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that's a lot of lower weight sets/reps. I feel like that could take away from you lifting heavier weights.

I usually do warm up set of 135x5 then wait for a few minutes and go straight to heaviest i can do for three sets of 5.

dentist said i can't go to the gym for a week after i got my teeth taken out. my weight seems to be maintaining at 156 since wednesday even though ive been eating a bunch of ice cream and yogurt lol
Nothing wrong with what he is doing. That's not a lot of warm up sets at all. Assuming 225 is nearly his max for a double, he's barely doing any warm up sets at all. In fact, I'd recommend a few more sets at like 155 to get the blood flowing, nervous system warmed up, and focused. Just keep the sets low rep and you'll be fine. A few sets of 3-5 at 50-60% of his 1 rep max really aren't gonna fatigue him such that it would make a difference.

How long does it take for your body to eat up the muscle? I ask because today i couldn't eat any breakfast

I'm just eating now and ive been at work since 11:30

I woke up at 10. So am i good? I'm bulking by the way

Depends, did you get up at 2AM to get your mid-sleep protein shake in? If not, catabolism probably wrecked havoc throughout your body for a full hour and a half. Not a good look at all bro.
Isn't pb2 a powder? Do you add water or something?
Yep. 2 tablespoons of powder to ~1 tablespoon of water ratio. You gotta play with it to find the consistency you like.

Personally, I use a little less than a tablespoon. Just enough water to turn all the powder. It is delicious. I should be a spokesman for their product the way I talk it up lol

I use two serving (90 calories) to mix in with my oats. The taste of the oats + chocolate PB2 does not match the profile at all. It's something that legit tastes good and is good for you. 
Yep. 2 tablespoons of powder to ~1 tablespoon of water ratio. You gotta play with it to find the consistency you like.

Personally, I use a little less than a tablespoon. Just enough water to turn all the powder. It is delicious. I should be a spokesman for their product the way I talk it up lol

I use two serving (90 calories) to mix in with my oats. The taste of the oats + chocolate PB2 does not match the profile at all. It's something that legit tastes good and is good for you. 

Yo I actually bought some PB2 because of you brah. Used to do the peanut butter in oats thing, but now I just PB2 it. I don't ever mix it with water, just add it to the oatmeal after I microwave em.

Also makes a nice addition to protein shakes. I don't eat PB sandwiches anymore so the fact that it's powder doesn't affect anything for me.

Good thing about the powder is you're less likely to binge in that you can't just grab a spoonful and then another spoonful and then another spoonful just for ***** and giggles.
Lucky what grip do you use when you DL? I feel like you can do more than you think, esp if you go with the one under one over method. Once I go over like 250 I switch my grip and it's a whole new ball game.
Yo anybody heard about this? There's a lot of conflicting stories on Craze but it wouldn't suprise me at all if it was true.

Makes me feel like a god when I take a scoop, don't even need more than 1.
Lucky what grip do you use when you DL? I feel like you can do more than you think, esp if you go with the one under one over method. Once I go over like 250 I switch my grip and it's a whole new ball game.

Naw only reason I went that light is because I was trying to get a feel back for dead lifting because I haven't done it in like 4 months. I probably max out at 260 or something. My goal for today was just working on form and doing everything correct.
Yo I actually bought some PB2 because of you brah. Used to do the peanut butter in oats thing, but now I just PB2 it. I don't ever mix it with water, just add it to the oatmeal after I microwave em.

Also makes a nice addition to protein shakes. I don't eat PB sandwiches anymore so the fact that it's powder doesn't affect anything for me.

Good thing about the powder is you're less likely to binge in that you can't just grab a spoonful and then another spoonful and then another spoonful just for ***** and giggles.

My parents are in the restaurant business, so my dad is able to order it wholesale for me. 12 1lb bags are around $80 bucks if I'm not mistaken. It lasts forever too lol


Ya they do last forever. My only problem with the bags is they're not resealable, so you gotta throw a ziplock over them and the powder can potentially get everywhere.
Ya they do last forever. My only problem with the bags is they're not resealable, so you gotta throw a ziplock over them and the powder can potentially get everywhere.

I empty a bag into this glass container. No problems with freshness or making a mess lol

Yo anybody heard about this? There's a lot of conflicting stories on Craze but it wouldn't suprise me at all if it was true.

Makes me feel like a god when I take a scoop, don't even need more than 1.
I don't mess with pre-workout supplements. It's all such a placebo effect (but hey, some people need that to get them going). I remember back in HS kids were acting like NO Explode was some type of magical steroid lol

Eat some good carbs and an orange before a workout and you should be good to go. 
Yo anybody heard about this? There's a lot of conflicting stories on Craze but it wouldn't suprise me at all if it was true.

Makes me feel like a god when I take a scoop, don't even need more than 1.
I don't mess with pre-workout supplements. It's all such a placebo effect (but hey, some people need that to get them going). I remember back in HS kids were acting like NO Explode was some type of magical steroid lol

Eat some good carbs and an orange before a workout and you should be good to go. 
Not all pre-workouts are placebo effect. The first time I took jack3d I felt that tingle in my ears and felt like I could run through a wall. 
I'll agree placebo effect plays a large role in some preworkouts but Craze and anything containing 1,3D definitely work.

I just finished my tub of Craze and cashiers would always stare at me when I picked up some things after a gym session because it made my pupils dilate to jupiter size.

Music sounds a lot clearer too, you can distinguish different sounds etc. That and you get a sort of intense focus I can't really describe.
2 of my buddies were talking about deer antler spray. They're gonna try it next week. Never heard of it before. They told me about it and it seems kinda cheesy

Anyone here ever took it?
Craze was like Kool aid to me.

What's this crap about waxy maize and stuff? Like why would I drink straight carbs?
lol @ deer antler
lol @ an orange instead of craze

carbs and an orange are much better for you and using your inner motivation is great but if you respond to craze, there really is no comparison. mild amphetamine-like effects definitely make my workouts intense when i use it. there is actually very little caffeine in there. zero placebo for me.
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A cup of coffee from the french press is all I need to get my workout in motion. I used to take pre works (fatburners), not gonna name them, but they used to cause instant booboos . I used to be on the toilet for at least 30mins before hitting the gym. So yea, black coffee for me.
almost anything with over 100mg of caffeine will have me taking a dump. i just factor in the extra time needed when i get to the gym and tell my gf i'll be home in an hour.....and a half :lol:
Love PB2. I can't completely say no to the real thing, but I've been mixing that into my shakes/smoothies for months. I really need to stop ordering the regular one when I order the chocolate one tho.

Amazon usually sells them at a great price. I just use my Cash Back rewards on it.
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