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I just looked up crossfit in my area on groupon and you were right, hella deals.

How does one crossfit gym distinguish itself from another ? Like if I go in, what are some things I should look for to see if they are really legit.
I would encourage people to try it at least once. Many crossfit places offer a free first session. It's hard to judge it by one session though. There are plenty of groupon deals for crossfit in my area, and i am sure it goes the same for other areas too. 
Again not bashing it, but I have seen so many where the instructors don't know what they are doing I just said nevermind will just stick with what I know.  I have a steady workout partner with the same goals as me and someone to push me every time.
I just looked up crossfit in my area on groupon and you were right, hella deals.

How does one crossfit gym distinguish itself from another ? Like if I go in, what are some things I should look for to see if they are really legit.

Class structure. Check if they emphasize stretching and mobility (ROM). During your "ramp up"/intro classes try to see if they emphasize proper form and if they correct it properly. Observe a full class, see if they are on top of people when they show poor form due to fatigue. As a beginner, they will have to modify your WOD's, if they don't do that for you, don't go back.
....and why so many people in here knocking herbalife? I mean, I really only know of two people that mess with it... but all in all whatever it takes for people to change their lives and focus on eating healthier and getting in shape, what difference does it make? The two people that I know of have definitely taken a turn around in their bodies and what they put into them.

No, I don't sell herbalife nor do I want to. It's just something I've noticed in this thread....
The quality of ingredients used with Herbalife, Body By Vi, etc are sketchy. They advertise one thing, but practice another. Although I am anti-pyramid, BeachBody is the only company that seems to put out natural products with a good profile. At the end of the day, none of the above are a substitute for good nutrition. Multivitamin and fish oil as stated are the best bets. Protein, creatine, and BCAAs can help, but none of those supps are necessary.

I would jump in on this cross fit convo but I'm still trippin on dude saying his friend already made 400k from training so far this year alone lol
I honestly thought dude was either trolling or added a zero by mistake. :lol:
These things are the truth :smokin

Again not bashing it, but I have seen so many where the instructors don't know what they are doing I just said nevermind will just stick with what I know.  I have a steady workout partner with the same goals as me and someone to push me every time.
Why did you think they did not know what they are doing? Is it because, from a body builders point of view, you do things differently? I see what you're saying though. I've come across trainers that seem to not know how to teach the movements, not so much that they don't know what they are doing. Translating and explaining what i should be thinking about and doing during the movements or oly lifts was big for me. I did not want to get injured by doing something wrong. Hell, i've gotten more injured in soccer in the last 2 years than in crossfit lol.

I took me over 8 months and 4 different boxes to find the one i felt the most comfortable at. But to each their own. Some people dig it, some people don't. In the end, we are all working to live the fit and healthy lifestyle.  
Dude making 400k annually as a x-fit trainer? Sounds like something my barber would say. :lol:
Hey NT fitness gurus..

Got sick of being a fatfaced f*&& and decided im gonna take charge of my life and change for the better.
I decided two weeks ago that next summer i'm gonna be in the best physical shape of my life.

I started by making little changes to my diet....trying to cut out white rice(used to eat this on the daily) and white bread.
Eating more salads, fruits and a lot of water.
And eating smaller still struggling with cutting out soda is getting there.

Bought a bicycle and started riding for at least an hour every other day.
Started at 210 lbs and after 2 weeks i'm down to 206.
My end goal would be to get my weight down to 180 pounds, i'm 5'9 btw.

After reading about lifting in this thread, that it might help you burn fat even faster i dusted off my old dumbbells. Starting to play basketball again.

I made a lifestyle schedule that can hopefully help me reach my goal:

Monday: Basketball for 2 hours in the evening..ab crunches in the morning
Tuesday: 1 hour cardio in the evening and ab crunches in the morning
Wednesday: light lifting in the evening and ab crunches in the morning
Thursday: 1 hour cardio in the evening and ab crunches in the morning
Friday: Basketball for 2 hours in the evening and ab crunches in the morning.

as for the light lifting do you guys have any tips for me, i'm planning to use 2 dumbbells that i own.
Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Just watched that Moreno video, how cn you guys knock it you not see how fun it is and the sense of family/teamwork you get along with the competition, things you won't get with a gym membership where you go in zone out and not one person gives a damb about the next, after doin Xfit for almost 8 months I've stepped foot in my gym 2 times and the first thing I notice is my gym SUCK!!!...but that's my gym which only has 2 bars!! I had no idea what to do with myself in there...maybe a better equipped gym would be better, but then having to waste time dealing with others hugging up bars, for me it just felt like I spent too much time BSing as opposed to the time I put in work...I guess working out alone for me didn't work as well.
Crossfit is cool. I like to zone out and listen to music when I lift so it isn't a good fit for me personally. Plus I feel like I've had that experience lifting/working out with a team through sports so I don't feel the need to seek it out.

The only issue I have with select cross fitters, because I know (well i would hope) not everyone does this, but man some of these guys act like lifting was invented last year :lol:

Now they at crossfit they all about that "lifting life", which is cool but I mean a lot of people work out everyday and aren't proclaiming to the rest of the world damb :smh:

Whatever gets people up and active though I can't knock that :pimp: Just don't tell me about it :lol:
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i've seen some people do great with crossfit. transform their bodies, become more outgoing and confident and overall just improve their quality of life. a few of them have some nagging injuries now too though but the same can be said for some of my weightlifting friends. whatever gets you to your goals - we all don't have to take the same path.

that being said, there is no way i could do it. i have too many joint issues as it is. i'm not built for speed/agility anymore :lol:
With me being in the gym 5 times per week at an hour to an hour and a half lifting I'm gonna bump my calories up to 2110, that is still 1k under my calculated "maintenance" calories lets see how that goes
romaleos fit pretty true to size on me and accommodate a wide foot nicely. i wear an 8.5 in forces and a size 9 in flyknit racers and i bought an 8.5 in romaleos. the straps will help get a nice solid fit on your foot.
i dont have wide feet but id love to know how these fit also.

I have wide feet and the shoe fits pretty close to tts. Although have to admit when strapped in there is a little bit of a pain on the outside of feet (At widest point) when worn for long duration. But I know if I sized up there would be to much room in the toe area.

Hope that helped..
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