Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Here are some good songs (though you may not like them, of course):

Dragula Remix - Rob Zombie
I Against I - Massive Attack
gonna skim through this post later because I'm trying to get started up on some semi-serious lifting + finaly take protein

Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

for those of you that are wondering what lifts to do in order to gain weight and get a good exercise stick with compound movements and stay away from machines.
Bench Press, Squat, DeadLift, Military Press etc...Talk to guys at the gym that look like they know what they are doing and have them help you out with your form and ask questions.
Dumbells are kings, barbels are queens.

As a beginner i would defnitely suggest working on machines first tho. Because if you havent worked out in a long time or just started working out, you willfeel extreme pain the next several weeks. After 6+ months of being in the gym, whenever i switch up a new exercise that would require a new group of muscles togo to work, or same group of muscles to work harder, the next day would always equal to excruciating pain. I wouldnt wanna imagine the pain i would be in if iwas a newbie at such stage. Therefore i think machines are great for beginners.

But dont get used to these machines tho. At one point you should only rely on them as "warm ups". Certain machines work only a certain group ofmuscles and once your muscles are used to the routine, they will not improve any further. Altho the weight or reps may increase, but the range of motion isstill the the same.

Dumbells however, are different. In a set of 10 curls, not every curl you do will be in the exact range of motion. Some may shift to the left, some may shiftto the right, some may go up too high and too low, etc....and these changes require muscles to work harder and in all different directions. Thus the growth isunlimited. Free weights FTW!

Same with Barbells. Altho i prefer dumbells more.

Just my observation.
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

yo daytona make sure you get enough water while on creatine...

yeah man, I'll have to probably double my water intake, awhile back I had to go to the hospital and when they analyzed my uring they said I wasn'tproducing adeuquate levels of some crap forget what its called, but I drink a lotta water.

and Mastamin89 I got some Optimum Nutrition Pre-load creatine complex, and some Twin Lab 100% whey protein fuel. . I don't know much about those brandsbut they both cost me $19 each
just a couple questions for you guys

im trying to lose weight. im 5 9 242 .. trying to get to aaround 220-230 by september then 205 and eventually 185. my LONG term goal is to get to 165

my bmr is like 3000 cals or something

ive been lifting weights 4-5x a week for about a year now and doing some cardio in most of the days there too. lost about 10 pounds and a ton of BF (used to bean XXl almost 3xl and now i can wear XL and some shirts are big. was a 38 in pants now im a 36). after about a year of doing that im bored with lifting so istarted doing BJJ in january 2x a week. recently i started doing muay thai 2x a week and bjj 2x a week. didnt really like the muay thai so now im just doingBJJ/MMA. what i was thinking of doing was this:

AM: 12-1:15 BJJ
Afternoon: Boxing
PM: 6-7 BJJ
7-8 MMA
8-9 BJJ

AM: 12:30-1:30 BJJ/MMA
Afternoon: boxing
Late afternoon: full body workout (focusing on the basic lifts: bench, squat, deadlift, row, dip, military press, and upright row)
PM (possibly): No gi BJJ

AM: 12-1:15 No Gi BJJ
Afternoon: boxing

AM: 12:30-1:30 BJJ/MMA
Afternoon: Boxing
Late afternoon: full body workout (done either today or saturday/sunday)

AM: 12-1:15 BJJ
afternoon: boxing

AM: 11-12 MMA
Afternoon: boxing (possibly)

AM: 11-12 BJJ

Note about saturday and sunday: was thinking about choosing one of these days to go to the gym and have a day where i just do some cardio. run on thetreadmill, aerodyne bike, sauna, then swim for a bit

question you think this along with a diet (not ognna go crazy strict on the diet) that is pretty good, eating healthy (i know whats good and whats not)and not going too close to my BMR would be enough to lose 2-3 lbs a week?

im pretty sure i dont need to be crazy strict with the diet because im gonna be burning a TON of calories everyday

hope someone can help me..sorry for the long %@% post lol
didnt really like the muay thai so now im just doing BJJ/MMA.
If you didn't like Muay Thai, how can you still do "MMA"? MMA consists heavily of Muay Thai for stand up game and BJJ for ground.

Do you really have the time/endurance to keep up with that schedule? You're going to spend pretty much all day inside the gym and even that's too muchfor me.

Assuming by your stats of 5'9'' at 242 lbs, I'm guessing here that you're just a bit fatter than I was. All I did was Muay Thai 3-5 timesa week, alone, for several months (in addition to changing my eating habit of course) and that got me from the 210 lbs to the ~180 mark.

You can hit 230 easily by the end of September if you're dedicated. When you're fat, you lose lbs easier.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

This thread is great
, bought some creatine and protein this afternoon, forget the name though and I'm too lazy to walk downstairs.
As far as playlists go, I usually get hyped off songs that put me on edge, moreso then "hype songs"
But try Bombs over Baghdad by Outkast, that is the only really up-tempo song I listen to while working out

I was just about to ask you what you got until I saw the rest of the sentence

But BOB gets me pumped too, the Diplo remix is just as good

I've been listenin to J.cole- Grown Simba every time I workout lately song gets me wantin to fight for some reason lol If I wouldn't have my iPod Iprobly would've stopped liftin a long time ago....Keep This Thread Alive!
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

I wanna be all lean and sexy too...

6'2'' 240 lbs.

I wanna lose 20-40 lbs and gain more muscle. DO I seriously have to RUN, Bike?
im on pg 17, im surprised at how much this thread jumped since last night. so if it hasnt been mentioned alrdy, you could try swimming.
i would also recommend HOT YOGA, nh. seriously, you will probably be one of two guys in the class with women/girls wearing next to nothing. But dont do it for6/7 days, I think thats how I hurt myself
Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Do you guys believe in trainers at the gyms?
Absolutely not. When I first joined the gym, they were pushing the training package on me so hard..primary because I got the deal through Costcoso they weren't making much off me. I didn't wanna be rude to the dude and said the trainers are worthless, but after continuous pushing..I told thesalesman who was helping me that they should actually get trainers who are in shape if you wanna get clients. Trainers were looking like Jack Black in NachoLibre.

They prey on older members though. My mom's friend is paying $100/hour for a trainer, been almost a year and seeing no result at all. I just SMH.

I always want to ask them if they have a guarantee where if you don't see results in x amount of time, can you get a refund.
Need some recommendations. Want to get a lot bigger. I am 6'1 and 130 lbs (tall and skinny) I want some more muscles would it be better to get fat first orjust start from rock bottom?
Originally Posted by realxfresh

Need some recommendations. Want to get a lot bigger. I am 6'1 and 130 lbs (tall and skinny) I want some more muscles would it be better to get fat first or just start from rock bottom?

no freaking way man....................are you sure on your weight?

youre the same height as me and really skinny for our height would be like 160.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Do you guys believe in trainers at the gyms?
Absolutely not. When I first joined the gym, they were pushing the training package on me so hard..primary because I got the deal through Costco so they weren't making much off me. I didn't wanna be rude to the dude and said the trainers are worthless, but after continuous pushing..I told the salesman who was helping me that they should actually get trainers who are in shape if you wanna get clients. Trainers were looking like Jack Black in Nacho Libre.

They prey on older members though. My mom's friend is paying $100/hour for a trainer, been almost a year and seeing no result at all. I just SMH.

I always want to ask them if they have a guarantee where if you don't see results in x amount of time, can you get a refund.

Yea, I can't see myself paying somebody just to train me, heck I'm paying for the gym membership already. Some of em are lazy and only want to collecttheir $$ and said that they did something.
I'm just looking to bulk up a lil and be fit. I'm 6'4 and about 220 lbs. I really need to make some friends at the gym lol
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by realxfresh

Need some recommendations. Want to get a lot bigger. I am 6'1 and 130 lbs (tall and skinny) I want some more muscles would it be better to get fat first or just start from rock bottom?

no freaking way man....................are you sure on your weight?

youre the same height as me and really skinny for our height would be like 160.
Word. I'm 5'10'' and is around 152 lbs. Some people already think I'm on some Starvin' Marvin tip. 6'1''...130 lbs, what size pants are you? 26?

Originally Posted by realxfresh

Need some recommendations. Want to get a lot bigger. I am 6'1 and 130 lbs (tall and skinny) I want some more muscles would it be better to get fat first or just start from rock bottom?

best thing to do to get big is
roid it up!
haha nahh real talk
be consistent with workouts.
drink weigh proteins after.
eat lots of protein.
8 glasses water.
you'll get big.
"save the hardcore stuff for another forum" Dude, u just posted a link to a steroid website. I was just dropping knowledge of what it is, so how am imisguiding anyone?? Hell yea clen is dangerous, but so is a bottle of tylenol. Id rather not use "scare tactics", but rather educate!!
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Clenbuterol is very dangerous

Asthmatic ppl must be dropping dead then... Im pretty sure most who have asthma heard of albuterol which is usually given in a pump. Same thing as clen, just that clen has a longer half life. Thats why albuterol is used instead of clenbuterol.
i know exactly what it is and why body builders use it. please dont talk to me like im new at this and please dont misguide young folks on that hardcore stuff for another forum im sure you know em just like i do.

maybe if i said IMO youd feel better.

read up NT

b ez my man, half these dudes just need a better diet and routine not to mention they are in prime ages or still growing.
Id post a pic but I dunno how to. Anyway I need to get rid of these love handles. Any tips? I know cardio but I mean excercises that focus more on that area. Iknow you cant spot reduce but im just lookin for things to add to the rotation
Originally Posted by Rompe Toto

Id post a pic but I dunno how to. Anyway I need to get rid of these love handles. Any tips? I know cardio but I mean excercises that focus more on that area. I know you cant spot reduce but im just lookin for things to add to the rotation
google HIIT
Originally Posted by realxfresh

Need some recommendations. Want to get a lot bigger. I am 6'1 and 130 lbs (tall and skinny) I want some more muscles would it be better to get fat first or just start from rock bottom?

Im 6'4 and I was 154 when I started working out Feb 13th ... I was just skin and bones .... sigh
, pretty disgusted with my body at this point and wanted a change

heres a picture of me in January


not the best pic but I was just skin and bones

So I get a phone call from my Mom to visit her in NC , Im on unemployment and had some time to kill so I decided to go out there and focus
on my physical health

found a great gym 5 min drive from her house , I got a personal trainer package .... 3 sessions ( this was needed for me to progress, because I had no clue
what I was doing @ the gym and he thought me what I can do to get bigger, and what foods to eat and such. )

pics of me about 5 months later mid - june



the reaction from all of my friends when I got back to NY was
... and when walk into bars and clubs Im the center of attention usually becauseof my height and build,

I used to go the gym 2 hrs / 6 days a week in NC because I had nothing else to do

Sun. - off church

mon. - chest back
tues. - shoulders and legs
wed. - arms and abs
thurs. - same as monday
fri. - same as tues
sat. - same as wed.

the supplements I was taking

2 On whey protien shakes a day ( best tasting ) , 5 grams of creatine per shake , and animal pak multivitamin

I havent been taking my supplements the past 2 months though

after a while you become addicted to it , its like a drug and the only thing im scared of at this point is going back to the
chump who was too tired to be in the gym for more than 30 min
ive slowed down ALOT since I got back to NY , im only there 3 times a week , but have mantained my weight
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by realxfresh

Need some recommendations. Want to get a lot bigger. I am 6'1 and 130 lbs (tall and skinny) I want some more muscles would it be better to get fat first or just start from rock bottom?

no freaking way man....................are you sure on your weight?

youre the same height as me and really skinny for our height would be like 160.
thats what im saying. We are the same height and i rememberwhen i weighed 150 and i looked mad skinny. I cant even imagine how i would have looked 20 pounds lighter.
130 lbs no way you cut the fat first (do you really have any?)

that might be the only thing keeping you alive bro

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