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Protein heavy foods don't have a lot of carbs and I'd pretty much have to eat a lot of starches to get high carbs. And I'm not gonna eat 200g of Carbs to 100g or protein lol that doesn't sound right at all.

you seem to be putting way too much importance on protein
carbs and fats are also essential to body building

carbs that you might want to start eating are: oats, sweet patatoes, brown rice, and fruits
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Don't it always seem to go...That you don't know what you've got... 'Til it's gone.

Basically my physique (*Only managed to get a 2 pack though, :lol:) from 2002-2005, then I let life get in the way. :smh:

Getting back there hasn't been easy but I'm enjoying the journey.
you seem to be putting way too much importance on protein
carbs and fats are also essential to body building

carbs that you might want to start eating are: oats, sweet patatoes, brown rice, and fruits

I eat all of that and still It's not easy to get to 200g of carbs when you are cutting under 2000 calories.

If I wasn't doing IF I could maybe fit more in but IF works best with my work schedule more so than me just doing it for diet purposes.
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Just peeped your pic. Great physique (no rainbow). What does your diet/workout routine look like?

My diet is pretty simple. I eat a lot of oats, eggs, and chicken. Fruits (orange, bananas, strawberries) with my eggs/oats and vegetables (sweet potatoes, broccoli, green beans) with my chicken.

I'm in the gym 6 days a week. I follow Jim Wendler's 5/3/1, so every weight workout starts with a major barbell lift. After that, I hit chest/tricep and back/bicep twice a week with a heavy and light day. Also have 2 active rest days where I do HIIT, core work, and stretch out real good.
I binge the following morning or whenever I go off IF so it's crucial that I have a bunch of healthy something prepared or I quickly undo any progress made.
Weighted dips and push ups are great for your bench (different hand placement variations). At least in my experience. I usually hit em at the end to thoroughly cook my chest. Are you guys doing pyramids for chest or 5x5s?

I do a weird program for Bench, but I've seen results from it. Hard to describe, so I'll show an example.

Week 1: 3x3 160 lbs, 1x20 105 lbs
Week 2: 4x4 160 lbs, 1x20 110 lbs
Week 3: 3x3 165 lbs, 1x20 115 lbs
Week 4: 4x4 165 lbs, 1x20 120 lbs

I pretty much incorporate a bit of strength training, followed by a set of 20 for hypertrophy. The weight for 20 reps goes up every week, because I haven't faced a weight yet that I couldn't rep for 20.

As for push ups, I like doing diamond pushups followed by regular pushups. I don't even count reps for em, I just do em till failure every set. Got some nice chest, and tricep gains off that too.
Sound routine, what do you do for your warmup? Also, do you slow down on the negative portion of the movement? Mind-muscle connection to me is critical with chest. Its tough to really stretch those chest fibers, but once you do, you get so much more out of it.

Weighted dips and push ups are great for your bench (different hand placement variations). At least in my experience. I usually hit em at the end to thoroughly cook my chest. Are you guys doing pyramids for chest or 5x5s?

I'm doing pyramids, although I'm struggling to push out all the reps with the higher intensity. Should I just keep doing sets until I complete all the reps? Or if I fail on one of the sets, don't complete the reps and move on?

I do pushups at the end of my workout also. Need to get a good dipping station for my home gym.
Hmm, lay out an example of your typical chest workout so we have an idea of what kind of volume you're doing. If increasing your strength is your goal, train with a spotter and really emphasize that negative if you aren't already. So many people use it as a chance to take a break and just let the weight fall down to build momentum.

The strength sets are all pause reps. As for warm up, I might do some Dips, or just warm my shoulder up.
I eat all of that and still It's not easy to get to 200g of carbs when you are cutting under 2000 calories.

If I wasn't doing IF I could maybe fit more in but IF works best with my work schedule more so than me just doing it for diet purposes.

if you eat all of that, even in really low portions then you are getting well over 60g of carbs
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You cut at 4,000 calories? 1400-1600 from protein, 1800 from carbs, 675 from fat. You must have been doing some hellacious cardio. Unless you mean 450 calories from carbs then that's 112g and makes more sense

Nope no punctuation errors in that post my bulk was around 6k cals I eat a dozen egg whites a day, lb of chicken, half lb of deli shaved turkey breast, 6 cups of rice, 2 pieces of fruit some fresh hash browns I warm up in a skillet w/ non stick spray a protein bar, some almonds and snack on rice cakes all day, I do 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week and 40-60 mins plus abs on weds and Sunday I wrk out everyday refeeds on Monday im losing abt .08 lbs a week
Protein heavy foods don't have a lot of carbs and I'd pretty much have to eat a lot of starches to get high carbs. And I'm not gonna eat 200g of Carbs to 100g or protein lol that doesn't sound right at all.

Same here... i'd rather have it the other way around since I'm cutting. Protein has the highest thermic effect and satiating out of all the macros. it'll make you feel more full than fat or carbs and it burns more calories than carbs/fat when your body is digesting it.

If I'm bulking i'll have more carbs than protein for energy though.
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Carbs are essential in building muscle if protein is the #1 thing carbs are 1a carbs ARE ENERGY the atkins diet craze ruined peoples perception of carbs
don’t choose 1 over the other implement both into your diet equally at the very least, you will have more energy and preserve muscle while cutting
you seem to be putting way too much importance on protein
carbs and fats are also essential to body building

carbs that you might want to start eating are: oats, sweet patatoes, brown rice, and fruits

I eat all of that and still It's not easy to get to 200g of carbs when you are cutting under 2000 calories.

If I wasn't doing IF I could maybe fit more in but IF works best with my work schedule more so than me just doing it for diet purposes.

You're cutting at such a low amount... That's why getting that many carbs seems so difficult.

If i were to cut right now, it would be at 2500 cals which would be about 1 lb per week.

As for protein controlling satiety better than carbs/fats, my personal experience disagrees.
I mean according to my fitness pal I'm getting about 40+ protein 30+ carbs and 20 something fats (this is in percentage of the pie chart) some days I might get 30/30/20 (ie 37/35/24 or something random like that) ideally I want a 40/40/20 split but even then I'm barely getting 100g of carbs. Now of course if I were cutting at 1lb per week (2350-2500 calories) it would be easy. I could be wrong but I think me getting 130-200g of protein a day is what has helped me hold on to my muscle mass while cutting so extremely.
I mean according to my fitness pal I'm getting about 40+ protein 30+ carbs and 20 something fats (this is in percentage of the pie chart) some days I might get 30/30/20 (ie 37/35/24 or something random like that) ideally I want a 40/40/20 split but even then I'm barely getting 100g of carbs. Now of course if I were cutting at 1lb per week (2350-2500 calories) it would be easy. I could be wrong but I think me getting 130-200g of protein a day is what has helped me hold on to my muscle mass while cutting so extremely.
any reason you don't scale back the cut at this point I.e. eat like 2300 not 1900? Just want to get it done?
Is power tower just a generic term for all-in-on dip station/pull up/knee raise/push up/sit up? I think that's what I meant if so. Not just a dip station. Any brands in particular? Would like to get one that is of decent quality.

Yes, that's a power tower.
I still highly recommend gymnastic rings over a power tower.
any reason you don't scale back the cut at this point I.e. eat like 2300 not 1900? Just want to get it done?

I still think I`m fat lol I mean I was in the gym last night looking vascular as heck, but I still have fat left on my chest and lower stomach. I've been between 230-235 last 2 weeks because I took a complete week off and went ham food wise (still worked out everyday)

I was thinking about when I get to 215 or 210 I was going to up my calories and do 1lb per week for the last few weeks, and when I get to 200, I was going to evaluate if I was going to eat at maintenance for some time or what. I want my chest to grow, and I mean thinking about science I would assume I need to bulk to grow.
Fair enough. I gotta say I respect how rationale you are about it. Also I think a lot of people are happy with 30-40 lbs lost even if they're still fat.
I need my lower ab area fat to go, then i'll be content until my shoulder is back to 100% and can start lifting heavy. Going to have to add some HIIT on top of my crossfit workouts.

I rarely get sore anymore from the gym?

I go hard, up my weights, and I'm seeing progression / results.

Is that normal ? :nerd:

yes. Don't buy into the no pain no gain myth. It's nonsense really. Once you fully condition your muscle to move weight and grow consistently, you'll rarely feel pain. Only when you try something new that your body isn't used to. Pain shouldn't be the end result of a successful work out.

Leg day is another beast though. those pains are almost unavoidable if you go ham.
Fair enough. I gotta say I respect how rationale you are about it. Also I think a lot of people are happy with 30-40 lbs lost even if they're still fat.

My parents told me I should be satisfied with the 100 lbs I lost and I quickly gave them the Kobe death stare lol.
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