STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

i read this thread religiously for so long....and still cannot find a way to get myself to the gym ive been paying for for years now lol....lazy as ****...i hate being like this. too tired after work, cant go in the morning because i have untreated sleep apnea and need as much sleep as i can get. Sorry, just needed to rant.

I felt this way to for the longest time ever but just today I finally got my 2 year membership at costco and there is NO WAY I'm dropping 6 bills and not going to the gym so for me that is my motivation as well as looking better. Like others have said once you get that one foot in that is all you need.
Originally Posted by udawgg  

i read this thread religiously for so long....and still cannot find a way to get myself to the gym ive been paying for for years now lol....lazy as ****...i hate being like this. too tired after work, cant go in the morning because i have untreated sleep apnea and need as much sleep as i can get. Sorry, just needed to rant.
Im 100% when I say this...

Don't watch porn.

Stop masturbating.

Stop drinking pop.

Don't overload on junk food.

I use to have "insomnia", after quitting all those things I can lay in bed right now and be out in 10 minutes, not wake up till around 8-9 without an alarm. QoL all around improved.

When it comes to the gym, like dude said, after the first time make an effort to go and it will become a habit. If you need too, find a workout partner. Im self-motivated to go, but my friend, who has about 70-80 lbs on me (im only 165 lbs, trying to gain 15 more) and wants to get to MY ideal weight, is 100x more motivated than I am and his annoyance gets me out the door on the days where im just really not feeling it.

I go faithfully now and work till im damn near drained... Go home, shower, get up, go to work, rinse and repeat.
Good looks. Going to start hitting those every night and let y'all know in about a month how it worked.
thanks for posting the 6 min ab video..

will def incorporate that this week :pimp:

word, I kept wondering why my abs weren't fully coming through, I have the basic definition of the 6 pack but no visible ab's if that makes sense. I was doing 200 situps, 4 planks, and 60-70 leg lifts, but like he said in the video the leg lifts are kind of bad since I always strained my lower back bending it further into leg lift sets :smh:

I've only done his routine once or twice this week, but i'm gonna try and do his workout 4 sets starting tomorrow when i hit the gym :smokin

all of his vids are good, especially his dead lifting vid :nthat:
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thing is, i thought i recognized him... went and checked my youtube i had this saved from awhile ago :lol:

i just never did the workouts.
Waking up in the morning with a flat stomach and those visible abs :smokin
Going to sleep after a bad day of eating/drinking bloated with a huge belly :x


Anyone still down for a private FB NTFitness group where we can post more progress pictures, routines, questions, the Lolz, etc? It would also be easier to make an excel to share and put down shirt orders/payments etc?

People have said they were down, but no one ever really put it into order. I'll be willing to do it and make a couple other regulars in this thread an admin. I'm not that active on FB/NT since I'm in grad school/got homework/patients/ and of course have to work out, but it'll be a team effort and FB is always a little easier then NT.

Just LMK and I'll put up something.
Get an ab belt. They work so well with spot reducing.

Word. I got free combined shipping for my ab belt and time machine.:smokin

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Time to get my **** together again. Met this new chick and its been nothing but junk good and beer the last 2 weeks. I cooked chicken and fish for the entire week last night. Time to eat clean, get those calories in and drink plenty of water. Let's finish the summer off strong boys!
To dudes that meal prep, does that food not taste terrible by Thursday after being in the fridge for so long?
Meats are usually dry after a few days in the fridge but it's bearable once you add some moisture back into it. Spray a little bit of water, cover and microwave so the steam enters the meat to bring some moisture.

It's a lot better than having to spend an hour to make Dinner every night. All you gotta do is heat up your meat and steam some veggies and you are good to go. 
Anyone feel like they sacrifice form in order to go heavier?

How important is it to have PERFECT form before increasing intensity?
Anyone feel like they sacrifice form in order to go heavier?

How important is it to have PERFECT form before increasing intensity?
I would say it is extremely important for the following reasons:

1) Safety. I've hurt my rotator cuff in the past by going to heavy on DB presses. I couldn't hold the wait, my shoulder gave out, and it messed up my rotator cuff

2)You want perfect form so it it's the right muscles. For an example, I would do DB presses to target my chest. Before, my elbows would flare out and it would work my shoulders and triceps more. Keeping my elbows tucked really zoned in on my chest. 

Form>>>Weight every single time. In the long run, it will allow you to reach a higher max
Anyone feel like they sacrifice form in order to go heavier?

How important is it to have PERFECT form before increasing intensity?
I just take for granted that good form = the right way. So when form breaks down you can get hurt or can't go as heavy because you are less mechanically efficient.

The caveat being there are small differences that may work for other people like toes slightly out on squats or knees in a bit. Nothing that is bad but just might work for some and not others.
Demolished legs this morning. I need to either do legs on Sunday, or eat before I go. I lacked energy to lift the weights I know I can do.
Anyone feel like they sacrifice form in order to go heavier?

How important is it to have PERFECT form before increasing intensity?
I have been lurking for a while, but perfect form is great.  However sometimes a cheap rep is allowed, depending on how long you have been working out.  If you are a pro and been lifting for years, you know what your goal is and you know the muscle you are aiming at working.  I think a cheat rep here and there is allowed.  Now if you are brand new to lifting and working out then stick to good form.  If you start with bad form you will forever have bad form.  Continuously practiced dad form fits in two categories they learned the exercise wrong, or the weight is to heavy. 

Increasing intensity should not have any affect on proper form.
I've seen pro lifters jerking the weight while doing lat pull downs, leaning back with the weight doing seated mid rows, arching the ever loving **** out of their back benching, etc etc etc.

Always wondered how they could get away with the form flaws.
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