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im confused as to why a trainer would tell someone to jump to 365 if they failed 315????

the math aint mathing or bro thought gravity was on opposite day
well, they thought that they might be competing in the olympics and have to make weight to cover for that failed attempt. :lol:
I agree most prolly start off lifting to get girls.

I don’t agree that most women don’t care at all. Sure, a lot of women don’t care if you’re not an IFBB pro but I think most women would actually take a brolic guy over a string bean.

*Bane voice* No biddies cared who I was until I put on the mass.

In the years BG (before gains) female attention was super hit or miss. In the years AD (anno dominant), I’ve had: broads catcall me, stop me mid-workout to flirt, let me order them around, make comments on my physique to other people/bring it up randomly in conversation, smile for no reason when I have my male RBF on, grope me at work, shoot their shot, and introduce themselves to me when we had already met BG.

I have never been a Fat so my face didn’t change. I didn’t change my haircut/fade up a bunch, get my teeth fixed, a nose job, get tattoos or piercings, nothing, so it’s gotta be the gains.

Of course any woman you ask in a survey online will prolly say they don’t care or that muscles are gross or what have you, but in my experience? Nah, that’s

:lol: Yeah I can only laugh when women used to play off that " it doesn't matter " when we would have that discussion while I was getting sexually harassed by women when I was really in the gym.
male rbf on?

not saying this is your experience or even my own, but i think the there is an aspect of a perceived arrogance in the worst case & confidence in the best case interpretation (both are things women tend to be attracted by/to) that a lot of women assume about guys that are in shape (some women know it is actually often the opposite case but that’s neither here nor there)…not to mention the actual physical cues that often accompany being in shape (better posture, upright shoulders, a more physical presence) that sort just make a guy appear more confident &/or make women feel smaller thus more feminine, it’s why some women like the over fluffy teddy bear guy build

i think in an apples to apples comparison sure, most people would prefer the fitter option, but that’s not often the real world case, usually it’s mangoes & pineapples…a 5’7” jacked dude with no personality & a 6’3” charismatic stringbean probably won’t have similar attraction outcomes, taller dude will prolly pull more if all other things are similar…

it definitely is an individual thing but in my experience & from anecdotes from both genders it is so overrated, if the reasoning is attracting women

i agree in principle, and maybe this is me being a novice lifter, i wonder if the way he failed 315 led them to believe he had 365? there have been times where i failed at a lift & put more on because i knew why i failed the prior rep but felt it made more sense to use the energy for the next set

😂 this is definitely the whey 🤣🤣🤣
50lbs jump after failing the previous weight/set isn't smart. Only way I've increased like that on a 1rm is if the previous one went up like nothing.

Like someone else mentioned, 5s and 10s are your friend. It's not a sprint.
:lol: Yeah I can only laugh when women used to play off that " it doesn't matter " when we would have that discussion while I was getting sexually harassed by women when I was really in the gym.

When women find a reason to walk up and make physical contact at the damn Jay Oh Bee you can assume it’s not just because of your witty personality.

Me and another gym bro was literally getting felt up (⏸️) by an older lady at the job we barely knew and didn’t work directly with at separate times, so some of these women definitely have a type.

While YMMV, stuff like that didn’t really happen to me before I started breaking local soundview soundview ’s at the gym or mastering all tank tops, even in subzero temperatures.

Edit: Who you nervous smiling at fluffy broad at the gym?
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:lol: Yeah I can only laugh when women used to play off that " it doesn't matter " when we would have that discussion while I was getting sexually harassed by women when I was really in the gym.

it’s a factor, it just isn’t the force multiplier most seem to think it is…

50lbs jump after failing the previous weight/set isn't smart. Only way I've increased like that on a 1rm is if the previous one went up like nothing.

Like someone else mentioned, 5s and 10s are your friend. It's not a sprint.

sure, i just wonder if they had a reason to think lil homie could make it happen, regardless of the prior fail…i mean he was a bowel movement away from locking that out 🤷🏿‍♂️😮‍💨
Had some fun with some brand new high energy white belts today. :lol: I kept telling this one dude his only job the first month is dont get tired and try not to get choked out.
it’s a factor, it just isn’t the force multiplier most seem to think it is…

well I guess it's a case to case basis. have one that I posted pic here before that was ripped as hell. I tell you that he is one ugly unattractive dude in terms of facial value. so I have to say that in his case, getting ripped is a force multiplier as he looks better now unlike that kid with a blown up lip doll.
😂 not sure if seriously...but i do think it does look cooler w/the thicker the plates are vs. what i assume are the thinner competition plates. i'm also partial to clean/round numbers be it kgs or lbs

in all seriousness competition plates are calibrated, meaning that the weights are 99.99% accurate.

regular gym plates don’t weigh exactly what’s advertised. it may be off by +/- 2lbs or more per plate, which adds up and makes the weight you’re lifting less accurate
well I guess it's a case to case basis. have one that I posted pic here before that was ripped as hell. I tell you that he is one ugly unattractive dude in terms of facial value. so I have to say that in his case, getting ripped is a force multiplier as he looks better now unlike that kid with a blown up lip doll.

Definitely a force multiplier for me. I went from Sanin to Sage when my h0e-*** finally muscled up.

Family members didn’t recognize me.

Biddies was mirin.

Random gym wannabes was latching on like remoras. (Them little fish that be hugged up on the sharks ⏸️.)

Even my bosses and coworkers changed up how they talked to me and put some rescpeck on my name
in case I got out of pocket and snapped like Bill Bixby.

I guess it really depends on how much of a transformation you make though. Mine was over 30 kilos. If you only put on 10 or dropped 5 pounds of pudge then nah, it prolly isn’t force multiplied, word to Tier 1.

I wonder if it’s also possible to be so busted in the face brawds don’t care if you’re brolic.
well I guess it's a case to case basis. have one that I posted pic here before that was ripped as hell. I tell you that he is one ugly unattractive dude in terms of facial value. so I have to say that in his case, getting ripped is a force multiplier as he looks better now unlike that kid with a blown up lip doll.

Definitely a force multiplier for me. I went from Sanin to Sage when my h0e-*** finally muscled up.

Family members didn’t recognize me.

Biddies was mirin.

Random gym wannabes was latching on like remoras. (Them little fish that be hugged up on the sharks ⏸️.)

Even my bosses and coworkers changed up how they talked to me and put some rescpeck on my name
in case I got out of pocket and snapped like Bill Bixby.

I guess it really depends on how much of a transformation you make though. Mine was over 30 kilos. If you only put on 10 or dropped 5 pounds of pudge then nah, it prolly isn’t force multiplied, word to Tier 1.

I wonder if it’s also possible to be so busted in the face brawds don’t care if you’re brolic.

of course if one makes a huge transformation from an extreme, the level of attention will be different but there are so many factors (personal style, hygiene, height, face, confidence, etc.) to attraction, my main point is that being jacked to the level a lot of guys aspire doesn't matter nearly as much as us guys tend to think it does...which isn't to say some subset of women aren't super into a guy being diesel, just that most don't place that much import to a guy being fit & in a lot of cases it is almost a negative

i forget what it's called but there's actually a name for this phenomena, where people think what they think is what others think...for most guys it makes a big difference how in shape a woman is relative to the their level of attraction so they think it this is the same for women but it isn't, definitely a level of 🧢 involved to women saying the 'dad bod' thing is what they prefer but women generally have other attraction triggers such that it's just less of a thing, and considering the consistency, dedication, & effort involved to get all musclely, there are prolly other things that would give more return on investment if yammage is the goal
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