STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

 Was wondering if this is a good deal on protein? And how comparable is this to ON Gold Standard Whey and Casein. I'm currently using the ON products but I'm looking to save some cash because I'm going through 10 lbs a month.

10 lbs a month, srs?
I finish my workout. Steam room. Remember I didn't stretch. Go to stretch. I hear this dude screaming "IMA DO THE 50'S!!!! AHHHHH!" I look over at 3 dudes doing bicep curls. All kindssssss of wrong. I then see the papa cub tell the baby cubs to grab the 50's and do em. 0_0 these dudes were nowhere over 150 pounds.

I walk up respectfully and say, "just wondering but why the heavy lifts?" "Because bro. It doesn't matter. You gotta get weight up to grow! You gotta go past your limit!!!" I said "hmmm. I don't see that being ideal. Wouldn't you rather go light and work your way up with proper form?" "**** FORM! it's all about the weight!"

I knew then and there he was a new fan of ct fletcher but taking what he's saying and totally missing the point.

I tried to chime in but in the end said **** it. I politely shook his hand and said thanks and walked away.

I coulda went offfffff but no point.

You do realize that not every who lifts bases their approach on youtube vids right?

Do you ever not have an issue with something at the gym?
hahahha this. Maybe you should get a home gym

I need to stop eating fried foods since it breaks my face out, so I tried rotisserie chicken today. It's not bad on macros, but 500mg of sodium per 3 oz serving is crazy.

Going to go food shopping this weekend...

1. Chicken Breasts
2. Sweet Potatoes
3. Nuts (Cashews, Peanuts, etc.)

That's all I have so far. Any other calorie dense 'healthy' foods I should get?

I have trouble hitting just 3k calories without eating out, so I need to try another approach to this. I can't keep eating a bunch of white rice just to hit my caloric goal.
I mean thats better than eating out. I'm a big proponent of drinkable calories when bulking personally. Get some whole milk and beef. Cheese also.

I'm going to have to change up the food i consume. Been having digestive problems and getting mad annoying. Anyone else go thru it?
try cutting gluten. It's helped me thru some digestive issues.
I'm going to have to change up the food i consume. Been having digestive problems and getting mad annoying. Anyone else go thru it?

Cut out dairy, legumes, and grains for 4 weeks. Reintroduce them back in that order, one item at a time, a few days apart. See what causes the problems.

You could also do a food allergy test (requires bloodwork). Gastrointestinal problems are quite numerous, and if a simple elimination/reintroduction doesn't work for you, I'd suggest you find a functional medicine doctor or GI physician.
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LOL alright dude.

Seriously though, if you dont think that exercise puts your body at an increased risk of injury you have A LOT to learn.

You need to get off and pick up any book on biomechanics.

Kids. :smh:

I'm not even on Don't say **** like that if you don't even know what your talking about.

I've been doing front lat pulldowns and backwards lat pulldowns for over a year now. No injuries or anything to that nature.

I don't need a bunch of people who think they know everything about lifting to tell me how to lift. I know what I'm doing and my body shows that.

Foh dude

This is what I mean behind the neck pull downs..If ya are talking about something different than I apologize.

If this puts my body at an "Increased risk of injury" than I'm gonna keep doing just that
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how many of you guys keep log books?? i feel like its something i should be doing, but never felt like carrying a pen and paper around the gym.

some people swear by it 

It's essential. Tommy Kono, a great olympic weightlifter said, "The dullest of ink is better than the best of memories." I keep an electronic log. Write in your log after you train, you don't necessarily have to write it in immediately after you do it. It has been very helpful on occasions when I wanted to look back at my training and see trends, strengths, weaknesses, protocols that worked, etc.

For those asking about strength norms, I don't believe that a 1.5/2/2.5xBW approach is optimal. Instead, make goals that round out your weaknesses. I am a huge fan of Poliquin's Structural Balance concept. Most people have some sort of imbalance: strong pressers and weak pullers, strong anterior and weak posterior chain, weak scapular stabilizers, and vice versa, etc. This is a better goal than to choose random numbers in my opinion. It will help keep you healthy and allow you to keep making progress.
LOL alright dude.

Seriously though, if you dont think that exercise puts your body at an increased risk of injury you have A LOT to learn.

You need to get off and pick up any book on biomechanics.

Kids. :smh:

I'm not even on Don't say **** like that if you don't even know what your talking about.

I've been doing front lat pulldowns and backwards lat pulldowns for over a year now. No injuries or anything to that nature.

I don't need a bunch of people who think they know everything about lifting to tell me how to lift. I know what I'm doing and my body shows that.

Foh dude

Ohhhhh, ok. So because youve been doing this for 12 months and you havent seen any issues.... its perfectly fine to do? Well I guess youre the standard now. My sincerest apologies to you.

Wasnt this just discussed a few pages ago, that there needs to be more scientific evidence and not personal observations in here? I wasnt even speaking about you and you take personal offense to something I said. Instead of starting a discussion on the topic and MAYBE, just MAYBE opening your eyes to something new instead of being a arrogant, egotistical child you decided that my comment was a direct shot at you. Seriously?

Go back and read what I said. I said it puts you at a much higher injury risk. I didnt say "dont do it, youre dumb". Just because YOU havent seen any adverse affects from doing it doesnt mean youre putting yourself in harms way.

Also, you threw out this gem....

I see alot of posters in here are having back probs...I'm just gonna guess you guys need to focus on your form while doing squats, dead lifs, etc.

..... That's the pot calling the kettle black.

By the way, if you dont need a bunch of people who think they know everything about lifting telling you how to lift..... why do you post in here? :smh:
I'm not even on Don't say **** like that if you don't even know what your talking about.

I've been doing front lat pulldowns and backwards lat pulldowns for over a year now. No injuries or anything to that nature.

I don't need a bunch of people who think they know everything about lifting to tell me how to lift. I know what I'm doing and my body shows that.

Foh dude

This is what I mean behind the neck pull downs..If ya are talking about something different than I apologize.

If this puts my body at an "Increased risk of injury" than I'm gonna keep doing just that

All y'all need to learn that just because a pro body builder is doing an exercise doesn't mean it's the safest and most effective thing to do.

Behind the neck lat pulldowns increase your risk for shoulder impingement, which messes up your rotator cuffs badly.
I'm not even on Don't say **** like that if you don't even know what your talking about.

I've been doing front lat pulldowns and backwards lat pulldowns for over a year now. No injuries or anything to that nature.

I don't need a bunch of people who think they know everything about lifting to tell me how to lift. I know what I'm doing and my body shows that.

Foh dude

This is what I mean behind the neck pull downs..If ya are talking about something different than I apologize.

If this puts my body at an "Increased risk of injury" than I'm gonna keep doing just that

All y'all need to learn that just because a pro body builder is doing an exercise doesn't mean it's the safest and most effective thing to do.

Behind the neck lat pulldowns increase your risk for shoulder impingement, which messes up your rotator cuffs badly.

Lmao posts like this are exactly what I'm talking about.

Whatever man. :lol:
Lmao posts like this are exactly what I'm talking about.

Whatever man. :lol:

What exactly are you talking about?

The ignorance in your posts are so strong.

To make a parallel argument here, I'm going to compare these exercises with high injury risks to smoking.

Smoking enlarges your chances of getting lung cancer. Some people may smoke for 50 years and not face any health effects. Some might smoke for 10 get diagnosed with lung cancer. The point is, smoking increases the chance of you getting cancer.

Why put yourself in the situation of higher injury risk for an exercise that isn't any more effective than lat pulldowns to the chest? The risks just don't outweigh what little reward there is. If you train smart, you'll be able to progress injury free for years. If you happen to injure your rotator cuff, you'll set yourself back a great deal.
Reverse grip pulldowns: okay
Behind the neck pulldowns: okay, but I stray away from them
Sitting on the machine backward: not okay
Dude, he's right. There's a kind if safe way to do behind the neck pull downs but it depends in your range if motion and it honestly isn't going to benefit your growth or strength anymore than a good thorough routine that hits the back safely from different angles.
I'm not meaning to be ignorant, but how is it awful? Where are the studys that show it? please show me?

Just because you may not do that exercise, doesn't mean its bad. That's whats so annoying about in this thread. Show me facts.

Whats the difference between doing skull crushers? Your basically doing a similar motion using similar muscles with the

I'm done though. Too many people acting like they know what they are talking about is 110% right all the time.

I'm aesthetic as hell tbqh and reverse late pulldowns work.

I know that last statement was very ignorant but it had to be said
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Btw I'm a certified personal trainer for the past 7 years so I'm speaking from experience. Pro bodybuilders have genetics, years of lifting, and some pharmaceutical help on their side but they are not always knowledgeable or educated in body mechanics. They have their fair share of training injuries as well so copying their routine isn't foolproof.
Olive oil
Peanut butter (not the best, but acceptable IMO)

I've had Coconut oil in my cupboard for months, not using it once. Once I started this Keto deal I started using, mainly just scooping and down the hatch as an easy way of upping my fat macros. It tastes awesome, and fries up my meats VERY well

That being said, I'd recommend Coconut oil
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lmao, this ***** crazy

my man went off

but on the real, the same way i cant bench 400, he couldnt stay on the court 5 minutes with me
My man is damn near 50 years old doe playa 

He looks like he would be more agile now then he used to be. In his prime he was just a swole powerlifter. Eating 4 big macs 3 large fries 2 milkshakes and 2 apple pies ERRDAY
lmao, this ***** crazy

my man went off

but on the real, the same way i cant bench 400, he couldnt stay on the court 5 minutes with me
My man is damn near 50 years old doe playa :lol:

He looks like he would be more agile now then he used to be. In his prime he was just a swole powerlifter. Eating 4 big macs 3 large fries 2 milkshakes and 2 apple pies ERRDAY:x

Tbh thats sounds like heaven. Not everyday but 2-3 timea a week would be :pimp:
I'm not meaning to be ignorant, but how is it awful? Where are the studys that show it? please show me?

Just because you may not do that exercise, doesn't mean its bad. That's whats so annoying about in this thread. Show me facts.

Whats the difference between doing skull crushers? Your basically doing a similar motion using similar muscles with the

I'm done though. Too many people acting like they know what they are talking about is 110% right all the time.

I'm aesthetic as hell tbqh and reverse late pulldowns work.

I know that last statement was very ignorant but it had to be said

Skullcrushers = Behind the neck latpulldowns?

Tbh thats sounds like heaven. Not everyday but 2-3 timea a week would be
He had to have open heart surgery and lost 100lbs doe

OTHERWISE a big mac would be tasty but dat dere sodium and other bull shhh 
Maybe not skullcrushers but I couldnt think of any other exericise that use similar motions lmao.

Either way, I'll look into Reverse late pull downs. I didn't start doing them because of Coleman. I just randomly search the exercise on youtube and that came up first.

I see results and if i feel discomort at some
point ill stop but until then I'll continue
I'm not meaning to be ignorant, but how is it awful? Where are the studys that show it? please show me?

Just because you may not do that exercise, doesn't mean its bad. That's whats so annoying about in this thread. Show me facts.

Whats the difference between doing skull crushers? Your basically doing a similar motion using similar muscles with the

I'm done though. Too many people acting like they know what they are talking about is 110% right all the time.

I'm aesthetic as hell tbqh and reverse late pulldowns work.

I know that last statement was very ignorant but it had to be said
I'm sorry to call you out like this, but comparing skull crushers to behind the neck lat pulldowns just shows how little you know.

Durden touched on it in a previous post, but its "awful" because of the bio mechanics of the movement. The movement can cause "shoulder impingement syndrome (which) is a common cause of shoulder pain. It occurs when there is impingement of tendons or bursa in the shoulder from bones of the shoulder.  Overhead activity of the shoulder, especially repeated activity, is a risk factor for shoulder impingement syndrome." It puts a lot of bad stress on your rotator cuss, "over time, impingement syndrome can lead to inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons (tendinitis) and bursa (bursitis). If not treated appropriately, the rotator cuff tendons can start to thin and tear."

congrats on being "aesthetic as hell" though... maybe we should all model our training after you and your vast knowledge
I'm not meaning to be ignorant, but how is it awful? Where are the studys that show it? please show me?

Just because you may not do that exercise, doesn't mean its bad. That's whats so annoying about in this thread. Show me facts.

Whats the difference between doing skull crushers? Your basically doing a similar motion using similar muscles with the


I'm done though. Too many people acting like they know what they are talking about is 110% right all the time.

I'm aesthetic as hell tbqh and reverse late pulldowns work.

I know that last statement was very ignorant but it had to be said

I'm sorry to call you out like this, but comparing skull crushers to behind the neck lat pulldowns just shows how little you know.

Durden touched on it in a previous post, but its "awful" because of the bio mechanics of the movement. The movement can cause "shoulder impingement syndrome (which) is a common cause of shoulder pain. It occurs when there is impingement of tendons or bursa in the shoulder from bones of the shoulder.  Overhead activity of the shoulder, especially repeated activity, is a risk factor for shoulder impingement syndrome." It puts a lot of bad stress on your rotator cuss, "over time, impingement syndrome can lead to inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons (tendinitis) and bursa (bursitis). If not treated appropriately, the rotator cuff tendons can start to thin and tear."

congrats on being "aesthetic as hell" though... maybe we should all model our training after you and your vast knowledge :stoneface:

I'm not meaning to be ignorant, but how is it awful? Where are the studys that show it? please show me?

Just because you may not do that exercise, doesn't mean its bad. That's whats so annoying about in this thread. Show me facts.

Whats the difference between doing skull crushers? Your basically doing a similar motion using similar muscles with the

I'm done though. Too many people acting like they know what they are talking about is 110% right all the time.

I'm aesthetic as hell tbqh and reverse late pulldowns work.

I know that last statement was very ignorant but it had to be said Shoulder Injury from Resistance Trng.pdf - NCSA publication. Search behind the neck if you're lazy and don't wanna read the whole thing.

I've had Coconut oil in my cupboard for months, not using it once. Once I started this Keto deal I started using, mainly just scooping and down the hatch as an easy way of upping my fat macros. It tastes awesome, and fries up my meats VERY well

That being said, I'd recommend Coconut oil
I like coconut oil a lot from a general health and skincare perspective.
i eat 1400 calories because i dont care about being swole i just want to lose weight


Do you cardio at all? Eat 500 less than maintenence with cardio and you'll be good to go. Probably losing water weight and a ton of muscle. People can eat that much in 1-2 meals. :lol:
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