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Lucky, any info on what exercises you do/did to get rid of belly fat and thigh fat?

in all honesty My stomach shrank as I lost weight, I`m not to the point where I have that little tiny fat that wont go away, I might be there in like 3-4 months.
My parents told me I should be satisfied with the 100 lbs I lost and I quickly gave them the Kobe death stare lol.

It's hilarious when people say things like that.

People always tell me I look fine and ask me why I still workout so much and eat the way I do haha

My quads are getting bigger so I really think when I get to 200 I will look good I want to keep my arm/shoulder mass/ and increase my chest. I want my waist as small as possible but I'm trying to make sure I don't go too fast to avoid loose skin.
i dont even attempt bench whenever i do get a chance to go to the gym. Its absolutely embarrassing how little i can lift.... i max out with a ten on each nobody here should feel bad. I dont know how its possible to be that weak lol
Lucky, any info on what exercises you do/did to get rid of belly fat and thigh fat?

You didn't ask me, but I'll say something anyways lol

In the last months I've been doing a lot of leg workouts. Things like air squats, box jumps, pistols, airdyne, running, lunges, etc. I recently started incorporating kettle bells while I do some of the exercises. I lost a few inches of thigh/leg fat and have noticed they are more muscular than before. In short, if you keep with lower body exercises, it will eventually do its job.
Just my 2 cents
Lucky, any info on what exercises you do/did to get rid of belly fat and thigh fat?
You didn't ask me, but I'll say something anyways lol

In the last months I've been doing a lot of leg workouts. Things like air squats, box jumps, pistols, airdyne, running, lunges, etc. I recently started incorporating kettle bells while I do some of the exercises. I lost a few inches of thigh/leg fat and have noticed they are more muscular than before. In short, if you keep with lower body exercises, it will eventually do its job.
Just my 2 cents
Any advice is appreciated on this side, bro. Repped. Will go ham on legs tonight
Got a 10 dollar off 20 or more instore coupon for GNC, gonna go use it even though I know everything is over priced.

and can I do step ups with dumbells on a bench since Im too goofy for lunges?
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i dont even attempt bench whenever i do get a chance to go to the gym. Its absolutely embarrassing how little i can lift.... i max out with a ten on each nobody here should feel bad. I dont know how its possible to be that weak lol
you're not competing with anyone but yourself. check your ego at the door, don't worry about anyone else and do your thing man.

when i just started, i got pinned with the 25s and a few weeks later, with the 35s. at first, i felt ashamed but then i realized that nobody gives a damn - nobody was even watching :lol:
get your nutrition down and keep hitting the gym.
i dont even attempt bench whenever i do get a chance to go to the gym. Its absolutely embarrassing how little i can lift.... i max out with a ten on each nobody here should feel bad. I dont know how its possible to be that weak lol
We All started somewhere around there broham....Keep at it and try to add 5-10lbs each week...Dont be embarassed to ask for a spot
I used to have problems benching 135, an doe open would vouch for me when I'd come in here irritated.

I've put on 30 lbs since then, so progress is happening.
Just know nobody started benching 315 their first time.
you're not competing with anyone but yourself. check your ego at the door, don't worry about anyone else and do your thing man.

when i just started, i got pinned with the 25s and a few weeks later, with the 35s. at first, i felt ashamed but then i realized that nobody gives a damn - nobody was even watching :lol:
get your nutrition down and keep hitting the gym.

All of this.

Everyone is there for the same reason - to better themselves.
Got a 10 dollar off 20 or more instore coupon for GNC, gonna go use it even though I know everything is over priced.

and can I do step ups with dumbells on a bench since Im too goofy for lunges?
Sure can. I do them sometimes for some extra burn.

You might have mentioned this before, but do you practice lunges at all? or is it that you're just not balanced in the lunge position?
Sure can. I do them sometimes for some extra burn.

You might have mentioned this before, but do you practice lunges at all? or is it that you're just not balanced in the lunge position?

every time I did lunges I didnt feel comfortable, I`m 6'3 so lunges feel weird (could be me though.)
every time I did lunges I didnt feel comfortable, I`m 6'3 so lunges feel weird (could be me though.)

Gotcha. That height must be tough to deal with. I know dudes at my box have trouble with some oly lifts because they are tall and lanky
We All started somewhere around there broham....Keep at it and try to add 5-10lbs each week...Dont be embarassed to ask for a spot
you're not competing with anyone but yourself. check your ego at the door, don't worry about anyone else and do your thing man.

when i just started, i got pinned with the 25s and a few weeks later, with the 35s. at first, i felt ashamed but then i realized that nobody gives a damn - nobody was even watching

get your nutrition down and keep hitting the gym.
thanks fellas...always feel mad self conscious so i just skip past it. Making it one of my goals to not care and just do my thing next time i go. Thanks again.
Gotcha. That height must be tough to deal with. I know dudes at my box have trouble with some oly lifts because they are tall and lanky

yea thats why I dont stress trying to do ATG squats, lol yea me being 6'3 is Boss outside the gym, but short cats have a smaller ranger of motion so they can bench and squat heavy with ease
Just need some quick advice, I'm trying to get down, I lift everyday but have been keeping the weights at a consistent amount. Should I keep adding on weights each week, or should I just keep pumping more and more reps.
I'm 5'9 188.. Started at 230 but seems like the weight won't move now a days man..
You didn't ask me, but I'll say something anyways lol

In the last months I've been doing a lot of leg workouts. Things like air squats, box jumps, pistols, airdyne, running, lunges, etc. I recently started incorporating kettle bells while I do some of the exercises. I lost a few inches of thigh/leg fat and have noticed they are more muscular than before. In short, if you keep with lower body exercises, it will eventually do its job.
Just my 2 cents
You found a way to spot kill fat? You should sell your work out plan on the home shopping network.

thanks fellas...always feel mad self conscious so i just skip past it. Making it one of my goals to not care and just do my thing next time i go. Thanks again.

You're self-conscious because your lift is low, right? Well the only way of getting your lift up is too actually do it. The fact that you recognize that it's you being self-conscious means you've already conquered the biggest hurdle. A lot of people devise stupid bro-science excuses why they don't want to do a certain lift when in reality they are just self-conscious about how low their lift is.

yea thats why I dont stress trying to do ATG squats, lol yea me being 6'3 is Boss outside the gym, but short cats have a smaller ranger of motion so they can bench and squat heavy with ease
Work your mobility. I'm 6'3 and I squat ATG when I want to.

I'm 6'2 and lunges throw me off :lol:

Glad to know it isn't me :lol:
Quality humble brag about height guys.

Just need some quick advice, I'm trying to get down, I lift everyday but have been keeping the weights at a consistent amount. Should I keep adding on weights each week, or should I just keep pumping more and more reps.
I'm 5'9 188.. Started at 230 but seems like the weight won't move now a days man..
Sounds like you're suffering from ****arounditis. Get on a proper linear progression like Starting Strength and let it make the decisions for ya. You'll be much happier in the long run.

For those of you who go to the gym for self-improvement and put on the horse blinders, can you really say with a straight face that you don't get a good deal of utility from chicks miring? I mean lifting's fun and all, but being the biggest guy in the gym and getting stares from the cardio bunnies is a pretty gratifying experience.

Also what's the URL for the FB group brahs?
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My parents told me I should be satisfied with the 100 lbs I lost and I quickly gave them the Kobe death stare lol.

i do the exact same thing. I hate it lol. Or when they say "Oh well you go the gym almost everyday you can burn it off easy" smh.
These comments about tall guys not being able to squat with depth or do lunges, C'mon man. That's a poor excuse for lack of flexibility and mobility.

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