STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


At Wiz calling biebs buff :lol:
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Stupid question:

Egg yolks. Yay or nay? Should I be easting a certain ratio, based on the amount of eggs I'm consuming? Eat only whites? Or not worry and just down whole eggs?

Can't seem to find a concrete answer.
Stupid question:

Egg yolks. Yay or nay? Should I be easting a certain ratio, based on the amount of eggs I'm consuming? Eat only whites? Or not worry and just down whole eggs?

Can't seem to find a concrete answer.
keep the yolks if you're bulking. Most of the micro nutrients in eggs are in the yolks. People worry about the cholesterol and saturated fat content of the yolks but that's not warranted in my opinion.

Can't get yoked without the yolks nomsayin
Wait seriously? You spend more when you prep your own meals than when you eat out? How? Am I missing out on some glory source of cheap, healthy prepared food? I straight up don't believe you.

That's right, I found a source of healthy prepared food, while I ride my unicorn through the drive through.

Healthy prepared food is difficult to find, especially with logistics and time involved. It's usually trying to make the best of a bad situation. A grilled sandwich maybe, some grilled chicken breast (El Pollo Loco), worst case Chipotle or Subway. I try to keep outside (fast food) meals to less than $7. That's $35-40 for lunch. When I meal prep (more meals involved of course), I wish my grocery bill would amount to that, since it's usually north of $80.

Chicken breast adds up, and I don't get the frozen ones they sell at Costco. Usually go for the Foster Farms fresh chicken breast (unfrozen), usually $1.99/lb which is a good price. Usually comes out to $25-$28 a pop. Veggies, Fruit, Yogurt, etc, etc. It adds up fast.
That's right, I found a source of healthy prepared food, while I ride my unicorn through the drive through.

Healthy prepared food is difficult to find, especially with logistics and time involved. It's usually trying to make the best of a bad situation. A grilled sandwich maybe, some grilled chicken breast (El Pollo Loco), worst case Chipotle or Subway. I try to keep outside (fast food) meals to less than $7. That's $35-40 for lunch. When I meal prep (more meals involved of course), I wish my grocery bill would amount to that, since it's usually north of $80.

Chicken breast adds up, and I don't get the frozen ones they sell at Costco. Usually go for the Foster Farms fresh chicken breast (unfrozen), usually $1.99/lb which is a good price. Usually comes out to $25-$28 a pop. Veggies, Fruit, Yogurt, etc, etc. It adds up fast.
well based on that, food prep isn't more expensive. It seems like when you eat out you're getting less food and lower quality food. If you ate the same quantity and quality, it would be way more expensive outside the house compared to prepping your own
Stupid question:

Egg yolks. Yay or nay? Should I be easting a certain ratio, based on the amount of eggs I'm consuming? Eat only whites? Or not worry and just down whole eggs?

Can't seem to find a concrete answer.

All depends on your goals or macro needs. There's nothing "bad" abt the yolk tho it just contains more fat therefore more calories than just the white by itself, more cholesterol and more total nutrients.
Sucked it up and ate a little more for breakfast.

Meal 1:
Whey protein + 8 oz skim milk
Whole grain bagel + 2 tbsp natural PB
.75lbs. ground turkey patty
lowfat mozz cheese stick
2 handfuls of almonds
1 whole banana

Decent? I'm going to heed your advice and start eating a lot more chicken.

Lookin good. If you want you can put the banana in a blender with your milk and protein that way it doesn't seem like a lot to eat and a spoonfull of peanut butter for an extra 100 calories. You can make a sandwich out of the bagel just put the turkey patty in between them and you're good to go. Looking good though like cinco said introduce some rice and veggies in your next meals.
keep the yolks if you're bulking. Most of the micro nutrients in eggs are in the yolks. People worry about the cholesterol and saturated fat content of the yolks but that's not warranted in my opinion.

Can't get yoked without the yolks nomsayin
I do two whole eggs plus 2 egg whites. Get the yolk that i need and enough eggs that don't leave me wanting more.
Oh yea about the yolks I do 4 eggwhites and 2 with the yolk. 4 eggs in total with some cooked spinach is just amazing in my mouth.
so i started doing the rocks workout routine this week gonna try it for about 2 months and see how it goes.......

Dwayne Johnson, or The Rock, is regarded as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time, debuting in the WWF against the Brooklyn Brawler in Texas.

The Rock has won the WWF Heavyweight title six times and the WWF Tag Team championships five times.

Outside the ring, The Rock has transitioned into film, dropping the stage name and simply going by Dwayne Johnson. He has made appearances in several films, including 2001′s The Mummy Returns, 2002′s The Scorpion King, and is set to star in the up and coming, The Fast And The Furious 6.

Dwayne Johnson Workout Routine

Dwayne Johnson uses a pyramid structure. He begins with a higher amount of reps, and a lower amount of weight. Then, each week he increases the weight, and decrease the number of reps. After the first month, you start back at higher reps, but his time with a higher starting weight.

When deciding how much weight to use, The Rock starts the first week by seeing how much weight he can lift 12 times. If he can do more than 12, he adds more weight.

Dwayne Johnson hits the gym six days per week, typically focusing on a single body part per day. At 40, he’s a seasoned, natural trainer. “I go by feel,” he says, and remarks that when he’s in the gym it’s all business.

“I have my headphones on. I’m listening to my music. I’m 100% focused. There’s no wasted time and no wasted attempts when it comes to me and the weights.”

And The Rock’s favorite body part? Legs, which is why he leaves them for Saturday once he has additional time to train them.

> 6 days on/1 day off rotation
> Train Biceps and triceps the same day
> Prefers 3 sets per exercise to the more traditional 4
> Trains calves 3 times a week

The Dwayne Johnson workout is continually evolving as he regularly tweaks it and tries new things. Typically, though, he likes to hit core muscle groups once a week and smaller muscles (biceps, triceps and calves) twice. For each set he starts with moderately high reps, about 15, and does less reps as he progresses to heavier weight. He performs a drop set on the last set of nearly every exercise. Rest periods are short (30-60 seconds) to preserve his conditioning. The following workout is a typical shoulder workout; it takes about 1 3⁄4 hours from start to finish.

The following routine and diet was listed by numerous sources like

Day 1 – Shoulders

Seated Military Press Machine – 3 sets x 21 reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise super set with Dumbbell Front Raise – 3 sets x 8 reps each
Rear Delt Cable Raise – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
Hammer Stength Shrug – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
Four Way Neck Machine – 4 sets x 12 reps
Day 2 – Back

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
Close Grip Lat Pull Down – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
One Arm Seated Row Machine – 4 sets x 12 reps
Back Extension – 4 sets x 15, 15, 12, 12 reps
Day 3 – Legs

Leg Press – 4 sets x 25, 20, 18, 16
Smith Machine Lunge – 4 sets x 8 reps per leg
Lying Leg Curl – 4 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6 reps
Standing Calf Raise – 6 sets x 16 reps
Day 4 – Arms

Alternating Dumbbell Curl – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
Preacher Machine Curl – 6 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 21, 21 reps
Cable Tricep Extension – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 20 reps
Overhead Cable Extension – 4 sets x 12, 10, 8, 20 reps
One Arm Reverse Grip Tricep Extension – 2 sets x 15 reps
Day 5 – Chest

Incline Dumbbell Press – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
Dumbbell Bench Press – 5 sets x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 reps
Cable Crossover – 4 sets x 12 reps
Push Ups – 4 sets x 15 reps (superset with crossovers)

Dwayne Johnson Workout Diet
The Rock eats seven times a day. His crazy diet is about getting enough protein to aid lean muscle growth. The key to the Rock Diet is that he consumes a lot of protein, fibrous carbs, and starchy vegetables. Nutrition is everything. The reason The Rock eats this way, is because it helps him lose weight and gain muscle.

Meal 1: 10 scrambled egg whites, 3 servings cream of rice or 1 cup oatmeal, 3 rice cakes, 24oz water
Meal 2: 6oz skinless grilled chicken breast, 1 cup grits, 6oz yams, 1 cup of steamed asparagus, 24oz water
Meal 3: 6oz tuna, 1 cup brown rice, 1 sliced cucumber, 24oz water
Meal 4: 6oz perch fillet, 1 cup barley, 6oz baked potato, 1 cup steamed green beans, 24oz water
Meal 5: 6oz pork tenderloin, 1 cup brown rice, 6oz sweet potato, 1 cup peas, 24oz water
Meal 6: 10 scrambled egg whites, 3 servings cream of rice or 1 cup oatmeal, 24oz water
well based on that, food prep isn't more expensive. It seems like when you eat out you're getting less food and lower quality food. If you ate the same quantity and quality, it would be way more expensive outside the house compared to prepping your own

When you eat out, you eat what is around you. Try to pick the best out of a bad batch. Quantity and quality is a lot lower, not basing it on $ per oz or any scientific formula. Just simple money in, money out. Meal prep takes a bigger chunk of the budget any way you slice it. Yes, you get more, yes there are more meals involved at the end of the day, more money and time is involved as well.

Trying too hard to prove a point.

Strong lack of barbells in Dwaynes routine. Wouldn't follow/10.

:lol: ... ok, bud.
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