Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Ok guys I'm going to the gym today for about an hr. What should I do? I'm just looking to bulk up a lil. Any machines or free weights I should do?

I need a internet trainer lol

bench, incline, decline, chest flys, dips, pushups not sure if you wanna add shoulders as well
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by Prez T

heres some more motivation for yall :

abs as of march :


abs as of yesterday :


300 what ?

I'm mad.

Originally Posted by memphisboi55


Are weight machines just as effective as free weights?

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Which is better...

Flys or dumbbell press?

the second one by far. flies build very little mass

damn everyone in here is going for the thin super cut look huh?
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Ok guys I'm going to the gym today for about an hr. What should I do? I'm just looking to bulk up a lil. Any machines or free weights I should do?

I need a internet trainer lol

bench, incline, decline, chest flys, dips, pushups not sure if you wanna add shoulders as well

I haven't benched in yrs. How do I go about that if I haven't done any kind of benching in yrs?
Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Ok guys I'm going to the gym today for about an hr. What should I do? I'm just looking to bulk up a lil. Any machines or free weights I should do?

I need a internet trainer lol

bench, incline, decline, chest flys, dips, pushups not sure if you wanna add shoulders as well

I haven't benched in yrs. How do I go about that if I haven't done any kind of benching in yrs?

lift the bar just to get your form back....then you can start out light bro, 45 on each side, if thats too heavy start with a 35 on each side
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Which is better...

Flys or dumbbell press?

the second one by far. flies build very little mass

damn everyone in here is going for the thin super cut look huh?

I just recently switched to dumbbell press, but I guess the months I spent doing flys was a waste since I'm trying to gain mass.
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

Originally Posted by TimelessFlight

Ok guys I'm going to the gym today for about an hr. What should I do? I'm just looking to bulk up a lil. Any machines or free weights I should do?

I need a internet trainer lol

bench, incline, decline, chest flys, dips, pushups not sure if you wanna add shoulders as well

I haven't benched in yrs. How do I go about that if I haven't done any kind of benching in yrs?

lift the bar just to get your form back....then you can start out light bro, 45 on each side, if thats too heavy start with a 35 on each side

'preciate that. I forgot to ask, what are dips?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

damn everyone in here is going for the thin super cut look huh?

i used to want to get real big when i was still in school. i had a crazy strict regime with diet included. eating tons of food, all clean with the mealsbased around macro nutrient content. i went from a soft 145 to a lean muscular 162. i couldn't get any bigger. and now i fight at 140-145 so i can'treally get bigger than 160 or cutting just gets to be too draining.

i will say this at 5'8 being my most muscular and lean at 162 sucked clothing wise. i already have trouble finding shirts that fit because i have broad+$# shoulders, so finding a shirt that fits my shoulders leaves me swimming in the rest of it most of the time. but the worst was pants, i wore regular jeans,not baggy or skinny, and my legs and butt were too big for the jeans of my waist size. having to buy jeans that fit your legs and not your waist is not a goodlook when you are 5'8.
Originally Posted by Prez T

good stuff wj4 . ive NEVER had a girl initiate convo w me at my gym back home (granted ive only been back for about 2 mos) . im convinced chicks are intimidated by me . the only time chicks ever initiate convo w me is on some REALLY bold

Cobra - put the work in my man
Come on, man. Most chicks at the gym just want a flat stomach, you on the other hand...look like you about to enter the octagon for the lightweight title.
I'm sure they're intimidated as well.

To the person asking..dips..


As with all other stations, focus on form over reps. I always see dudes get this male competition thing where they try to up the ante on the last person usingit.
Prez T,

could you shed some light as to what the hell you do to get your abs on point like that?

a eating chart, weight routine, tips, advice...something
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

also with flies , try twisting your wrists towards you when you bring ur arms together , it helps pinch the pecsmore
been trying to keep up with this thread, but it's growing way too damn fast...
true story...i'm 5'11'' weighed 130 two years ago...some ex-marine got me into lifting...gained 20lbs in a year...most i weighed since was170...slowed down a lot since the beginning of '09...
I never do abs anymore, but when i was lifting daily i didn't need to...all the other excercises were helping me develop a strong core...
Free weights > bar/weight machine...the ability to balance the dumbells will help you gain in other muscles
Probably the best ab workout i've done though is using the tricep cable rope...
get the rope and hold it behind your head...get on your knees and move about a foot and a half away from the weight and pull your head to your knees...alsoworks the back...
i think crunch's are a waste of time...lot of work for little results...back with some pic's in a couple of days...
Ay, I hit a mean plateau and I don't even eat that much, do you think I'm not losing anymore because I don't eat enough? I'm 6'0 210 andusually get in at least 3 solid hours of full court daily and something quick resistance related, though I gotta get back into the weight room morereligiously.

Like this is what I ate yesterday. 8am I had a yogurt, 96 cals, 9g of protein, no fat. Then I hooped from about 11 to 5. 5:30 had a can of Chef Boyardee's99% FF ravioli with a melted FF cheese in it and cut up FF weiners. That totals 446 cals, 29g of protein, and 4 grams of fat. After I got out the shower about6 I ate a cup of FF milk 124cals, 13g protein and a scoop of whey 111,22, 1.5. About 8 I had 2 slices bread, 90/6/1 and 2 peices of turkey, 40/10/0. That makesmy day total 908calories, 89g of protein, 6.5g of fat.

I know I should eat more but it's impossible timewise since I don't eat within 4 hours of hooping or I feel heavy unless it's something very lightlike yogurt. So even on weekdays when I hoop at 6:00, my last meal will have been at lunchtime around 12:30 and I don't eat dinner til I get back at like10 then go to bed.

I messed with some of those calorie estimator things and they say I should be eating 3000+ calories and like 200-250g of fat or something, and I just can'tconvince myself that it's Ok to eat that much calories or fat. An average day I'm probably around 1300/125/6 cals/protein/fat
unsaturated fat are very good for you dude

nuts, fish, vegetable oils, etc. all have a lot of them

saturated fats (in meat, especially red meat, butter, milk, etc.) are what you want to avoid

don't avoid carbs or anything, but make sure they are complex carbs from whole grains, not simple carbs like sugar, white flour, etc.
who's lightskin 2 long ?

ok so here is what i do for abs :

superset 5 exercises x 2 sets (superset means no rest in between the exercises in each set)

superset exercise 1 - two-part crunch w/ a twist (this is basically a normal crunch , but once you bring ur upper body to ur knees and briefly PAUSE (part 1) , you twist ur upper body to either ur left or right side (part 2). one rep consists of completing the two part crunch to ONE side , coming back down , and then completing it to the other side)
- 10 reps

superset exercise 2 - seated ab twist ( you should have your feet in the air though . only your butt should be touching the ground)
- 10 reps (each rep consists of twisting to the left AND the right)
- for beginners you dont need to use any weight , just move your hands from side to side

superset exercise 3 - bicycles
- 10 reps (each rep consists of twisting to the left AND the right)

superset exercise 4 - side crunches ()
- 15 reps each side

superset exercise 5 - not sure of the technical term for this last one (lay flat on your back with your legs straight . bring both ur upper body and legs up to meet , bending your legs at the knees as u bring them up so that when ur upper body and lower body touch , u are in the same position u are in when u do a normal crunch . then bring both ur upper and lower body back down)
- 10 reps
try to take about 2 -3 min in between the two supersets . at first , you might wanna just do a single superset ,because if you arent used to doing a lot of ab exercises your abs might start cramping up from doing so many in a row . you can also incorporate another abexercise when you are resting that works your transversus abdominis (the ab muscles behind the '6 pack') . working them definitely helps withdefinition :

transversus abdominis exercise (done during rest and after the 2nd superst is done) :
1. stick your chest out somewhat , and breath in a large amount of air (allowing your stomach to expand)
2. while still keeping your chest sticking out , breath out the air for abour 3 secs . when breathing out the air , suck andhold your stomach in WITHOUT flexing your rectus abdominis (where the front abs or '6 pack' is)
3. do 15 reps of this

for me , i do abs at the end of every workout (i lift 2 days in a row and then take a day off) . i do exercises 2 and 5 with a35lb plate , but at first i did everything without weights . hope this helps !
I'm still confused on this whole workout thing.

How many workouts do you guys do for each muscle?

Like for biceps, I'll do either 2 or 3 different workouts. Is that too much or too little?

I'm mainly interested in my chest though. All I do are DB Press and Flys.
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