STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yeah, this back pain is annoying. I feel it anytime I try to sit down.
same thing happened to me, pulled/strained something on the eccentric of a deadlift. never went to see a doctor or chiro, but i should have. lower back pain was the worst sitting long periods of times in class. this is what i did

-foam rolled back and lower body everyday

-stretch lower body everyday (esp. hamstrings, glutes, piriformis)

-properly warmed up before workouts including a lot of lower body mobility stuff

-switched to sumo deadlift (less lower back, more hips and adductors)

-used a powerlifting belt for low rep sets

-applied icy hot to my lower back everytime i deadlift or squat (not sure it does anything beneficial but it does keep my lower back warm)

seems like a lot but, it's worth it if it prevents future injuries.



Need info on this brand.
^ive used KT tape from sports authority, stuff is legit, makes you feel like you have extra tendons
Just mixed a sample of Vanilla whey with a cup of unsweetened Silk Almond Milk....taste is GREAT wow if does something for cyber monday I might buy some for the heck of it. lol prob not though got a lot of protein already but theirs is dirt cheap

it not bad in water either honestly. i posted the link to the 10lb which is kinda cheap.

i prefer the vanilla over the chocolate which has a higher rating. the chocolate has a gross/chemical aftertaste.
From everything ive read/heard, the science behind KT isnt quite there yet. Its more of a mental reminder than it is an aide.
My aunt works for mrs.edwards and gave me a whole turtle pie smh, I had 2 slices and I'm gonna leave the rest at my girl house, lol just smashed 20 wings that knocked me out for like 2 hrs. Welp looking forward to this week.
From everything ive read/heard, the science behind KT isnt quite there yet. Its more of a mental reminder than it is an aide.


I think most people with big calves have genetics on their side. My parents passed down really good body building genetics down to me and my lil bro. Thick ,muscular legs, broad shoulders, wide back, etc. We put on muscle really fast. Only problem is being short(5'7). :frown: I haaaaaate leg day tho. :x

Dont believe the gene thing. It depends on how you worked out or played while growing up 13-20 yrs old.

I have massive legs huge calfs (wife even said they are freakish) that I havent worked out for 8 years Since HS. I never lifted weights for upper body so i have a smaller upper body I continue to try and build up to match my lower body.

My bro on the other hand played baseball and football and has a big upper body but small legs.

Jay Cutler and The Rock started body building at 15. I wont get that upper body even if my dad was Arnold.

Have you seen the Governators son? He has the body of a surfer cuz he surfs.
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I seriously need help. I am sitting at 300 and want to loose 60lbs. I can't seem to find a diet plan that I can stick to. Maybe its just me.
Bad workout today...not even because of my back. Just been stressing a lot lately. Hit squats, military presses, and rows still though which are my main compound lifts. Only accessories I did were triceps pulldown and hammer curls...left out dips, pullups, and calf presses...

My back has been better since yesterday though so I'll wait till later in the week to decide when/if I'll see the chiropractor since this is going to be a busy week.
Ate bad since thursday. Diet back in full effect...after this last slice of red velvet...FUARK.
I seriously need help. I am sitting at 300 and want to loose 60lbs. I can't seem to find a diet plan that I can stick to. Maybe its just me.
Make it a gradual diet. Whatever you are eating now, eat less of it. Cut out fast food and soda and that alone is enough to help you lose weight provided you are doing cardio/lifting. If you eat a lot of rice with your meals, either cut down your rice portions to a spoonful or two, or cut it out entirely. Once you see some progress, then look into a stricter diet. A lot of people fail cause they try to diet hard first, find it too difficult and end up going back to their old ways.
Anyone know of a good jump training program?

I know to do squats, lunges, step-ups, one-legged squats, DL's and a lot of calves etc. I'm planning on doing all that and some box-jumps, speed ladders, speed hurdles, and jump rope and a few more things. Sprints a few days a week also.

Should I be good with this? I've never really consistently tried to increase my vert so any input from someone who has would be appreciated.
I seriously need help. I am sitting at 300 and want to loose 60lbs. I can't seem to find a diet plan that I can stick to. Maybe its just me.

Also don't get obsessed with the scales. I did that and it got to a point where I was weighing myself after every meal. You should weigh yourself one day a week at the same time every week. I weigh myself every Monday morning. It's hard work and you will hate it but once you start seeing the results the drive to lose more weight will be amazing. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask any questions.
Anyone know of a good jump training program?
I know to do squats, lunges, step-ups, one-legged squats, DL's and a lot of calves etc. I'm planning on doing all that and some box-jumps, speed ladders, speed hurdles, and jump rope and a few more things. Sprints a few days a week also.
Should I be good with this? I've never really consistently tried to increase my vert so any input from someone who has would be appreciated.

Peep the sn lol, mix weight training with pylometrics

I had great success doing this by matching exercises for each lift.

Box squats to sitting jumps (add a med ball if your bounce is right already)

Calf raises to burnouts

Do alot of Core, hamstring and hip flexor work. Remember to stretch these as well, those are probably the most important things if you have the fundamental strength to get your bodyweight off the ground. Also be cautious of how your knees are holding up, land lightly, all the pounding gave me some jumpers knee, no bueno

Look for the "The Vertical Jump Bible". I didn't follow the programs but I took the exercises and pieced together my own program.

PM me for questions
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Peep the sn lol, mix weight training with pylometrics
I had great success doing this by matching exercises for each lift.
Box squats to sitting jumps (add a med ball if your bounce is right already)
Calf raises to burnouts
Do alot of Core, hamstring and hip flexor work. Remember to stretch these as well, those are probably the most important things if you have the fundamental strength to get your bodyweight off the ground. Also be cautious of how your knees are holding up, land lightly, all the pounding gave me some jumpers knee, no bueno
Look for the "The Vertical Jump Bible". I didn't follow the programs but I took the exercises and pieced together my own program.
PM me for questions

Thanks man :pimp:

Nice sn :lol:
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