potato I'd need even less to be "functioning".

A mountain climber might disagree but I've never been hanging off the side of a cliff by my hands and needed to pull myself up 20 times.

I feel like folks will arbitrarily call one thing functional and something else not when in reality strong is strong, and most folks simply aren't.

I don't pay much attention to cardio talk but is there a functional speed sect outchea too?

I also feel like that anecdotal example you gave is disingenuous since grappling incorporates mobility, skill, conditioning, and strength/power.

You might be stronger than those blue/browns or you might have better technique or conditioning. Them getting gassed or struggling isn't an indication that your strength work is superior or optimal.

I know a former college wrestler with "old man skrenf" and phenomenal cardio that gives more experienced BJJ dudes trouble when they roll so that's not surprising to me.

Old buddy would smoke me on the mat or in a 5K but ain't seeing me in the gym or on the platform. Doesn't mean he's weak, it just means I'm stronger.

Yeah 'functional training' is a horse **** term tbf. I used it a 1000 times when I worked in a gym :lol:

I think it got coined in order to scam people who didn't 'want to lift weights' to do cool looking **** in the gym or elsewhere but it's essentially non specific strength & conditioning.
Idk what "functional strength" is. I personally don't train for it but have no issues going about my day and moving/carrying heavy things. If I was a couch potato I'd need even less to be "functioning".

A mountain climber might disagree but I've never been hanging off the side of a cliff by my hands and needed to pull myself up 20 times.

I feel like folks will arbitrarily call one thing functional and something else not when in reality strong is strong, and most folks simply aren't.

I don't pay much attention to cardio talk but is there a functional speed sect outchea too?

I also feel like that anecdotal example you gave is disingenuous since grappling incorporates mobility, skill, conditioning, and strength/power.

You might be stronger than those blue/browns or you might have better technique or conditioning. Them getting gassed or struggling isn't an indication that your strength work is superior or optimal.

I know a former college wrestler with "old man skrenf" and phenomenal cardio that gives more experienced BJJ dudes trouble when they roll so that's not surprising to me.

Old buddy would smoke me on the mat or in a 5K but ain't seeing me in the gym or on the platform. Doesn't mean he's weak, it just means I'm stronger.

😂 y’all heard of functional patterns/fp? or goata movement? it’s comedy, although i’m sure they have some worthwhile information and get people results…the way we humans find a way to atomize everything is kinda amazing

Functional strength to me just means enough to make quick twitch movements without getting fatigued. Holding on to a dudes wrist for 5 minutes while he tries really hard to get away is more important for me than benching 350 5 times. Thats why I do all those high rep workouts.

those high rep workouts are quite literally the opposite of training for twitchiness, it actually trains your body to be slower…twitchiness is trained by actually being twitchy with lower reps of high quality. fast twitch fibers are definitionally low endurance so ideally you’d just want to try to get your body move as fast as possible, better still, faster than possible with overspeed training

very true that ‘weightroom’ strength is different from sport specific strength, the weightroom is for improving general strength, which of course has carryover for sport, and actually getting more reps in the sport gets one better at the sport…replicating/using sport specific movements in the weightroom is not usually effective because adding weight not only is unnatural to the movements in the sport but also makes you slower…

if you like doing these high rep movements it’s fine, it probably isn’t doing what you think tho
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Functional strength to me just means enough to make quick twitch movements without getting fatigued. Holding on to a dudes wrist for 5 minutes while he tries really hard to get away is more important for me than benching 350 5 times. Thats why I do all those high rep workouts.

That doesn't make sense to me.

High-rep sets are associated with muscular endurance and certain types of hypertrophy, not performing quick twitch movements.

Benching 350 for 5 is actually more about endurance strength than explosive strength and technique like a 1RM, so I'm not sure I get that either.

Oh well. As long as you're not hurting anyone...
😂 y’all heard of functional patterns/fp? or goata movement? it’s comedy, although i’m sure they have some worthwhile information and get people results…the way we humanize find a way to atomize everything is kinda amazing

I haven't but most of the folks I hear in real life talmbout "functional" anything are so weak I don't pay them any mind. (I don't get to interact with many stronk ppl irl.)

It'd be like a broke boy in your face debating the merits of being old money vs. new money. Like, my dude, can you just get some money?
Yeah 'functional training' is a horse **** term tbf. I used it a 1000 times when I worked in a gym :lol:

I think it got coined in order to scam people who didn't 'want to lift weights' to do cool looking **** in the gym or elsewhere but it's essentially non specific strength & conditioning.

I didnt say it was academic. I just lift enough to be effective on the mat. Its like a basketball player doing one leg or side to side balancing drills. Its not weird to do workouts geared to your sport. Theres no need for me to be benching 500lbs every day. I rather work specific muscles groups with extra reps.
Yeah I was the big strong white belt when I first started also.

The first 4 months I though I was HIMson Gracie. Then I started getting mopped in the advanced classes :lol:

Hopefully you have some guys in the gym who can give you work regardless of how strong you are.

I spared with the instructor and dude basically toyed with me the entire time. I was fighting for my life.

Theres a 6ft5 lanky blue belt I struggled a little bit with but survived without submitting.

There were some other blue belts who just werent in shape that I actually made work but I dont know what Im doing so I couldnt get the tap. I came close on one dude and the clock ran out.

I think at this point in the game Im just in defensive mode against most of the more advanced guys. Every sub Ive had was against other white belts.
I didnt say it was academic. I just lift enough to be effective on the mat. Its like a basketball player doing one leg or side to side balancing drills. Its not weird to do workouts geared to your sport. Theres no need for me to be benching 500lbs every day. I rather work specific muscles groups with extra reps.

Yeah end of the day you gotta do what works for you. And more importantly do what you enjoy.

Grappling is one of the sports/disciplines that doesn't have a proven S&C protocol but to Tank Top Master Tank Top Master point though strong is strong... With jits it's primarily isometric strength to hold a position or explosive power to get out of one. + mobility and cardio. There's a lot of training modalities that would be beneficial including benching 500 :lol:
Yeah end of the day you gotta do what works for you. And more importantly do what you enjoy.

Grappling is one of the sports/disciplines that doesn't have a proven S&C protocol but to Tank Top Master Tank Top Master point though strong is strong... With jits it's primarily isometric strength to hold a position or explosive power to get out of one. + mobility and cardio. There's a lot of training modalities that would be beneficial including benching 500 :lol:

I had a weird moment were I locked this dudes arm with my biceps and it was like one of these movie flash backs where the fighter goes back to a specific time in training. I was like yea all them curls wasnt for nothing. :lol:

A friend who is a black belt told me to do wrist exercises.
Top master's animosity toward people doing cardio is :lol:

If it makes you feel better I ate today. A rather robust meal at that.

I had an entire Doro Wat pizza at lunch time (8 slices - see Food Thread) and jus ate some healthy snacks because I was hungry. Tomorrow is a rest day so can still can get a 16 hour fast in too :pimp:

But THEY will try to say we are starving ourselves :lol: :smh:
I had an entire Doro Wat pizza at lunch time (8 slices - see Food Thread) and jus ate some healthy snacks because I was hungry. Tomorrow is a rest day so can still can get a 16 hour fast in too :pimp:

But THEY will try to say we are starving ourselves :lol: :smh:


That’s not even a full days worth of calories papi. :lol:

You in here talmbout the one meal you ate (plus some snacks) all day. *Gucci Mane stare*

They need to send y’all to the Fools Wilding thread. :rofl:
Yes my hunger was indeed resolved by food thats what happens.

I savored it then passed out before work tonight. Perfect timing.

Im a leave the fast clock alone tonight. :lol: Yall got me out here feeling like that Somalian kid you send 10 cents a day to.

I’m Somalian on mi madre’s side and I eat food. :nerd:
I didnt say it was academic. I just lift enough to be effective on the mat. Its like a basketball player doing one leg or side to side balancing drills. Its not weird to do workouts geared to your sport. Theres no need for me to be benching 500lbs every day. I rather work specific muscles groups with extra reps.
I had a weird moment were I locked this dudes arm with my biceps and it was like one of these movie flash backs where the fighter goes back to a specific time in training. I was like yea all them curls wasnt for nothing. :lol:
A friend who is a black belt told me to do wrist exercises.

no it’s not weird but it may not actually be all that useful, that’s sort of through line of the discussion about all this stuff…it’s not weird to think of fasting as a good diet protocol, it’s not necessarily weird to do ultra high rep sets, or weird to do sport specific training; but really the question is how useful are these things? especially if talking about a specific goal?

you get better at the sport by playing the sport, a lot of workouts geared to sport can end up being sort of junk volume, if you are already playing the sport; it’s redundant…

to an extent it is kinda zero sum in that there is something of an opportunity cost to expending energy to do stuff that actually isn’t all that effective taking away from recovery or time that could have been spent doing the sport, or doing higher quality reps, or just improving something that actually has more transfer, i.e. mobility, general strength, cardio, etc.

its not uncommon for some to succeed in spite of their approach, it’s kinda like when you see athletes that attribute how they got bouncy, or fast, or hella strong to some random exercise they discovered/learned rather than their genetics and/or the simple fact that they just sprinted more, jumped more, played more different types of sports, or had more opportunities to exhibit strength coming up than most others
Im a leave the fast clock alone tonight. :lol: Yall got me out here feeling like that Somalian kid you send 10 cents a day to.

It is insane, man. Especially because, in this case, money has absolutely nothing to do with it and it is entirely different from folks who are actually going out of their way to try to eat nothing only ***** and moan about it.

You are in the Food Thread too so you saw it - this is the #SameTier as discussion about the cost and weight of homemade lunches that I have literally bought and consumed :lol: :smh:
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