Store Owner In Brooklyn Apparently Caught Receiving DOG MEAT Delivery

I've got two dogs at home myself. I couldn't imagine going that route. But, i eat ***, pork, fried gizzards, to name a few. My.opinion doesn't mean **** :lol:
World hunger would end if everyone was ok with eating rabbits. But those little buggers are too cute.
Yall cali cats still need some of that fire?


prefer that ^

over this

I have had rabbit a many times

Especially as a kid.

I like the taste, but yeah, I'm not eating them now partially because I find them so adorable. :lol:

People in rural Lucia and some other Caribbean islands eat opossum too. Never was and never will be on that wave. Hell no
World hunger would end if everyone was ok with eating rabbits. But those little buggers are too cute.

I had rabbit stew at Providence spot like 4 years back. I was hesitant at first but it was delicious.

I could never bring myself to eat a dog, because I grew up with them. Although I can see both sides of the argument as it pertains to other livestock.

I'm a hypocrite though. I couldn't fathom killing an animal with my bare hands unless it was life or death. Eating one is different. Out of sight out of mind :lol:
World hunger would end if everyone was ok with eating rabbits. But those little buggers are too cute.

rabbit is hella good, man.

in high school I was in FFA and we raised rabbits for show at the county fair. after the fair towards the end of the school year for our banquet we threw them on the grill and ate them. it was hella good.
:lol: Word.

And these faux dog activists can miss me with that “it’s wrong” ****.

Fido can def catch this fade if it came down to it. It’ll be Gray’s Papaya in this *****.

If it came down to it, what about corpses? The elderly? :nerd:
rabbit is hella good, man.

in high school I was in FFA and we raised rabbits for show at the county fair. after the fair towards the end of the school year for our banquet we threw them on the grill and ate them. it was hella good.

Just found this out as well. I was in a buffet while travelling They had rabbit meat. Tasted like chicken to me. Then my friends and I were talking about how rabbit can solve world hunger since rabbits multiply like crazy.
I’d try dog .. parents got a water buffalo that’s almost like a dog and one day imma have to eat him but I will enjoy his tender meat.. dude loves to be scratched
I’d try dog .. parents got a water buffalo that’s almost like a dog and one day imma have to eat him but I will enjoy his tender meat.. dude loves to be scratched

yo where in the invite i'll like to be there when you have murk him. I'll say prayer on your behalf.
I would like to get into hunting and fishery as a hobby, but i dont have any kind of training or skill to do that. However i willing to learn. Ive been to sports academy and got curious one day but then i realize man i need tons of money to get this thing going. Soon though, but ill like to go under someones wing and let them train me on how to shoot a deer, duck, etc..

Where the hell do you live lol
yup fishing and hunting is an expensive hobby..

my parents moved to coweta Oklahoma and got a nice little 3 acre place and got a bunch of chickens and four/5 water buffaloes .. love it down there for the hunting and fishing .. but still Southern California more tho
My parents already killed two water buffaloes before .. take a rifle and shoot them in the head and then take the tractor and lift them up to cut them up ... shoot sika(so?) deer on a private ranch from Texas wasn’t bad too if y’all ever get the chance .. expensive though
My parents already killed two water buffaloes before .. take a rifle and shoot them in the head and then take the tractor and lift them up to cut them up ... shoot sika(so?) deer on a private ranch from Texas wasn’t bad too if y’all ever get the chance .. expensive though

i don't leave on acre's of land to do that, lmao. But dang that sounds like a lot of work.
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