STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Regular old batting gloves when doing volume/kipping pull ups or toes to bar, otherwise no gloves at all.

No straps, do use wrist wraps (PR wraps).
I see some CrossFit folks in here.

How do you like it? It's pretty expensive, hence my hesitance.
[thread="500128"]For anyone that uses lifting straps and gloves, what brand(s) are you guys using?  Looking to purchase some soon. [/thread]

I use bionic full finger gloves.

Good leg workout today. I hit 230lbs for two sets (last 2 sets) on front squats. Continuing to increase my PR.
Bench work today:

Warm ups then,



Drop set of,

190x14, 155x10, 135x10.

Had a crazy pump after the drop. I really wish I had a spotter, I left reps in the tank on all sets I feel like.
Im currently running the new formula version of MusclePharm Assault, It's pretty good so far, Much better then C4 for me

Think I maygo back to Hyde next, the higher caffeine in that works well for me working long hours at my job

I'm going use the new assault next.. I'm the same as you, I hit the gym pretty late in the evenings.. I have,me terrible sleeping habits and obviously have long hours at work too.. So just need something to give me a boost and get me through
Been doing Snatch drills the past couple of weeks, Monday worked off the blocks, yesterday did overhead squats and some time/efficiency drills. Need to get my snatch game up, :evil:

Man.. Did a ton of snatches Monday and my traps are still killing me
You'll get the most ab results by dieting (90%) and doing plenty of cardio (10%).

look up some chest and arm workouts on youtube. Bench presses, push ups, curls, and shoulder presses are the basic exercises you should try out.

regarding peanut butter, it's probably not a good idea to consume that if you're trying to lose weight. stick to raw almonds and fish oil caps if you want your essential oils.

As long as you're CONSISTENTLY hitting your macros and calories in a deficit (1-2 lbs/wk) you will see your abs. No need to kill yourself with hrs of cardio because you'll lose too much muscle mass. Flexible dieting helped me big time in the 3 shows I did last yr....
I highly recommend youtube videos by Biolayne and theonlinecoach as well
Make sure you're still running a few miles a few times a week though just to stay in shape. You will NOT be burning through muscle running for 10-20 minutes a few times a week, that's just a myth that fat @#$ lazy people make up
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Yep, besides soccer my cardio consists of some HIIT and jogging about 3 miles a week. As I get in better shape I'll increase it
Make sure you're still running a few miles a few times a week though just to stay in shape. You will NOT be burning through muscle running for 10-20 minutes a few times a week, that's just a myth that fat @#$ lazy people make up

Yup. Thats exactly what I do or HIIT. I was actually referring to those who spend more time doing ridiculous cardio on a low calorie diet.

But really...anything more than 1-2 lbs weight loss a weak (excluding the first week on a cut because of water weight) is muscle catabolism.
This is the schedule I've been using thus far:

Mon. cardio, Chest, biceps, abs

Tues. cardio, shoulders, back, triceps, obliques

Wed. cardio, backwards elliptical, lunges, squats, dead lifts, abs

Thurs. cardio, Chest, biceps, obliques

Fri. cardio, shoulders, back, triceps, abs

Sat. cardio, backwards elliptical, lunges, squats, dead lifts, obliques

Sun. rest.

What do you guys think?
As long as you're CONSISTENTLY hitting your macros and calories in a deficit (1-2 lbs/wk) you will see your abs. No need to kill yourself with hrs of cardio because you'll lose too much muscle mass. Flexible dieting helped me big time in the 3 shows I did last yr....
I highly recommend youtube videos by Biolayne and theonlinecoach as well

I recommend Physiques of Greatness and Omar Isuf's Youtube channels aswell
P.O.G Launching a beginners channel soon I think to
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