STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

arm day. bi's, tri's, forearms. i'll probably focus more on tri's and forearms today. my bi's got worked some yesterday when i did back. and i just wanna focus more on the horseshoes
Was doing dips before I finished my routine, and almost fell off smh. My triceps were dead from bench and triceps pulldown.
yo... i need to lose some weight quick, ive been hitting the elliptical, doing a little lifting here and there, and some ab work outs, still dont see much change.. i know diet is a big part of it and know a lot of it is common sense.. but is there some certain foods to not eat that can help me shed this fat away?... no dairy? carbs? i like to have cereal in the morning to get me going.. and i eat yogurt for snacks... i have stayed away from fried food and soda...

First thing I'd suggest is doing some real research - you seem to just be winging it by stuff you've heard before.

It's kind of hard to give you real advice without knowing your body situation (aka obese and trying to lose weight or just kinda chubby and trying to get fit?) but I'll just throw some general stuff out there. You shouldn't be doing a little lifting here and there - you should have a weekly routine (look one up on here or online that fits your experience level + time). Lifting properly is the easiest way to burn fat. Diet is important but unless you're way overweight - you're not just going to SHED fat away immediately. Try and track the food/drinks you eat. Count your calories and see how much you normally eat. You'd be surprised at how much the little things add up. Drink a ton of water (no juices or soda). I would also personally stay away from cereal since for the most part, it's high in sugar and carbs. I like all my meals to be high in protein.

This is really general stuff though - it gets way more scientific as you've probably seen in this thread BUT following these basic things should absolutely help you get started (lift heavy, track food/calories, cut out juices/soda, high protein meals)
1.5 mile rest 3 min
1 mile rest 3 min
800m rest 3 min
400m rest 3 min
200m rest 3 min

At least 1/4 of the total was up a steeeep a** hill!


Discount the 12 min total rest I did a 5k in just under 25mins :smile:
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First thing I'd suggest is doing some real research - you seem to just be winging it by stuff you've heard before.

It's kind of hard to give you real advice without knowing your body situation (aka obese and trying to lose weight or just kinda chubby and trying to get fit?) but I'll just throw some general stuff out there. You shouldn't be doing a little lifting here and there - you should have a weekly routine (look one up on here or online that fits your experience level + time). Lifting properly is the easiest way to burn fat. Diet is important but unless you're way overweight - you're not just going to SHED fat away immediately. Try and track the food/drinks you eat. Count your calories and see how much you normally eat. You'd be surprised at how much the little things add up. Drink a ton of water (no juices or soda). I would also personally stay away from cereal since for the most part, it's high in sugar and carbs. I like all my meals to be high in protein.

This is really general stuff though - it gets way more scientific as you've probably seen in this thread BUT following these basic things should absolutely help you get started (lift heavy, track food/calories, cut out juices/soda, high protein meals)
Great blueprint for beginners right there. Repped.
Typed up a long *** post and my damn phone lost it.

Cliffs: Calisthenics day yesterday.  Aim was to burn myself out, but I just kept going.  Lot of jump rope, ton of push ups.

Props to Stuntman Mike for the protein bar recommendation.  Definitely something I will keep on standby when I'm in a pinch.  Shortest ingredient list I've seen on a protein bar maybe ever.  Big plus.  Quest bars are definitely the truth.  Going to be hard to settle on one flavor so it should be interesting sampling over the next week.
Just picked up Muscle Milk Cake Batter Flavor..looking forward to trying it for lunch. Heard bad reviews few years ago about their brand, hope they changed :nerd:

Overtraining your muscles can lead slow physique results?


Doing 7 different type of upper back excercises is overtraining?

Wide Lateral pullup

Close grip Pullup

Seated Lateral Raise

Upright Rows

Bentover Rows

Bentover DB Deltoid Raise

Dumbbell Side Shrug
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are they sure it was jack3d? it looks like they are just finding something to blame.

its been known that jack3d can do harm to your heart, ive been against it before it came out that it caused a bunch of deaths.

i guess she had some sort of condition but from what everyone says, even though it doesnt say it on the bottle. you shouldnt be using it for cardio type exercises because your heart rate will increase like crazy
I can't imagine the buzz you get from the first Jack3d before it got recalled numerous times. It's hard living in Canada... Some of the products we get are nothing compared to the original.
I'm sick of overweight people. Now no, don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to the resolutioners. I'm talking about people who are over weight yet do NOTHING about it. We all want to live long, right? We all want to be healthy, right? Then why does no one take care of themselves. Now that I'm getting more and more involved in this lifestyle and packing lunches and doing the whole nine, I get so pissed off at people who don't do anything about their health. Looking around in class and the majority have a gut! Stomachs growling, letting gasses out the back end. **** is disgusting and mortifying to be around. I almost didn't want to eat my chicken around them.

I will MAKE SURE my spouse is F I T. Diet together, gym together and live long and happily together. We wouldn't put junk into our car gas tank, so why throw junk into your BODY. MANNNNN!

End rant.

in 3 months ima be nasty.


That is absurd. Everyone has different goals in life. Some people don't care about their physical appearance and would rather eat whatever they want, sacrificing years off their lives. Sure none of us posting in this thread want to look like that... but come on man, let other people be and don't worry about them
I'm sick of overweight people. Now no, don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to the resolutioners. I'm talking about people who are over weight yet do NOTHING about it. We all want to live long, right? We all want to be healthy, right? Then why does no one take care of themselves. Now that I'm getting more and more involved in this lifestyle and packing lunches and doing the whole nine, I get so pissed off at people who don't do anything about their health. Looking around in class and the majority have a gut! Stomachs growling, letting gasses out the back end. **** is disgusting and mortifying to be around. I almost didn't want to eat my chicken around them.

I will MAKE SURE my spouse is F I T. Diet together, gym together and live long and happily together. We wouldn't put junk into our car gas tank, so why throw junk into your BODY. MANNNNN!

End rant.

in 3 months ima be nasty.

Sounds like a lot of energy is being wasted on something that shouldn't even matter. Who cares what others do or don't do about their health and lifestyle. Only worry about you and what you can do about yours. They will eventually get the memo when something drastic happens to them, maybe they never will. No sense in wasting time about others decisions when your own are the only ones that matter to you (unless you are in a relationship with someone).
Sounds like a lot of energy is being wasted on something that shouldn't even matter. Who cares what others do or don't do about their health and lifestyle. Only worry about you and what you can do about yours. They will eventually get the memo when something drastic happens to them, maybe they never will. No sense in wasting time about others decisions when your own are the only ones that matter to you (unless you are in a relationship with someone).
Those types of people are a huge drain on the health care system. So many wasted dollars fighting preventable illness.
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