STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yeap..and if u use 30+ grams @ 1 time it'll hurt ur stomach like no tom...i know from experience back in the day
Bro I know that feel, I loaded on 30g for the first week. Had to cut it in half the next week 
gained 22lbs in 8 days of cheating LMAO. birthdays, graduations, kickin it etc. That was sunday. 2 days later today Im down 20 lbs . By end of this week it should be all gone


good thing Im not a couch potato and I'm on my feet all day everyday. Wouldve been a different story otherwise
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gained 22lbs in 8 days of cheating LMAO. birthdays, graduations, kickin it etc. That was sunday. 2 days later today Im down 20 lbs come at me bro.


Im assuming a large portion of that is water weight fluctuation due to the crazy change
It's most likely water retention and postprandial weight gain. I freaked out once cause I gained 10 lbs in 3 days, so I fasted for like 72 hours lol
yea mostly water weight. I looked bloated/swollen everywhere. Had the moon face, swollen fingers, legs, feet, etc. Today I look my normal self. It was funny when some regulars in the gym had a puzzled look when they saw me all bloated
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my female friend has started working out she's 5'4 140. wants to lose weight get fit, toned skinny. she wants to know the essentials she needs as far as supplements and such. what would you recommend? muti-vitamins, whey? fat burner? etc... 

Took creatine last night. Didnt have a scoop with it so i used the Whey Protein scoop. Got 1 Rounded scoop it says. Feel like a beast. But drank a gallon already and drinking alot more. Shoot. This thing make me feel dizzy. Goona test it out later if i feel good. But its first time taking it. So my body not use to it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

5g is typically a teaspoon. please use that instead
yea thats what i told her, she just thinks she needs all this stuff. she was tempted to buy this package of whey, pre-workout, fish oil, vitamins for $160 
 i told her to not waste her $. I just need to suggest something to her so she doesn't blow money on overpriced crap she doesnt need.
yea thats what i told her, she just thinks she needs all this stuff. she was tempted to buy this package of whey, pre-workout, fish oil, vitamins for $160 

 i told her to not waste her $. I just need to suggest something to her so she doesn't blow money on overpriced crap she doesnt need.

u got pics of her?

tell her to do squats and eat healthy. thats is all.
A squat is basically doing planks the entire time, I don't see how it wouldn't strengthen your core.

Watched some of the vid, smh. Semantics.
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Anyone here mess with test boosters?

EDIT: Not juice...

stuff like this

I have taken legal test boosters (although the good ones get banned QUICK). Put on crazy mass, and got strong as #$%#.

However, I had to take PTC and estrogen pills to regulate the test boost. It was OD on pills man. Plus, my wrists and elbows were getting crushed despite taking all sorts of vitamins and minerals for my joints. I was gunning 3 plates on flat, 275 on incline even though I weighed 225-230. Just too much strain on my joints personally. Plus, my jump shot was killed on the court and I played mostly with my back to the hoop all of a sudden and had to focus on the post.

Alll and all, it was great to see how strong I could get, and the size was :smokin

However, eating clean and looking lean was my preference, so I stopped taking all that stuff.
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cccd and banana nut muffin quest bars are the most awesome but i like apple pie too.

that lemon drop hemavol up there is super tasty too.
I need your help guys... this tendonitis in my elbow ("tennis elbow" even though I don't play tennis) is KILLING my workout routine... I had to rest a week and it is still super inflamed.

do the phiten elbow straps work (the velcro one you strap in during workouts)?
physical therapy?

I really don't want surgery but this injury has been sidelining me way too much :smh:

What exercises do you do that have probably causes this? Curls?
the only thing that helped my tennis elbow was 1) rest. the first time i got it really bad, i had to take off a few months and that sucked. 2) i went back into the gym and started push exercises and stayed away from pull for a little bit more (i shoulda been doing legs the whole damn time but i didn't). 3) i used an arm band that wrapped around my whole elbow with the velcro or you can get that smaller band made for tennis elbow. 4) i started doing stretches for my arm/elbow 4-5x/ day specifically for tennis elbow. even bought this flexbar thing and did a stretch called the tyler twist. 5) once it got better, started doing pulls again and stopped when it got sharp pain. gradually worked my way up again.

got it on my left arm first and that's when i took 2 months off. got it on my right arm and tried to workout through the pain lol. ended up taking 3 months off that time cause it hurt so bad. i still have mild recurring irritation in the left side but nothing too serious. the stretches really helped and i still do them when it acts up.
the only thing that helped my tennis elbow was 1) rest. the first time i got it really bad, i had to take off a few months and that sucked. 2) i went back into the gym and started push exercises and stayed away from pull for a little bit more (i shoulda been doing legs the whole damn time but i didn't). 3) i used an arm band that wrapped around my whole elbow with the velcro or you can get that smaller band made for tennis elbow. 4) i started doing stretches for my arm/elbow 4-5x/ day specifically for tennis elbow. even bought this flexbar thing and did a stretch called the tyler twist. 5) once it got better, started doing pulls again and stopped when it got sharp pain. gradually worked my way up again.

got it on my left arm first and that's when i took 2 months off. got it on my right arm and tried to workout through the pain lol. ended up taking 3 months off that time cause it hurt so bad. i still have mild recurring irritation in the left side but nothing too serious. the stretches really helped and i still do them when it acts up.

repped... again... you are the man :smokin
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