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whats the deal with PB2? never had it, dont understand it either :lol:

screw real deal PB, too many damn calories. i use it and spread it on top of caramel rice cakes. SO FREAKIN GOOD!
whats the deal with PB2? never had it, dont understand it either :lol:

screw real deal PB, too many damn calories. i use it and spread it on top of caramel rice cakes. SO FREAKIN GOOD!

To take the words off the jar/bag, it's peanut butter with 85% less fat calories.

Serving size 2 tablespoons
calories 45
Fat calories 10

Total Fat 1g
Total Carbs 6g
Sugar 3g
Protein 4g
so you mix it with water? lol

might have to order some if it tastes good?

Yeah. It's delicious. I love the chocolate flavor. They recently moved into a new factory, and I had to go 2 weeks without it. It was a less delicious 2 weeks haha
so you mix it with water? lol

might have to order some if it tastes good?
My Wal Mart sells it. But you can get it for 5$ shipped from GNC on eBay

Also, this company sells the same thing but with no sugar
My bad, just saw this. Should I cut down on shoulder presses since those hit my triceps? My biggest issue is my triceps kind of overshadow/stand out from behind my shoulder, I feel like I should be working my rear delts more?
Don't fully lock out when your doing shoulder press so that will keep the tension on the shoulders the entire time, you might have to lower the weight a little bit.  I don't see a problem with the triceps being more dominant when it comes to your arms because they are the bigger than the biceps, just add a couple more sets for shoulders and use more intensity. Rear delts are hard to hit for me, I do a lot of face pulls and bent over rows with the bar touching right above my chest each time, this has been working for me, I wish my gym had a rear delt fly machine.
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Word, I'll give that a shot. I don't know, I never liked the look of having big arms, biceps or triceps, but somehow I ended up with large triceps cause when I first started lifting I had bad form on my presses and just pushed with my triceps instead of my chest or shoulders. Now I feel like I look like a gorilla smh
Dont like the look of having big arms?? Never heard that one 
 Im guessing you mean in the sense of having them proportional to your shoulders?

Aint nothing like getting a early morning workout while on vacation, then heading to the beach 

Lets get it boys 
Chest today.

Went out drinking last night for the Silva fight, but I'm not eem worried bout that. I hate when family comes over trying to force feed you cake, pies, etc..
How do you guys do legs on sunday with the rest of the week ahead, I know ya be hurting going to work or school
Better than doing legs late in the week, and hurting on the weekends.

Originally wanted to do chest today, but I wanna do legs too...
If possible, I always try and get legs done before Tuesday. If I do 'em later in the week, I feel like i'm going thru the motions.
so you mix it with water? lol

might have to order some if it tastes good?
My Wal Mart sells it. But you can get it for 5$ shipped from GNC on eBay

Also, this company sells the same thing but with no sugar
Need to try this. Tossed some chocolate PB2 into a shake earlier. Spinach, banana, pumpkin seed, almonds (didn't have hazlenuts), and water. From the Nutribullet book. Surprisingly tasty. Had a nice cheat meal yesterday. Time to get back on the grind. Gotta hit the store and buy some steak. Start eating more red meat. Getting bored of fish and poultry.
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never saw the PB2 at walmart.

and tried looking for it $5 shipped on ebay and couldnt find it
Pre-workout are not placebo, they are also not magic.

It's usually the caffeine giving the push, in reality black coffee or caffeine pills will do the same trick.
Gonna tryna 5 day split with Monday and Wed being default leg days and Sunday Tuesday Thursday alternating with shoulder/bi and chest back
didn't workout yesterday or today :smh:
bout to hit the beach with some pastry and fried chicken :lol:
gonna show off my one big ab. good thing the beach is semi-private.
back on the grind tomorrow. gonna cut for another month or so then start a hypertrophy routine.
Changed up my whole workout routine since i started doing triathlons this year.

Where in the past i was trying to gain muscle now i'm struggling to get rid of it. I'm about 195 and that's quite a lot of weight to haul.

It's hard work but it's cool to have events to work towards. And there's no better incentive to work out than the prospect of drowning.
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