STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

All sorts of weird things occur in the gym. People love to create exercises that have little benefit.

I saw a dude walk back and forth across a section of the gym multiple times with a 10lb dumbbell with his arm fully extended in the air. I didn't know what was going on

that works on overhead shoulder stability, also on core to stabilize
Monthly gym complaints:
A new older woman at our gym is on the "create my own exercise" steez on EVERY MACHINE. Lat pull down? put foot on seat, standing, and turn it into some kind of strange vertical row. Hip abductor.. stand up on it backwards and like do slide away thing (i guess for glutes?). It's like it was a challenge as she approached each machine to attempt to not do what you are supposed to do on that machine.

Was on leg press and had some dude come up to me "man she is out lifting you hahaha" i had two plates on my leg press doing 20 rep sets and bottoming it out. women next to me has 5 plates and is doing knee bends with her hands on her knees for 3 rep sets. I just laughed it off and was like i know man she is real strong. But it always irks me all the leg press hero's who are like yeah look 15 plates...3 degree range of motion.
Leg press is good if you use it right. But yeah I feel you. I use it towards the end when I’m tired and idc if the girl has 5 plates. I’m cranking out reps not trying to show everyone how fake strong I am.
All sorts of weird things occur in the gym. People love to create exercises that have little benefit.

I saw a dude walk back and forth across a section of the gym multiple times with a 10lb dumbbell with his arm fully extended in the air. I didn't know what was going on

Monthly gym complaints:
A new older woman at our gym is on the "create my own exercise" steez on EVERY MACHINE. Lat pull down? put foot on seat, standing, and turn it into some kind of strange vertical row. Hip abductor.. stand up on it backwards and like do slide away thing (i guess for glutes?). It's like it was a challenge as she approached each machine to attempt to not do what you are supposed to do on that machine.

Was on leg press and had some dude come up to me "man she is out lifting you hahaha" i had two plates on my leg press doing 20 rep sets and bottoming it out. women next to me has 5 plates and is doing knee bends with her hands on her knees for 3 rep sets. I just laughed it off and was like i know man she is real strong. But it always irks me all the leg press hero's who are like yeah look 15 plates...3 degree range of motion.

Did y'all see that video of the Oregon fb strength coach that went semi viral, he was on the Dan Patrick show and went full bro mode ... he said something about challenging either his staff or players (I forget) to use strength equipment for anything other that what it was designed for. Which I'm guessing could be good if they know what they're doing in Oregon but we all know that's a recipe for disaster in everyday gym life

This toolbag
I finally have a goal to hit while working out, for the past year or so I was just going through the motions. It feels great having the fire again!
I saw this on insta :lol: foh with that bs , it’s like a video game version of hooping vs cones. So dumb
saw this yesterday on lui's IG. Still not sure what dude was doing wrong. Even had mats down to cushion the drops
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