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ive been riding my bike a few times a week....i ride about 20 miles in about a hour and 45 min to 2 hours, so thats like 10 miles a hour... im 6 feet tall and weigh 245 pounds any way to find out how many calories im burning?

Just bought this road bike a couple weeks ago to try and help my knees out for playing basketball and pick up a different hobby.

Wish I could ride this thing to work....
ive been riding my bike a few times a week....i ride about 20 miles in about a hour and 45 min to 2 hours, so thats like 10 miles a hour... im 6 feet tall and weigh 245 pounds any way to find out how many calories im burning?

you can get the fuel band from nike. or the polar rs300x watch. google both of those. the polar is really good.
I think i'm going to begin eating at maintenance in about a month. It just "hit me" this morning that I want to eat more :lol: :smh:
Closing in on 7-8% BF :pimp:
Let's get it gentleman, I'll be posting pics in a couple weeks before I do a lean bulk
Shouts to all in the thread :pimp:
Closing in on 7-8% BF :pimp:
Let's get it gentleman, I'll be posting pics in a couple weeks before I do a lean bulk
Shouts to all in the thread :pimp:

Congrats. :smokin

May I ask how you measure your body fat? Do you have one of those clips at home?
Or you get it tested at a gym?
Closing in on 7-8% BF

Let's get it gentleman, I'll be posting pics in a couple weeks before I do a lean bulk
Shouts to all in the thread
Damn 7 to 8? Thats impressive. Repped. Do you plan on keeping it that low year round?
Thanks fellas, yea even while bulking i'll probably only get up to 9-10
Intermittent fasting was really a game changer for me, I gotta thank yall for even making me aware.
I also run 4-5 miles or cycle 12-15 miles each day and play basketball which allows me to eat "dirty" and still cut.
I'll definitely be eating this way the rest of my life.
Get the BF% checked at the gym, I have a scale that measures it at home as well but I'm not sold on its accuracy..
I'd like to do the water test as well
562: K-BBQ is worth every single calorie, my friend.
Broke my diet recently. Feels good and bad at the same time. Usually give myself two the three days of free eating after a strict dietary regimen for eight to ten weeks.
1 cheat meal a week will keep u sain
What do you guys like to add to your protein shakes? Just started adding some mango to mine and it's pretty good! Milk, Greek Yogurt, Banana, Mango, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal and the protein of course! :smokin :smokin
Finally got into a routine. When I was in the best shape of my life I was swimming laps at offutt air force base. 2 years ago I moved here (Raleigh, NC) and did nothing, not running, ball, lifting, etc. I just whined how much it sucked I didn't have a free pool or place to workout. I finally got off my *** 4 days ago and went and bought an annual membership to an indoor olympic sized pool for $180. I'm in the worst shape of my life and I'm sick of it. Things have been going steady for 4 days now and I'm ready to get that workout high back that I used to get :smokin
Agreed. For better or worse, my style is to remain dedicated on workout routine and dieting for eight to ten weeks. Then I do guiltily take two to three days of free eating (cheating).
If only we could spot reduce.
Lower abs in a six-pack hardest to achieve and maintain.
One meal + maybe a soda is good for me. 2 to 3 days would hurt any progress for me. I'll cheat like hell with drinking, soda, candy and ll kinds of junk. Strict diet and workout each week + 1 cheat meal. Let me just say this, after eatting chicken breast everyday, it makes that cheat meal TASTE SOOOOOOO FREAKING GOOD.
You guys do know you can work "cheat meals" into your diet and still be under maintenance right?
Unless you guys are going Man Vs Food type hammer out here, just implement some cardio and eat away with no guilt.
As for the lower belly fat it's always last to go, just how men are built.
If you notice, a female with 12-15% BF will often have full ab definition while we have to get down to single digits most times.
what is the exercise called when you take dumbell and palm facing your hip and your bring it up to shoulder? is it another version of shoulder exercise?
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