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i only take a shake a day if that, and its always post workout. i get enough through my diet but i like to get it right after my workout. its not like im gonna make chicken at mid night :lol:

other than that, im kinda with you.

I don't workout that late, but have most of my food prepped in advance. As soon as I get home from the gym, throw a chicken breast and sweet potatoe in the microwave for a minute, grab a glass of chocolate milk and it's feast time haha
yet everyone buys it :lol:

id rather have no protein than take an inferior product. thats just me.

I haven't used a protein powder in months, and probably never will again. Luckily I'm able to get enough protein through my diet. I don't take any other type of supplement either. If possible diet > supplements.

I invite all of you to join the team with me, #TeamNoSupplements lol
Sorry bro, gotta have my ON Whey Shake a day :D
I have no idea what's happened over the past couple months, but my squat form has gone to ****. I've been lifting for ~9 years and had never had a problem till recently. Makes no sense cause I'm more flexible and mobile than ever before. Only thing I can think of is that I'm just worn down from squatting heavy. Gonna take a deload week, then address the situation from there.

Any theroies on what's going on or suggestions are welcomed.

Its funny i hit a squat plateau and couldn't get over 335lbs. I did legs yesterday and i decided to deload for a couple weeks. I have been trying to deadlift heavier so i will cut squats back. Going back to some form of 5x5 to get up. Did about 70% of my 1RM 5x5 yesterday. Will do around 80% next week then 85%. Going to keep pyrmiding on my DL though.

Hoping once i reach my DL goal i will be content for a bit and go back to trying to squat heavy. Squats are my favorite exercise, i am always baffled by people's hate for leg day since its my favorite.
i know that feel man. my boy just made 6 months. he's sleeping through the night pretty much except for last week when he was sick. poor lil' man was miserable. i tried to hint that i was gonna head to the gym one morning when he was crying and coughing. needless to say, i didn't go :lol:
how old is your kid?

Year and a half...she has 8 teeth coming in, so yea....sleep has been REALLY bad for the past week or so.
Slacked for about a week. Got back at it yesterday. Pulled a two a day in the spirit of NFL training camp
I did feel a little different without creatine. Will get back to using it for tonight's workout after work.
Slacked for about a week. Got back at it yesterday. Pulled a two a day in the spirit of NFL training camp
I did feel a little different without creatine. Will get back to using it for tonight's workout after work.
If I didn't have to be to work so early I would love to get a two a day in.  I leave my house at 5, sure just get up an hour earlier.  Then I need to go to bed at like 7/8 to make sure I get my 8/9 hours.  Way to get it in no matter what.
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you are getting way less protein than whats on the label, thats the whole point..

Way less? No. At the most and this is the absolutely worst case scenario u might be getting 4 less grams per scoop which in any bb diet would do absolutely nothing and there are bad things about every protein out there especially on regards to label claims and again lots of company's have been doing this for a long time
Way less? No. At the most and this is the absolutely worst case scenario u might be getting 4 less grams per scoop which in any bb diet would do absolutely nothing and there are bad things about every protein out there especially on regards to label claims and again lots of company's have been doing this for a long time

Issue with the Supp industry is nothing is regulated, heck ON that guys in here praise could be pure garbage and use fake lab studies to back their claims and dudes would never know the truth
Issue with the Supp industry is nothing is regulated, heck ON that guys in here praise could be pure garbage and use fake lab studies to back their claims and dudes would never know the truth

Fact. You can say that about any supplement too. I'm not putting anything in my body like that.
True I don't know what's needed to change the rules abt FDA testing but i think I needs to change unfort a lot of the stuff I like would probably be off the market but at least the quality would be gaurentered
i've been so anti-creatine because of its effects after stopping its usage. but i think im gonna get back on it.

you are getting way less protein than whats on the label, thats the whole point..

Way less? No. At the most and this is the absolutely worst case scenario u might be getting 4 less grams per scoop which in any bb diet would do absolutely nothing and there are bad things about every protein out there especially on regards to label claims and again lots of company's have been doing this for a long time

incorrect, no one knows.

you are guessing you are getting 4 grams less but it could be more.

the proteins i buy dont have those ingredients in them so im good
i've been so anti-creatine because of its effects after stopping its usage. but i think im gonna get back on it.

what effects? :lol:

been taking it for months, other than gaining strength while cutting i have NOT experienced any negative sides. i dont even know what sides there is..
Gonna try the 5x5 program. Been in a funk. Idk if its playing soccer in this heat, 2-3 hours a day, 3-4 days a week but I feel I've gotten weak. Smh
preworkout meal

pre-workout meal for breakfast.

options I've tried: dried apple chips (kirkland brand) dipped in peanut butter (two hours before workout)
: oatmeal (reg. size bowl) 2 hours before workout, followed by a banana like an hour before the workout
:2 bananas (an hour before workout)

I've noticed on somedays I'm light-headed and my body just doesn't feel right throughout the workout, however, if I do one of those workout meals I'm usually straight. That's in the morning though. My issue is when I workout during the day or in the evening (well after lunch but right before I'd eat dinner) . I hate not being able to go hard because I'm starting to feel light headed and have to "gather myself." Should I eat a meal MEAL ? Or like a "workout snack" ? I workout at like 6:30pm and I usually don't eat a full dinner cuz I know afterwards I'll be hungry again. This workout is bootcamp style and lasts an hour. S

I'm thinking maybe a single chicken breast and some broccoli or something? Is my issue water ? I don't think so though, cuz even when I'm drinking water during the workout I still sometimes get light-headed. Anybody had a problem similar to this? Serious solutions only please.
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