Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

WJ4 What Does Ya Protein Shakes Consist Of.....
I don't have the nutrition facts next to me so I couldn't tell you for sure. But I'm assuming...whey?
Just Google the name andyou should be able to find the nutrition.
Oh, yeah you can mix it with whatever you want..water, orange juice, milk, etc. I just mix it with 8 oz of water like they suggest..that's about it. Thetaste is decent enough for me. Some people prefer fancier tastes so they will do it with milk, banana, berries, etc.
I remember when I first started drinking shakes I would put all kinds of ice and frozen fruits in it. I think I was ODin

wj4 why do you use isolate?
Ive been working out for the past 3 weeks

my problem is that I now LOOK less muscular than before.

I dropped some weight, about 15 pounds (not sure haven't weight my self). My arms and chest are stronger but they don't seem big. My legs do look moremuscular and thats because my legs always react well to training.

Anyone know if this is normal? Should I cut back on the cardio? ( I run everyday at least 7 minutes at high speed 8.0, ride my back to the gym and I usuallyrun just to get warmed up but I run with high intensity)

Should I just keep up my routine and wait for my muscles to grow where the fat was? I am now 5'8 at about 145 pounds. I used to look stronger when I weight160ish pounds.

so is it normal
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I remember when I first started drinking shakes I would put all kinds of ice and frozen fruits in it. I think I was ODin

wj4 why do you use isolate?
Because it fits my need. Isolate is more pure, meaning that it has more protein and less fat. For what I want..(~100 cal/~25g protein perscoop), all I'm going to find is isolate. The con is that it costs a bit more than whey concentrate and it has some of the immuno boost stuff removed inthe process as well.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by HipHopJunkie

Listen to this dude^^^ he knows his stuff .... I've been using whey protien for a year and a half only once a day after my workouts cuz it's mainly a post workout supplement but doesn't hurt to take It more than once... It's expensive tho smh
True, whey can become expensive and overtime, boring in flavor. I just recently switched up to a different brand because this one offers more flavors. The brand was recommended by a member here. And the price isn't that shabby either. I ordered the 2 lb tubs for now. If I like the way it tastes, I will get more.


For those who are still craving sweets, you may want to pick up a book entitled Eat This Not That. There are several versions, ranging from a supermarket one to a restaurant one. The book shows comparable stuff, ie 2 that you should eat, and the other you shouldn't eat...(base on the nutrition content).
I'm a %#++**#
. Looking at the nutritional facts, I thought mine was alright...but it gets blown out of the water by MGN. By the way, do you guys think I can find this in GNC or Vitamin Shoppe? If so where's it cheaper. I really wanna get some tonight, actually and go lift
. Crap....I don't know when these stores close though...
Everything at GNC is expensive. Vitamin Shoppe is good I hear, but I can't ever stop by because the parking lot sucks at my local one. Vitamin World has 4Ever Whey's what I've been using before MGN. Each scoop has 110 cals and 24-25g of protein, similar in stats. It tastes very good as well and mixes easily. The reason I ordered MGN is because I got tired of the flavor, vanilla shake. It tastes good and all, but when you have it 3 times a day, and you're on the 4th bucket or so, you wanna try something else.
It looks like the one on the most right.

I just got back from the gym and I'm feeling pretty darn good right now. I went in with plan on working the elyptical and bicycle. This girl next to me on the elyp started looking over and we started small chatting. Happen to leave at the same time and she asked if I wanted to chill.
The hell is up with you and the fit chicks?

Good stuff though man
. Maybe I'll start making moves at my localgym...i"ve seen some pretty bad shorties about my age there.

Caculated my BMR: 2000
% Body fat off an online calculator has me at 25%

I might as well put my picture up here though as a reminder to myself and others to hold me accountable for my goals...

September 2008: My first year in college, I didn't catch the freshman 15 bug yet. I was a tennis player, so i was really lean. 5'10, 150 lbs.

Middle of the year, I was lifting and using EAS protein...which had about 23% daily cholesterol btw...per scoop
. After about a month of that, and countless other things like partying, 5 entrees permeal at the DC, I got up to about 185.

I just started lifting again back in June. Right now I'm warming up with about 155 (about what I ended my 3rd set of benching with while I was 185
I haven't really been eating right, but I've been going to the gym pretty vigorously, my weight is 175 now and I wanna say my ultimate goal to be165-170 at <10% body fat. I think I will start cutting when I'm about next Spring for about 8-10 weeks and hopefully I shall have the results I desire -a body like Prez T's or Lurkin's ...but probably not as big.
after seeing a good friend i haven't seen in a while today, and the first thing that she says to me "Jeeze you're getting chubby"
i will start working out more monday. i've been running but guess that hasn't done much
Good stuff though man
. Maybe I'll start making moves at my local gym...i"ve seen some pretty bad shorties about my age there.
She made the move, I just went with the flow.

I don't like to pick up girls at the gym because 1. I go there to do work, I hardly talk with anyone, 2. I don't wear my glasses so anything morethan 3 ft from me is a blur
, 3. I don't wanna dip my pen in company ink. I would have to go at a diff time frame if things should go sour.
this thread def. grew.
i had a feelin it's be like this cuz it wasn't moved to S&T.


it's rainin out at 3am right now...cuz of this thread i wanna run in the rain, play eye of the tiger and pretendi'm rocky.
I've been drinking GNC whey protein cookies n cream...

is that okay?

usually in the a.m.

120 cals.. 20 protein.
Originally Posted by wj4

Good stuff though man
. Maybe I'll start making moves at my local gym...i"ve seen some pretty bad shorties about my age there.
She made the move, I just went with the flow.

I don't like to pick up girls at the gym because 1. I go there to do work, I hardly talk with anyone, 2. I don't wear my glasses so anything more than 3 ft from me is a blur
, 3. I don't wanna dip my pen in company ink. I would have to go at a diff time frame if things should go sour.

I did the same thing when I went to the gym in school,
did it at parties too I really need contacts but I'm broke as hell right now
^^ I have the same problem as you and wj4.. I've broken 2 pairs of glasses at the gym. One pair was a 4 month old Ray Bans I was so pissed.

So now I take my Prada's off and cant see shht. People faces are blurred.. I stand a foot away from the dumbbells so I can get the right weight.
It's terrible.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I've been drinking GNC whey protein cookies n cream...

is that okay?

usually in the a.m.

120 cals.. 20 protein.
I tried cookies 'n cream, but it was way too sweet for me.

I just stick to regular chocolate.

Too each his own though...
good stuff wj4 . ive NEVER had a girl initiate convo w me at my gym back home (granted ive only been back for about2 mos) . im convinced chicks are intimidated by me . the only time chicks ever initiate convo w me is on some REALLY bold

Cobra - put the work in my man
Originally Posted by hic57999

Here is all the motivation I neeed:

The other day i was hooking up with this chick in my bed, and while we were making out she was feeling up my abs / arms and chest, just like feeling all the muscles

She didnt let me smash and I wasn't even mad... that made my day / gave me that motivation.

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by hic57999

Here is all the motivation I neeed:

The other day i was hooking up with this chick in my bed, and while we were making out she was feeling up my abs / arms and chest, just like feeling all the muscles

She didnt let me smash and I wasn't even mad... that made my day / gave me that motivation.


Ok guys I'm going to the gym today for about an hr. What should I do? I'm just looking to bulk up a lil. Any machines or free weights I should do?

I need a internet trainer lol
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