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The foods I eat just simply aren't high in carbs, lol this isn't something I purposely do. I get a nice amount if protein easy everyday.
Pardon my ignorance, but yall are eating that much carbs while cutting? If anything, I thought you would want to eliminate them
Anyone put a dip station in their home? Looking on ebay and they're not that expensive at all. Brand recommendations?

Get a pair of gymnastic rings, they're a much better investment for the same price: they take up less space, are adjustable, and can be used for much more. I would recommend a quality brand like Rogue, but there are so many brands available since I last bought a pair that I don't know which new ones are good. Wood rings are the best, but some are cheap quality (Rogue is high quality). They can be hard to install in the beginning depending on your living situation. Hanging them from a pull up bar works well. If you can't do that, a pair of eye bolts installed in your ceiling is a great option.

If there's absolutely no way to set up rings, I would recommend a "power tower" instead of a dip station. They can be found for ~$50-100 on craigslist sometimes and can be used for much more than just a dip station.
Question for the experts.

I'm 6'5 generally between 210 and 220. Trying to build a better body. My chest is normal, pretty big arms. But I want a bigger chest and ripped abs, all that good stuff. My girl is a personal trainer, and we go through pretty intense workouts..

As of now, i'm seeing very few results in my chest area. Firstly, should I be taking supplements of any kind to aid in this process(whey pills, creatine, shakes etc)? Also, what exercises can we incorporate to accelerate this process?
Get a pair of gymnastic rings, they're a much better investment for the same price: they take up less space, are adjustable, and can be used for much more. I would recommend a quality brand like Rogue, but there are so many brands available since I last bought a pair that I don't know which new ones are good. Wood rings are the best, but some are cheap quality (Rogue is high quality). They can be hard to install in the beginning depending on your living situation. Hanging them from a pull up bar works well. If you can't do that, a pair of eye bolts installed in your ceiling is a great option.

If there's absolutely no way to set up rings, I would recommend a "power tower" instead of a dip station. They can be found for ~$50-100 on craigslist sometimes and can be used for much more than just a dip station.

Is power tower just a generic term for all-in-on dip station/pull up/knee raise/push up/sit up? I think that's what I meant if so. Not just a dip station. Any brands in particular? Would like to get one that is of decent quality.
Now a BBer and the average person are gonna have diff views on whats strong obviously but imo for ur size id say a set of atleast 8 with a minimum of:

Bench 295

Squat 315 (ATG)

DL 405
Good looks doggie, time to get my weight up.
However if u ask the average person who doesnt lift theyd be amazed at 225 on any of those
Am I the only one cutting that finds it hard to get carbs in? I avg like 40-60g a day lol I'm trying to do a carb refeed and will probably barely get over 100g (I'm still eating at a caloric deficit so I don't think it could be considered a true refeed day)

Get some oats. They're a great pre workout food.
People (specifically males) can eat 200-300g of carbs while cutting easily.  Carbs aren't bad and for gaining or maintaining mass only.
Lol I don't know how dudes are cutting and getting 300 carbs. Must not be getting any protein or something

its not all about protein, get at least 100g of protein and your good. thats very easy to acheive through FOOD alone.

why do you make it seem impossible to get that many carbs?
People (specifically males) can eat 200-300g of carbs while cutting easily.  Carbs aren't bad and for gaining or maintaining mass only.

yup, carbs aint bad.

the only way you will gain weight/get fat is going over calories.

i hate when people make it seem like carbs are horrible when its not :lol:
People (specifically males) can eat 200-300g of carbs while cutting easily.  Carbs aren't bad and for gaining or maintaining mass only.
yup, carbs aint bad.

the only way you will gain weight/get fat is going over calories.

i hate when people make it seem like carbs are horrible when its not
.......I know.  My boy is trying to lose weight and get toned (but doesn't want to lift weights for fear of getting too big...
).  He saw me eating a cup of brown rice and had to audacity to ask me.."how you lose weight and you eat rice?".....

Your body's primary source of energy comes from carbohydrates.  This new notion of "carbs" being bad is misleading.
Now a BBer and the average person are gonna have diff views on whats strong obviously but imo for ur size id say a set of atleast 8 with a minimum of:

Bench 295
Squat 315 (ATG)
DL 405
Good looks doggie, time to get my weight up.

Damn, my squat is there, DL 275, and bench 225 for 8 reps on each. I ain't too worried much about that yet till the end of this cut though.
Weighted dips and push ups are great for your bench (different hand placement variations). At least in my experience. I usually hit em at the end to thoroughly cook my chest. Are you guys doing pyramids for chest or 5x5s?

I do a weird program for Bench, but I've seen results from it. Hard to describe, so I'll show an example.

Week 1: 3x3 160 lbs, 1x20 105 lbs
Week 2: 4x4 160 lbs, 1x20 110 lbs
Week 3: 3x3 165 lbs, 1x20 115 lbs
Week 4: 4x4 165 lbs, 1x20 120 lbs

I pretty much incorporate a bit of strength training, followed by a set of 20 for hypertrophy. The weight for 20 reps goes up every week, because I haven't faced a weight yet that I couldn't rep for 20.

As for push ups, I like doing diamond pushups followed by regular pushups. I don't even count reps for em, I just do em till failure every set. Got some nice chest, and tricep gains off that too.
Sound routine, what do you do for your warmup? Also, do you slow down on the negative portion of the movement? Mind-muscle connection to me is critical with chest. Its tough to really stretch those chest fibers, but once you do, you get so much more out of it.

Weighted dips and push ups are great for your bench (different hand placement variations). At least in my experience. I usually hit em at the end to thoroughly cook my chest. Are you guys doing pyramids for chest or 5x5s?

I'm doing pyramids, although I'm struggling to push out all the reps with the higher intensity. Should I just keep doing sets until I complete all the reps? Or if I fail on one of the sets, don't complete the reps and move on?

I do pushups at the end of my workout also. Need to get a good dipping station for my home gym.
Hmm, lay out an example of your typical chest workout so we have an idea of what kind of volume you're doing. If increasing your strength is your goal, train with a spotter and really emphasize that negative if you aren't already. So many people use it as a chance to take a break and just let the weight fall down to build momentum.
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my upperbody strength is :x in a bad way. i see strength gains on my squats and DL, but my bench + shoulder press progress plateaus really quick. its discouraging :\
its not all about protein, get at least 100g of protein and your good. thats very easy to acheive through FOOD alone.

why do you make it seem impossible to get that many carbs?

Protein heavy foods don't have a lot of carbs and I'd pretty much have to eat a lot of starches to get high carbs. And I'm not gonna eat 200g of Carbs to 100g or protein lol that doesn't sound right at all.
Protein heavy foods don't have a lot of carbs and I'd pretty much have to eat a lot of starches to get high carbs. And I'm not gonna eat 200g of Carbs to 100g or protein lol that doesn't sound right at all.

You should have more carbs in your diet than protein im Currently eating arnd 350-400 protein at least 450 carbs and arnd 75 fat and ive lost 30-35lbs since my bulk in mid march (down over 100 from 3 yrs ago)
Just looking for help on becoming fit. Im 5'7" and 170. i want to lose some of my body fat before going to college since im a soon to be freshman. any help on how i should start on my road to being fit? I definitely need help on eating healthy. I'm new to anything related to being fit. Only thing I do every now and then is run
You should have more carbs in your diet than protein im Currently eating arnd 350-400 protein at least 450 carbs and arnd 75 fat and ive lost 30-35lbs since my bulk in mid march (down over 100 from 3 yrs ago)
400 grams of protein?!?!??!? Lolwot can't be serious
You on the juice brah?
Protein heavy foods don't have a lot of carbs and I'd pretty much have to eat a lot of starches to get high carbs. And I'm not gonna eat 200g of Carbs to 100g or protein lol that doesn't sound right at all.

You should have more carbs in your diet than protein im Currently eating arnd 350-400 protein at least 450 carbs and arnd 75 fat and ive lost 30-35lbs since my bulk in mid march (down over 100 from 3 yrs ago)
You cut at 4,000 calories? 1400-1600 from protein, 1800 from carbs, 675 from fat. You must have been doing some hellacious cardio. Unless you mean 450 calories from carbs then that's 112g and makes more sense
Protein heavy foods don't have a lot of carbs and I'd pretty much have to eat a lot of starches to get high carbs. And I'm not gonna eat 200g of Carbs to 100g or protein lol that doesn't sound right at all.
You should have more carbs in your diet than protein im Currently eating arnd 350-400 protein at least 450 carbs and arnd 75 fat and ive lost 30-35lbs since my bulk in mid march (down over 100 from 3 yrs ago)
You cut at 4,000 calories? 1400-1600 from protein, 1800 from carbs, 675 from fat. You must have been doing some hellacious cardio. Unless you mean 450 calories from carbs then that's 112g and makes more sense
I would hope that's what he means.
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