STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

burpees are no joke. the only way of getting your numbers up
is to do them consistently and push yourself each time

1000th post :smokin :smokin :smokin
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Yeah, K. Mind you I stopped doing these drills a good couple of years ago. I just started last weekend to see where I'm at :lol:

I do all of that, especially breathing. I wish I had more time to do Muay Thai again. That was the ultimate workout that left me bruised up all over :lol:
Yeah, K. Mind you I stopped doing these drills a good couple of years ago. I just started last weekend to see where I'm at :lol:

I do all of that, especially breathing. I wish I had more time to do Muay Thai again. That was the ultimate workout that left me bruised up all over :lol:

look up a good box in your area, give CF a
muay thai :pimp:
it kicks your *** into the best shape of your life
Yeah, man. I trained at the first MT gym in the USA. I still remember the first time someone kicked me on the head during a sparring session and knocked me out for like 10 seconds. Even with the pads on, I'd get mad bruises on all limps still. Good times.

look up a good box in your area, give CF a
I work out at weird hours. That's why I go to 24 Hr. Going to classes at X o clock doesn't work for me anymore sadly. There's quite a few here locally for sure.
Yeah, man. I trained at the first MT gym in the USA. I still remember the first time someone kicked me on the head during a sparring session and knocked me out for like 10 seconds. Even with the pads on, I'd get mad bruises on all limps still. Good times.
I work out at weird hours. That's why I go to 24 Hr. Going to classes at X o clock doesn't work for me anymore sadly. There's quite a few here locally for sure.

MTA? heard great things about them. And there prices :wow:
sure beats NYC prices
i remember the first time i checked a kick in muay thai. you always see fighters check kicks and not even flinch but when you are a beginner with virgin shins and check a kick it's FUQING EXCRUCIATING PAIN not only for the kicker but the checker as well. I remember I checked my boy's kick and we both dropped in agony lol. that and smacking your toes with a thai jump rope. :x :smh:
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MTA? heard great things about them. And there prices :wow:
sure beats NYC prices
Yeah Muay Thai Academy. You heard of them? There's quite a few around here since lots of Thais reside here. I was paying $100 a month for unlimited classes. This was before I worked so I went like 5 times a week, haha.

i remember the first time i checked a kick in muay thai. you always see fighters check kicks and not even flinch but when you are a beginner with virgin shins and check a kick it's FUQING EXCRUCIATING PAIN not only for the kicker but the checker as well. I remember I checked my boy's kick and we both dropped in agony lol. that and smacking your toes with a thai jump rope. :x :smh:
Yeah, man. Even blocking a kick was painful. I had golf ball size bruises on my shins for a while.

When I went back to the homeland I wanted to spar with the dudes but they weren't having it. Kids who do MT there use it as an escape from poverty so even sparring sessions were brutal. Plus they're super bony :lol: and elbows is how cuts happen.

I can't wait till I get in enough shape to take some type of MMA class's :smokin :evil:
You don't need to be in shape, man. The reason I did MT from the start was because I ballooned to 220 lbs. I dropped the lbs quickly. After not having enough time to do the classes coupled with ongoing injuries with the right leg that was gonna take a long time to heal, I just went to the gym and continue my journey to lose weight.

Just don't feel intimidated and focus on yourself. They may put you in with the kids or females at first but who cares. Just don't walk around like the cool guy who thinks he can knock out everyone after you've been doing it for a month though :lol: that happens to a lot of guys.
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i remember the first time i checked a kick in muay thai. you always see fighters check kicks and not even flinch but when you are a beginner with virgin shins and check a kick it's FUQING EXCRUCIATING PAIN not only for the kicker but the checker as well. I remember I checked my boy's kick and we both dropped in agony lol. that and smacking your toes with a thai jump rope. :x :smh:

smacking your toes with a regular jumprope is the most frustrating thing in the world, smacking my toes with a thai jump rope, will have me quitting in rage.
Yeah Muay Thai Academy. You heard of them? There's quite a few around here since lots of Thais reside here. I was paying $100 a month for unlimited classes. This was before I worked so I went like 5 times a week, haha.
Yeah, man. Even blocking a kick was painful. I had golf ball size bruises on my shins for a while.

yeah, in NYC schools are expensive as hell. is almost doubled that in most places
Turf toes are the worst, it seems like i get them every other week
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Can somebody school me on intermittent fasting. I don't want to read a book. I am going on vaca August 29th and I'd like to be in good (looking) shape for that.

Right now my schedule is this (no soda, but eat what I want, but try to keep it under 2.6k calories a day):

M,W,F: Chest, triceps, deadlift (light, lower back issues, more to strengthen) in the morning, and circuit 30 minute light weight, stretch, jog session in the evening with the girl

T, Th, Sat: Shoudlers, biceps, deadlift (light, lower back issues, more to strengthen) in the morning, and a circuit 30 minute light weight, stretch, jog session in the evening with the girl

Sun: Rest

I like my workout routine. I'm not looking to change it. I'm sure I could do something that'll get me better results..but this is a routine that I can handle solo/circumstances at the moment.

I'm looking to drop about 5-10 lbs off my 5'8 160 frame. I am thinking I eat dinner at 9 pm on Sundays...then nothing but green tea till 6 pm next day. Hit the gym frm 630 to 730 Monday and eat a 2k meal after it.

Will that work/be helpful?
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Shoulders/traps today, gonna mix in some light chest work as well.
Took a break day yesterday....ate pizza...felt like a glutton. I was doing so well as far as diet was concerned...but it was honestly worth it....
Up bright at early to get my lift in. Starting law school 3 weeks from today. Adjusting my sleep, eating, and workout schedules so I can hit the ground running when August 19th comes around.

Stay motivated bros.
Dude used to come into the gym I worked at in socks and slides and squat 2 plates
You all never have squatted barefoot?

Rich Froning is the fittest man on earth for the 3rd straight time!!
The Crossfit games were this weekend?

Doing 5x5 for about 7months already, increased the weights that ive been lifting but lately been stuck on my lifts. My friend told me that i should cycle my program every 2months. 5x5 for 2 months then 4x10 for 2months then back to 5x5 and so on. Should i listen to him? Would i still get gains doing 4x10?
I would stick with 5x5. Deload your lifts a little and work back up.

I think your taste buds change throughout the whole process, man. This is a theory I've been working on for a while now :lol:

When I was bigger, I ate horribly....Denny's at 2AM, In N' Out multiple times a day, mad snacks at the movies late at the smell of butter on popcorn at the movies is gross to me, even when I ate at Subway...I'd OD on the ranch dressing and stuff.

I'll do an In N' Out once in a great while now (4-5 months), but man...I can't see myself eating like that ever again.
Yup. I've noticed significant changes in what my body wants me to eat.

I can't wait till I get in enough shape to take some type of MMA class's :smokin :evil:
Why train MMA when a roided up bodybuilder would just kick your ***? notsrs
Happy National Chest Day
Going barefoot on squats and DLs feels amazing 

Once I get these Romaleos its a wrap doe 
Luckily its pull day today...its not even funny how close an LAfit is to my hotel this week...LITERALLY a stones throw away, it'd be a waste to drive...some people can't even park this close anywhere else :lol:
There was absolutely nothing on TV last night, so I stumbled across the cross-fit games on ESPN. I caught the last 20 minutes or so. I think this **** is a fad and there will be another "hot" fitness trend in a couple of years, but I was blown away w/ the athleticism of Rich Froning. He's an absolute beast. It would never happen, but I would love to see guys in their off-seasons (NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB) compete against dudes like Froning in some sort of fitness competition.
There was absolutely nothing on TV last night, so I stumbled across the cross-fit games on ESPN. I caught the last 20 minutes or so. I think this **** is a fad and there will be another "hot" fitness trend in a couple of years, but I was blown away w/ the athleticism of Rich Froning. He's an absolute beast. It would never happen, but I would love to see guys in their off-seasons (NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB) compete against dudes like Froning in some sort of fitness competition.

I'm not knocking cross fit but I hear nothing but people clowning it. I've never been to a crossfit gym but there was one dude at my old gym who use to do crossfit stuff and he was skinny fat lol. You guys remember when bodybuilding competitions use to come on ESPN? My how times have changed
Speaking of MMA.

What kind of practices focus on Grappling / Wrestling and not so much striking?

I'm looking to join the police academy within the next year and would like to have some toe of training in that.
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