STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Anyone experience pain around their forearm/elbow when the grip the barbell or dumbbells. How do you get rid of the pain! The trainer said the muscle is overworked but I was also told it was gripping too much with my thumb, index and middle finger. Any feedback?
def still in for a shirt.

also wth is going on in here in terms of the past few pages.

trolololol mucha?

Flat Bench: 4x5-8
Incline Bench: 4x5-8
Dips: 3xFailure
Fly Machine: 3x8-12
Pushups: 3x15
Diamond Pushups: 3x10
Lateral Raises: 3x8-10
Front Delt Raises: 3x8-10
Rear Delt Machine: 3x8-10


Squats: 6x5-8
Romanian DLs: 5x5-8
Leg Press: 3-4x10-15
Seated Calf Raises: 3x15-25
Standing Calf Raises: 3x15-25
Hyperextensions: 3x8-12
Lunges: 4 sets


Military Press: 4x5-10
Dumbbell Shoulder Presses: 3x8
Face Pulls: 2 cycles
Shrugs: 4x8-15
Rear Delt Machine: 3x8-12
Triceps Pulldown: 3x8
Reverse Grip Triceps Pulldown: 3x8
Rope Kickbacks: 3x8


DLs: 5x5
Romanian DLs: 3x8
T Bar Rows: 4x5-12
Seated Row: 3x5-8
Lat Pulldown: 3x5-8
Incline Dumbbell Curls: 3x8
Preacher Curls: 3x8
Hammer Curls: 2xFailure

That's what I currently do for bulking. It's not concrete, I'll change stuff up sometimes.
me too

this whole week

and i know i'm gonna go crazy on the 4th
I'm going to try and limit myself

**** that
I've seen a few people post in here about throwin raw eggs in their postworkout shakes. I'd love to try this cause generally I don't get around to eating eggs very often. Only concern is you hear about the dangers of consuming raw eggs. Do you guys just say screw it and go Rocky with it and risk the salmonella or whatever?
You will be fine.  I eat six raw eggs a day.  Usually have 1 whole egg and 3 egg yolks with breakfast, 3 egg whites post workout and 2 whole eggs sometime later in the day.  
I am in for a shirt id like to keep the cost around $20 if possible. I don't work out in cotton i sweat a lot so if we do cotton shirts im just going to wear it casually but def still in. If we decide this weekend some one PM me if possible i can get money to who ever how ever we decide to do it.

Can anyone inform me of the positives of power cleans or hanging cleans. I started doing hanging cleans on shoulder days. I don't want to do power cleans only because its a lot of leg work with squat day, deadlift day, and then power clean day. My legs need a rest at some point so i figured hanging would take a little stress off them (I use the barbell rack and sit the bar on the arms that are there if that makes sense right around knee level so i just have to grab lean back a little and start the motion)

I did them twice (two different workouts..not two reps :lol:) and both times my traps and rear delts were sore the next day. I read that is wrong and that it is a total body lift for power and shouldn't be done on shoulder day blah blah blah...can some one inform me on this. Because as far as i know you need to pull the bar up...basically an upright row motion to get the bar up....which works my shoulders. I can see if you do power cleans from the floor there is more momentum and hip snap but i still can't see how this doesn't work shoulders....please help
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I've seen a few people post in here about throwin raw eggs in their postworkout shakes. I'd love to try this cause generally I don't get around to eating eggs very often. Only concern is you hear about the dangers of consuming raw eggs. Do you guys just say screw it and go Rocky with it and risk the salmonella or whatever?
You will be fine.  I eat six raw eggs a day.  Usually have 1 whole egg and 3 egg yolks with breakfast, 3 egg whites post workout and 2 whole eggs sometime later in the day.  

raw yolk is fine but the eggwhites should be cooked. The protein in eggwhites is more digestible when heated.
My lean/clean/whatever you wanna call bulk it is going well so far.  I'm 8 months in.

Time for eating with Dev.....

Brown rice w/ baked salmon and veggies

Brown rice w/ strip steak and veggies

Grilled chicken w/ white rice and stir fry veggies

Home pizza: turkey pepperoni,green peppers,reduce fat cheese

Stir fry chicken breast

And now for some progress pics.

8 months ago: 190.6

Now: 199
I am in for a shirt id like to keep the cost around $20 if possible. I don't work out in cotton i sweat a lot so if we do cotton shirts im just going to wear it casually but def still in. If we decide this weekend some one PM me if possible i can get money to who ever how ever we decide to do it.

Can anyone inform me of the positives of power cleans or hanging cleans. I started doing hanging cleans on shoulder days. I don't want to do power cleans only because its a lot of leg work with squat day, deadlift day, and then power clean day. My legs need a rest at some point so i figured hanging would take a little stress off them (I use the barbell rack and sit the bar on the arms that are there if that makes sense right around knee level so i just have to grab lean back a little and start the motion)

I did them twice (two different workouts..not two reps :lol:) and both times my traps and rear delts were sore the next day. I read that is wrong and that it is a total body lift for power and shouldn't be done on shoulder day blah blah blah...can some one inform me on this. Because as far as i know you need to pull the bar up...basically an upright row motion to get the bar up....which works my shoulders. I can see if you do power cleans from the floor there is more momentum and hip snap but i still can't see how this doesn't work shoulders....please help

Cleans are an explosive total body lift yes which means part of it will involve shoulders so yes they will be sore from an exercise that ur not accustomed to doing. U play a lot of sports so cleans will be very beneficial to u and I would work some power cleans in ur routine as well. Nothing wrong with throwing a couple sets in on days u squat or deadlift but a days rest btw those 3 compound lifts should be good if u feel u need it.
I am in for a shirt id like to keep the cost around $20 if possible. I don't work out in cotton i sweat a lot so if we do cotton shirts im just going to wear it casually but def still in. If we decide this weekend some one PM me if possible i can get money to who ever how ever we decide to do it.

Can anyone inform me of the positives of power cleans or hanging cleans. I started doing hanging cleans on shoulder days. I don't want to do power cleans only because its a lot of leg work with squat day, deadlift day, and then power clean day. My legs need a rest at some point so i figured hanging would take a little stress off them (I use the barbell rack and sit the bar on the arms that are there if that makes sense right around knee level so i just have to grab lean back a little and start the motion)

I did them twice (two different workouts..not two reps :lol:) and both times my traps and rear delts were sore the next day. I read that is wrong and that it is a total body lift for power and shouldn't be done on shoulder day blah blah blah...can some one inform me on this. Because as far as i know you need to pull the bar up...basically an upright row motion to get the bar up....which works my shoulders. I can see if you do power cleans from the floor there is more momentum and hip snap but i still can't see how this doesn't work shoulders....please help

Cleans are an explosive total body lift yes which means part of it will involve shoulders so yes they will be sore from an exercise that ur not accustomed to doing. U play a lot of sports so cleans will be very beneficial to u and I would work some power cleans in ur routine as well. Nothing wrong with throwing a couple sets in on days u squat or deadlift but a days rest btw those 3 compound lifts should be good if u feel u need it.

appreciate the response man repped. I just like doing the compound lifts for lack of better word...they are fun to me. I think im going to start out each of my gym days with one. Squats obv legs day, deadlifts then maybe back, power cleans and then shoulders, and bench press obv for chest days. Throw bi's and tri's in on back and chest days respectively or just have bis and tris day if i get a 5th day in during the week.

everything ive read basically says just do power cleans over il prob just man up and do them just use real light weight for a while until i get into a good routine
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This is your bulking diet?


Maybe some advice, substitutes?

^ Until Meal 5, I thought cuz was a vegetarian


haha i think he meant he was cutting because dat right there is like cutting diet

My dude you need to add chicken to each meal after breakfast. I'm no meat eater but I know that you aren't getting nearly enough calories. Throw some broccoli and white rice in the mix with your chicken. I know you're not a morning person but make your shakes in the blender like you have with your Post-workout smoothie. Basically eat more. Your diet is what mine looks like substituting the chicken for soy products and switching a few things around.
Haha exactly what I thought also.

Any of you dudes out there that are bulking mind posting up your routine at the gym?

Appreciate the advice.

i like how you want to keep it clean & as healthy as possible but you need more meat & protein in general. Meal 2 is a perfect example. That 1 cup of oatmeal in meal 5 would be better with meal 3. So meal 5 would be better with potatoes or rice. 

also age, height & current weight could help. 

exactly, that looks like a cutting diet, not a bulk :lol:

Ouch. Okay so it clearly needs a lot of work. Glad I posted it. Could anyone recommend some clean bulking foods and maybe post a mock diet?

I'm 6'3" about 180. Looking to add about 15-20 lbs. of lean mass.

Appreciate all the feedback btw.
Anyone experience pain around their forearm/elbow when the grip the barbell or dumbbells. How do you get rid of the pain! The trainer said the muscle is overworked but I was also told it was gripping too much with my thumb, index and middle finger. Any feedback?
Take a lacrosse ball and mash the forearm and elbow area. That always seems to do the trick for me.
I am in for a shirt id like to keep the cost around $20 if possible. I don't work out in cotton i sweat a lot so if we do cotton shirts im just going to wear it casually but def still in. If we decide this weekend some one PM me if possible i can get money to who ever how ever we decide to do it.

Can anyone inform me of the positives of power cleans or hanging cleans. I started doing hanging cleans on shoulder days. I don't want to do power cleans only because its a lot of leg work with squat day, deadlift day, and then power clean day. My legs need a rest at some point so i figured hanging would take a little stress off them (I use the barbell rack and sit the bar on the arms that are there if that makes sense right around knee level so i just have to grab lean back a little and start the motion)

I did them twice (two different workouts..not two reps :lol:) and both times my traps and rear delts were sore the next day. I read that is wrong and that it is a total body lift for power and shouldn't be done on shoulder day blah blah blah...can some one inform me on this. Because as far as i know you need to pull the bar up...basically an upright row motion to get the bar up....which works my shoulders. I can see if you do power cleans from the floor there is more momentum and hip snap but i still can't see how this doesn't work shoulders....please help

Cleans are an explosive total body lift yes which means part of it will involve shoulders so yes they will be sore from an exercise that ur not accustomed to doing. U play a lot of sports so cleans will be very beneficial to u and I would work some power cleans in ur routine as well. Nothing wrong with throwing a couple sets in on days u squat or deadlift but a days rest btw those 3 compound lifts should be good if u feel u need it.

appreciate the response man repped. I just like doing the compound lifts for lack of better word...they are fun to me. I think im going to start out each of my gym days with one. Squats obv legs day, deadlifts then maybe back, power cleans and then shoulders, and bench press obv for chest days. Throw bi's and tri's in on back and chest days respectively or just have bis and tris day if i get a 5th day in during the week.

everything ive read basically says just do power cleans over il prob just man up and do them just use real light weight for a while until i get into a good routine

Cleans deff help explosiveness and for football it was great for finishing hits.

help your legs also if you drop deep in a squat
all my wisdom gonna get taken out today. Wont be able to go to gym at all today SMH.
Can't lift because of my brun
and now wont be able to do cardio
FML lol
I nominate Cinco to distribute if he's willing to do it & has time, he was in charge of the secret Santa and was great at it. Don't kill me Cinco

:lol: nah man, no worries it's all good.

I'd do it, but IMO there's too many loops to get through to make this happen
My dude you need to add chicken to each meal after breakfast. I'm no meat eater but I know that you aren't getting nearly enough calories. Throw some broccoli and white rice in the mix with your chicken. I know you're not a morning person but make your shakes in the blender like you have with your Post-workout smoothie. Basically eat more. Your diet is what mine looks like substituting the chicken for soy products and switching a few things around.
Haha exactly what I thought also.

Sucked it up and ate a little more for breakfast.

Meal 1:
Whey protein + 8 oz skim milk
Whole grain bagel + 2 tbsp natural PB
.75lbs. ground turkey patty
lowfat mozz cheese stick
2 handfuls of almonds
1 whole banana

Decent? I'm going to heed your advice and start eating a lot more chicken.
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