Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Here, I have a question for you *Jedi Masters*! Those of you who seem to be some sort of idiot savants, not needing to study Exercise physiology, then learningby simply watching some guy in a gym, then on YOU TUBE!

After my last triathalon in Hawaii, yep the IronMan, I began training again after a month long layoff. I am thinking of doing some explosive movements,plyo's like side lateral jumps, box lumps, in order to help me develop some explosive strength. Should I do this now, or should I begin to do this later inmy training, nearing closer to my next event, which will be next spring?
this is pretty good.
*cricket* *cricket* *cricket*

CTHU!!!! There is nothing funnier than when the *big fishes* realize that they are actually the goldfish!
Going for two-a-days a couple of times this week. Nothing crazy, but I didn't get to train this weekend like I had originally planned so we'll see howit goes.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

alright enough of this bantering... QUESTION:

I've been doing HIIT a lot, and i notice during my weightlifting that i;m barely ever tired (which is good) even when i'm doing high intensity. but i also feel like my metabolism may be getting so fast that i've now become a "Hard-gainer" as far as putting muscle on. i feel the burn during the lifts, but as far as cardio/breathing i don't feel tired at all. thoughts/opinions?

also, can someone suggest me a protein power/shake/drink etc? i'm looking for clean protein, no creatine or any of that. just around 40grams per serving or so, and vitamins are acceptable. but i want as little fat/sat. fat and sugars/carbs as possible. i can get those from a good diet.
I'd suggest looking around at what source you'd like the protein shake to be from: whey, hemp, egg, rice, soy, etc. Then, narrow it down. Try finding whatever protein profile, taste, cost, etc. combination that you'd be willing to spend on.

Isolates are usually higher in protein, but it's tough to find a quality brand with a quality product IMO. I personally recommend hemp protein because it has EFAs as well as a complete protein profile. Also, it's raw and alkalizing to the body. Plus, it can be found organic, which is one thing that I feel is left out when considering protein powders and other supplements. That's more personal preference than anything else, but I just thought that I'd share it

It's not tough to get protein on an omnivorous diet, just try and rotate proteins if you'd like to skip powders altogether. There are so many sources: dairy, egg, fish, seafood, etc. But if you choose this route, make sure that you're getting organic, free-range, wild catch, or whatever applies.

Hemp isn't bad, but in terms of building muscle and workout recovery, whey has been proven more effective than hemp. Actually, soy and egg protein have also both been proven more effective so I'd personally recommend whey protein isolate, if not egg, if not soy. That's just my opinion, though.

As far as brands, I've found Isopure Zero Carb to have probably the best ingredients and least additives for a whey protein, but you can also go to and make your own whey protein isolate and choose whether you want additives or not, what types of flavors, etc... for much less than what you pay for most brands. If you go with Isopure (made by Nature's Best) order it from or or something similar. GNC will seriously overcharge you.

As far as being a hard gainer because of HIIT, I doubt that's the case unless you mean months have gone by and you're losing weight and/or your strength is going down. Chances are you've just gotten a little stronger on some lifts and improved your muscle endurance, so maybe you're able to go a little heavier on a few exercises to increase your workout intensity. Just try going up in small increments. If you're trying to gain mass, you also just need to eat more, and only do HIIT once every few weeks.
thanks guys. i'm gonna check out that custom protein website and i actually really like the taste of hemp protein so i may start adding that to my foods like cereal and waffles.

and i feel like the hiit is super beneficial, i just don't feel "tired" after my weightlifting. even when i'm maxing out, i don't feel the burn i'm used to.
Just be careful that you dont use too much of the proten.

Youre move likely to overeat after aerobic exercise than resistance training so also id be mindful of that as well.
Overeating after cardio? Not true. Actually, during cardio and then after, most people have a hard time eating, due to the systems being used for cardiovascular activity. Where did you get this info that you are likely to overeat after cardio? I mean, actually the opposite is true. It's after weight lifting/anaerobic activity, that the appetite is sparked, due to the exclusive use usages of GLYCOGEN and proteins. This is the reason that weight training is recommended for HARD GAINERS, and people looking to get stronger.

So again, where did you get that info?

broscience 101

glycogen stores are NOT depleted after weight lifting.

oh and you dropped the gem "weight training is recommended for HARD GAINERS, and people looking to get stronger. "

uh opposed to what, cardio being recommended for people looking to get stronger?

stop trolling. stop trying to contradict everything posted here.

It's only trolling to you, because you are limited in your responses. That said, I never said anything about Glycogen storages being depleted, now did I? What, you think you control this board, and that posers like yourself cannot be questioned? Please! I will question everyone of you when you post the bullcrap you've been posting.
so then explain exactly what you meant in coherent english please. and feel free to point out any and all "bullcrap" i've beenposting.


p.s. still waiting on those sources about the vertical leap, bud. having trouble finding them?

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by CruThik3

Took this week off from lifting for the first time in months. I woke up everyday more tired than normal. This never happened before when taking a week off. I don't know what happened.
do you lift in the mornings?

Do tell us as to why THAT may be a reason for his fatigue!
exercising in the morning makes some people feel more energized for the day. hilarious, the "
" as definitelyy needed.
Everyone knows there is the 'IGNORE' feature right? This thread is about to be cluttered with egos and quotes.

As with anything in the internet, dont take anything serious. I educate myself and what my goals are.

So please stop and lets get back on track.
Joe camel,

I've stated it several times already and it seems that you are either blind, or illiterate. The source for those findings is the NSCA. The American collegeof sports medicine also has those findings.

Since you refuse to go to the sites, or simply are too lazy to do the research, I'll show you what they actually mean, and I'll say it in a manner thateven *Simple Jack* can understand.

Go and jump out of a window, perhaps a first floor window, which I am quite sure that you can do, right? After you land, try and jump back up to the sill, grabit, then pull yourself back into the house, cool?

Then go to a second story window, then jump out! Alright? After you do this, come back and tell us how it went!

I'm sure that it'll be a helluva story! I mean, especially since you like to learn these sort of things on your own, then from You Tube!
ok I know this going to sound ridiculous but its really true and its starting to bother me. About two and halfyears ago I got really into shape training ridiculously hard. everybody could see how hard i was working, I was 6ft 3 205 and ripped. now slowly I stoppedworking out and got small, I stop lifting for like a year or more. I have been working out hard for about 5 months and whats crazy is im 6ft3 225-230lbs and Iwas bigger and muscular at 205lbs. this is driving me crazy, im far from small right now but after adding 20-25lbs Im thinking why am I not huge. somebodyplease explain
Joe Camel and the crew are posting bad info, that is what makes some of the comments in this thread, ridiculous. If they were posting pertinent info, citingreputable organizations such as NSCA, ACSM, or even being able to explain LOADING PRINCIPLES, NEUTRAL ALIGNMENT, PERIODIZATION, the reason that PROTEIN SHAKESDON'T WORK, as was told in *SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, which exposed the FRAUD in the supplement industry, and then why certain companies had to go OUT OFBUSINESS because of putting actual anabolic steroids in their products, I'd have no reason to question anything! BUT, since they are advocating this crap,I am gonna let'em have it!

*Don't believe that one, google sports illustrateds expose' of the supplement industry.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Joe Camel and the crew are posting bad info, that is what makes some of the comments in this thread, ridiculous. If they were posting pertinent info, citing reputable organizations such as NSCA, ACSM, or even being able to explain LOADING PRINCIPLES, NEUTRAL ALIGNMENT, PERIODIZATION, the reason that PROTEIN SHAKES DON'T WORK, as was told in *SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, which exposed the FRAUD in the supplement industry, and then why certain companies had to go OUT OF BUSINESS because of putting actual anabolic steroids in their products, I'd have no reason to question anything! BUT, since they are advocating this crap, I am gonna let'em have it!

*Don't believe that one, google sports illustrateds expose' of the supplement industry.
That may be true. I'm not an expert so I don't know.

But you're being a Dbag. So it doesn't matter if you got the correct info or not, don't nobody wanna listen to you.

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Joe Camel and the crew are posting bad info, that is what makes some of the comments in this thread, ridiculous. If they were posting pertinent info, citing reputable organizations such as NSCA, ACSM, or even being able to explain LOADING PRINCIPLES, NEUTRAL ALIGNMENT, PERIODIZATION, the reason that PROTEIN SHAKES DON'T WORK, as was told in *SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, which exposed the FRAUD in the supplement industry, and then why certain companies had to go OUT OF BUSINESS because of putting actual anabolic steroids in their products, I'd have no reason to question anything! BUT, since they are advocating this crap, I am gonna let'em have it!

*Don't believe that one, google sports illustrateds expose' of the supplement industry.
That may be true. I'm not an expert so I don't know.

But you're being a Dbag. So it doesn't matter if you got the correct info or not, don't nobody wanna listen to you.

So, are my feelings supposed to be hurt?

Also, as I've stated, any time that one of those so called experts give ANY advice, new thread or old, I'll question their validity especially sincethey refuse to show their resource. I've stated where I have gotten my info time after time, they, the savants, have not, even refusing to do so.

I'll be watching.....
as someone who works really hard in the gym I know saying a quote or two really gets me to keep going. if you have any good quotes or need some inspiration Istarted a thread and I hope it helps people trying to get in shape or just trying hard to be something.
whenever i'm feeling fatigued during workouts/running thinking of stuff that pisses me off really helps. and then the fact that i need to think about thatpisses me off so i get extra pumped up

also, i NEED music. some of my friends use those energy supplements and my friend actually started getting heart palpitations form that crap
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

ok I know this going to sound ridiculous but its really true and its starting to bother me. About two and half years ago I got really into shape training ridiculously hard. everybody could see how hard i was working, I was 6ft 3 205 and ripped. now slowly I stopped working out and got small, I stop lifting for like a year or more. I have been working out hard for about 5 months and whats crazy is im 6ft3 225-230lbs and I was bigger and muscular at 205lbs. this is driving me crazy, im far from small right now but after adding 20-25lbs Im thinking why am I not huge. somebody please explain

you probably had more lean muscle mass back then and lesser bodyfat. I had the same case comparing myself when I was in 8th grade 190 and when I lost weightthis year and was at 190.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Quit the boohooing. Quotes quoting quotes quoting quotes quoting quotes! I've just got back in the swing of things, sprained my wrist 4th of July, never went to the Doctor. I am certain i'll need surgery to fully heal it, but i'm not trying to go get that right now. I can do mostly everything I could before if I wear a brace. Anyone know any wrist strengthening workouts?
You most likely won't need any type of surgery. It's just that wrist strains take a long time to fully heal because of the lack of bloodflow to ligaments/tendons and the high rate of re-injury as a result of the wrist being constantly used in everyday movements. I strained my wrist pretty badonce and it took almost 4 months to fully heal. About 2 months in I was prob at 80% though.

The most important thing is not to strengthen your wrist because you really can't (it's mostly tendons/ligaments) but to increase flexibility in the wrist. Most wrist injuries are due to the lack of flexibility in the wrist.

A few rules that I always follow when going heavy/ very heavy pressing.

1. Always be conscious of the position of your wrist first. Keep them straight (as straight as possible given a particular exercise).
2. If you're going very heavy ( 90%+ 1rm) tape/ wrap your wrist.
3. stretch your wrists in between sets to keep the general wrist area warm

Stretching your wrist doesn't take too much time:
A few sets of static stretching (15-20 seconds) a day is all it takes.

Just like with anything in life. It's easy to work hard when the work comes easy. Some separate themselves by working hard even when it doesn't comeeasy.

Training is work. Like all work, it's not meant to be fun or enjoyable all of the time.
You're going to have good training days and you'll have bad training days . The effort should be equal regardless. If you work hard consistently youwill be rewarded.

You'll be surprised how many times you'll think "oh, %$++ this feels like it's going to be bad day" and go on to have one of your bettertraining days.

My grandfather always says. "The only thing easy in life is pissing while taking a shower."
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Going for two-a-days a couple of times this week. Nothing crazy, but I didn't get to train this weekend like I had originally planned so we'll see how it goes.
I know what you mean. This weekend was off for me too, I felt like doing something and I didn't. Indian New Year
Oh well, this New Yearis more fuel to the fire. I'm gonna try to make up with a couple two-a-days too.
Originally Posted by Physicx

can someone help out me out with a beginner workout program?

via pm perhaps?

How "beginner" are we talking? Also, it depends on what your goals are. There are a million ways to workout for a million different reasons. Areyou new to weight training, new to physical activity in general, etc... ? Are you trying to build muscle and get bigger or are you trying to lose weight? Just need some more info to have an idea what direction to point you in.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Physicx wrote:

can someone help out me out with a beginner workout program?

via pm perhaps?

How "beginner" are we talking? Also, it depends on what your goals are. There are a million ways to workout for a million different reasons. Are you new to weight training, new to physical activity in general, etc... ? Are you trying to build muscle and get bigger or are you trying to lose weight? Just need some more info to have an idea what direction to point you in.

I want to say I am in the same boat as him. I just started working out but I don't really know what I am doing per say. My goal is to get cut and gain alittle weight while losing the beer gut. I'm 6'3 180 pounds. This is what I do when I "workout":
20 min cardio warmup
Then I go down the row of the arm, shoulder, and leg machines.
10 min cardio cool down

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Joe camel,

I've stated it several times already and it seems that you are either blind, or illiterate. The source for those findings is the NSCA. The American college of sports medicine also has those findings.

Since you refuse to go to the sites, or simply are too lazy to do the research, I'll show you what they actually mean, and I'll say it in a manner that even *Simple Jack* can understand.

Go and jump out of a window, perhaps a first floor window, which I am quite sure that you can do, right? After you land, try and jump back up to the sill, grab it, then pull yourself back into the house, cool?

Then go to a second story window, then jump out! Alright? After you do this, come back and tell us how it went!

I'm sure that it'll be a helluva story! I mean, especially since you like to learn these sort of things on your own, then from You Tube!
again,the irony is great. try actually reading the entirety of my posts before responding to them.

citing your sources = indicating on the document and page # where you found your info. that's what a citation must include, and providingone is all i'm asking you to do.

you saying it's in the NSCA or the ACSM is like me citing my source as "" or "the library." might as well not cite it at all.for the 100th time- i want the source (document, book, anything) and page # you found it on.

"simple jack?" son i'm positive i'm more intelligent than you. let's not get into that, for your sake.
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