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Need help with a meal plan. I'm strictly trying. To lose fat/weight. Should I be eating chicken rice and veggies all the time? I really have no idea.

what works best for me is meal frequency.
i'm the every 3 hours eater here.

it doesnt need to be chicken rice veggies.
any lean meat, rice or sweet potatos, quinoa. oatmeal
I only start to eat a major amount of veggies when i start pulling out carbs.

So I do 6 meals a day (sometimes 7 if i wake up late at night i get in a protein shake

i also don't do a lot of fats....other people in here will tell you different but my fats only come from eggs, and whatever is in my lean meats... i dont eat extra almonds or peanutbutter when im cutting.
Need help with a meal plan. I'm strictly trying. To lose fat/weight. Should I be eating chicken rice and veggies all the time? I really have no idea.

Man, start with the easy stuff.

-No junk food (chips, cookies, cake, etc.)
-Cut out soda
-Cut out fried food

Then depending on YOU and how much YOU want it, either start your plan and find out what to eat or IMO start by eating the same foods you eat daily but just portion control it. I suggest buying a measuring cup for rice (eating only 1/3 or 1/2 a cup for a meal) and a weighing scale to measure your protein.

Once you get the hang of portion control, now you can really decide what you can/cant eat. MyFitnessPal is a great tool, I HIGHLY suggest using it to track your calorie intake.

I lost 50lbs last year doing this bruh, you can do it too.
Baked salmon is good for losing lbs right? Just really trying to drop a few lbs here and there...and eat healthier. Not get crazy cut or bulk or anything.

I've somehow mastered how to make the best baked salmon when I'm drunk, and made a crazy amount the other night :rofl:
Baked salmon is good for losing lbs right? Just really trying to drop a few lbs here and there...and eat healthier. Not get crazy cut or bulk or anything.

I've somehow mastered how to make the best baked salmon when I'm drunk, and made a crazy amount the other night :rofl:

"anything is good bro cals in cals out, simple"

:lol: salmon is good one of my fav fish, joint is mad expensive by pound though :x

what do you make with it?
Baked salmon is good for losing lbs right? Just really trying to drop a few lbs here and there...and eat healthier. Not get crazy cut or bulk or anything.

I've somehow mastered how to make the best baked salmon when I'm drunk, and made a crazy amount the other night :rofl:
So you going to give us the recipe or setup a YouTube video when you are drunk str8 cooking
So you going to give us the recipe or setup a YouTube video when you are drunk str8 cooking
im more likely to watch a drunk youtube cooking video than a sober one 
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Saw a dude curling INSIDE the squat rack with 15b DBs today.... not sure if the safety rails could handle all that weight 
I've seen someone bring DBS to the squat rack before. It's annoying because our squat racks (we only have two) are a combination squat rack/lifting platform/Pullup station. One is a half-rack, the other has a full cage. The one with the full cage also has a lamdmine attached to it so this thing is sick if you put it in your garage as a home gym setup.

But in a commercial gym, people do the same crap hogging it for unnecessary things more and sometimes even worse, cause they think of it like a little universal, personal workout space. Saw a guy being DNS over and stand on the platform to do curls as some sort of superset with his pull-ups and Pushups.

Another guy used to do a circuit every couple of days where he would hang ab straps from the bar that was above the squat rack hooks, move the empty barbell out onto the platform, and do the following circuit:

Hanging leg raise from the ab straps: looked like about 20 reps
Pushups (on the entire wood of the platform): 20 reps
Barbell curls (standing on the platform using the empty bar) 20 reps.

Don't know how many sets he did cause he would walk off between sets and do other cable stuff and some jumping jacks and whatnot but he'd take up that rack for about 20-30 minutes every time. One of my coworkers asked to work in one time with his client who was squatting and the guy threw a fit, kept telling them he was using it first. The client (who's like 5'7" and maybe 160lbs) just said "I don't have time for this" and took dudes barbell off the platform, put it on the squat hooks and started loading up plates. That little guy will forever be my hero. Dude stormed off to complain to management but I never heard the rest of the story.
Yeah man stuff like that is just plain stupid, Ive really only had one situation at my gym like that were an older douche was doing curls sitting down in front of the rack and yells all the way over at me (as I'm about to take one of the cable attachments off the pulleys) that he is using that too, i hit him with the 

Sometimes people just don't realize what they're doing and others are just ********. I would have asked dude to move if I needed the rack today. 9.9/10 people are nice and oblige. 
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What's your guys biggest gym pet peeve? Idk which is worse for me between, people working right in front of your mirror space as you're working out, people trying to hog multiple stations, or people who inconsideratley workout next to you. (Ex. Starts doing shoulder flys close next to you as you chest press DBs. Or puts their ab mat too close to you that at least once someone bumps someone.)

One dude I felt was purposely working out in front of me. I finally told him "really dude? You got all this damn space and you gotta go right in front of me?" He said what? And gave some excuse that he felt it unnecessary to walk with the weights to an open area that was far from where he got them from. Mind you there was only 1 other person working in the free weight section besides us. I just gave him that look and he walked away. Trainer that I know from a few sessions asked what happened and just laughed. Ppl need to learn gym etiquette
People who don't rack weights

Folks who set up a mini-circuit during peak hours

People who don't wipe down equipment
That's the thing. My gym has plenty room minus the stretching/ ab area. Which got me to the point I said something.

EDIT: My #1. People who put weights in the wrong spot. 25s in the 40s etc. because it screws EVERYONE up until someone usually me fixes it.
My 24 has two squat racks.

There's a dude who will do super sets of curls and pull ups for like 30 minutes 

There are 6 other places in the gym where he could do pull ups and grab a bar to curl. 

People like that are just oblivious that they're taking up one of the two squat racks 
Retrohead... if someone decides to stand in front of me in the db area, and there's nobody else around, before i yell at them, I'll probably try a little move where i take a step to my side. Problem solved, but that's just me lol
Idk if it's been said before, but I find that EZ bar preacher curls followed by incline hammer Dumbell curls do some serious good damage to your biceps.

Started that routine 2 weeks ago and I can already see the gains. Or maybe it's all water, I don't know :lol:

Any tips on building that separation between your biceps and shoulders?
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